Marcel Then: Just curious of your experiences, I'm 22 weeks, 1st time mom and wondering how things will go.
Dee Depung: I do since taking my son to the doctors the other day. Even though everything checked out fine. I am just concern about him gaining enough weight. Even though he is where he should be at. Not over or under. I cant get these thoughts out of my head.
Joey Mekeel: It's recommended to wait until they're two, and I fully planned on waiting that long, but ultimately, his legs were just getting so squished as he grew. I held out until he was about 17 months, then faced him forwards. I admit, I really enjoy having him face front, but hold off as long as you can. You'll know when he's getting too long to face backwards.
Jannie Ariola: if safety is your priority - then keeping your child rear facing till your child reaches the height or weight limits set by the seat (which could easily go well beyond 2 years old).1 year and 20lbs is the ! absolute bare minimum in safety for car seats to be turned forward facing, and im sure that the bare minimum isnt good enough for your child.2 years and 30lbs is the new recommendation - but to be safest, keep them rear facing even longer. my son was able to ride rear facing in a true fit till 2y5m when he hit the 35lbs weight limit - but he had TONS of head room left!...Show more
Davida Gisriel: I'm expecting my first in November and I was confused on this issue also. Thanks for a great question!
Roselee Mczeal: Ha, I used to put my hand under my baby's nose to feel he still breath when he was sleeping. I guess we are all experience our new role in our life. so Be cool.
Arlen Decorte: It is a min requirement for babies to be both 1 and 20 pounds before they can forward face, however, it is highly recommended that you continue to RF children until at least 2 and 30 pounds. We made the choice to RF as long as possible, we didn't make it to 2, but we made i! t to 22 months.
Elden Bardach: Legally it is still 1 yea! r and 20 pounds in most states- these laws are sorely unsafe and outdated.Rear facing until 2 is a new minimum, and rear facing until 4 years of age or older is preferred if the child still fits within the height and weight limits of their convertible seat.
Dick Baumgarten: dry pills did exist, I'm not sure if they still have them ,because of some other symptoms. I had the same problem, what my doctor recomended is:put ice pucks on your brest,tight with sports bra, for 24/7 , for few days and you'll get rid of the milk. It helps, I didn't have any milk after that. just try it,it will not kill you.good luck!!
Antonia Mogg: I havent breast fed at all, but i'm leaking like crazy (i know gross!) I was wondering how long I'll be leaking or producing breast milk if i'm not breastfe! eding. What are some ways to help with it to stop? My mom told me to call my ob and get dry up pills or something, do those even exist? thanks!
Augustus Sarria: why don't u just pump it out and give it to the baby (u might be able to borrow a pump) will help u loose so much weight and the baby gets all that good milk ur wasting...i pumped because feeding was so time consuming for me and it worked just fine...i lost all my baby weight in about a im dry after two months...don't waste such a good thing because of latching problems...u make the milk for a reason...
Amina Motzer: yes i do ! and its just normal for us mommies...
Roland Stampley: I'm a Neonatal Intensive Care nurse and if you don't express the milk, you'll stop producing it. It's supply and demand basically...if the baby's not using it, you'll stop producing it. In the mean time..the pills do exist even though I'm not sure what they're called.
Gaynell Pizzaro: You DO need ! to call your doc & get him/her to prescribe you something. And do it so! on, I went through that and ended up with blood poisioning in my breast because I waited too long. Rare, but it does happen. Also, wear a very tight bra & don't let the HOT water hit you too much when you shower. Good luck honey & congrats..
Ulysses Failey: 20 lbs and 1 year old is the bare minimum to flip the carseat around...but staying rear facing is much safer and child would have less injury in event of accident.
Lino Cawthorne: Gross?! I never thought breastfeeding was gross but I also never thought I'd do it until I had my baby and decided it was the best thing for him. It was the best decision I had ever made! Unfortunately I had to stop due to medical reasons. I cried for days because I missed the closeness that comes from it.( I hate the bottle!!) Please give it a try! It also helped me lose 30lbs in a couple of weeks!
Rebeca Mckin: Well, my princess was a couple of weeks early. And the house was so MESSY. Like a tornado came through. So the day ! before I came home, my husband's family and friends came over and got it sooooo spottless. They also bought the things I still had to get, diaper geinie, more diapers, wipes, butt paste, small things. You know. Anyway, the house was ready when I got home and when I got here, some friends were here, to welcome baby home. It was great. Cari didn't cry and she was such a delight. THe breast feeding was a nightmare, considering she was barely 6lbs and that was because she was so long. She kept falling sleep.So we had to go get formula. And the only thign that pissed me off that day was our old neighbor coming over and giving me a tutorial in motherhood. I mean I know she was trying to help, but walking in the room when I said "i'm breastfeeding, dont' come in," and trying to help me breastfeed was a little invasive. And then she TAUGHT me to change a I was very annoyed with her. But altogether, it was great. Unreal. But heavenly.
Lucrecia Laurito: The LAW i! s that babies need to stay rear facing for a year and 20 pounds. It is! recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics for babies to stay rear facing until they are two years old. It is a lot safer for a baby to stay rear facing. Search "rear facing vs forward facing" on you tube to give you a very visual reason why.
Caryl Mclaen: Ok I know this sounds weird but I have done it and it works!!! Cabbage leafs.... I swear I am not lying. When you are at home lay cabbage leafs across your breast, or put them in your bra. They naturally help reduce your milk flow. And for swelling pain use a bag of frozen peas, or what ever you Have in the freezer. I swear it works, I just used this after I weaned my little girl. and it really make the "drying up" process bearable.
Christiane Cattano: hmm. this is a difficult question to answer. The reason I say this is because for the next ten years you could still have milk. It wont be leaking, but it will come. I dont know about the pills, but pump until you can get them. You should really try br! eastfeeding. Its great that you have it, a lot of women cant produce enough to feed their children. It is the healthiest thing for your baby!!!
Alecia Kaehler: It is normal, especially with your first baby. On top of kicking worrying into overdrive, motherhood also kick-starts the guilt part of your brain too!
Ardelia Liptow: well when i was weaning my baby off, i just put cold gel packs on them, and eventually it stopped, but you will be leaking for a while. i loved breastfeeding, but i couldn't after a while because of complications. Good luck and congrats- you have a long road ahead of ya :)
Roni Kurz: The law says your baby has to be a year old and at least 20 pounds to face forward. It is advised that you wait until your child is two, but it isn't mandatory. The reason is because at a year old, some children still don't have strong enough necks to support their head if you have to slam on your breaks. If they are still in a rear-facing, then you don'! t have to worry about their heads flying forward. You can purchase a fr! ont/rear facing car seat that can be used for both, so your baby is sitting up more and still facing rear. Then, when he/she is ready, just turn it around to front-facing....Show more
Chanda Wittwer: The law says 1 yr and 20 pounds is the minimum. This is based on crash test studies from 20-30 years ago. The law is seriously outdated and unsafe. The AAP now recommends that babies RF to age 2 and 30 pounds to be the safest for their little necks and weak spine. in 30 seconds in this video, you can see the effects of an accident with a side-by side comparison of RF vs FF, and you will keep baby rear-facing to the seat limit.
Pamela Meno: they do exist...also u should wear a tight fitting sports bra use ice packs to help swelling while the milk production stops. do not stimulate them at all if possible while in th! e shower etc...if its out of control u can ask the ob for advice and maybe the prescription. on the other hand the baby can thrive on this oversupply if u gave breastfeeding a chance its natures perfect food made just for baby. it also helps you by burning calories and long term benefits like reduced risk of breast cancer. but if u dont want to then just do the other things. good luck with the baby
Ollie Hamiel: I mean it wouldnt be a big deal, except I have to change my breast pads really frequently and It often soaks through to my shirt and its an embarssment. I chose not to breastfeed because the baby had a problem latching on. I tried for a few days and it came to the point that the baby was losing too much weight and the doctor told me to suppliment with formula and keep trying.. but when I got home she still wouldnt latch on.
Jarrod Darnall: It's called 'Motherhood'.A good Mother worries about her baby and wants what is best for them. It's normal =]'Obsc! essing' isn't 'normal' .. but 'worrying' about your baby is totally nor! mal! =]
Shawnna Kusky: The law is still 20 lbs AND one year old. But it is reccomended to keep baby rear facing until 2 for safety reasons. This just came out in the last month or so, so it's not law yet. It probably will be eventually.
Mildred Pombo: Yep, no one tells you all about the gross stuff when your pregnant. . . There is a quick natural way to do this (I've done it after I decided to stop breast feeding my 3 children).Fist you buy an ACE Bandage; you know like the kind you use to wrap your ankle or kneed after a sprain; but you wrap it around your chest/breasts tight but not to tight that you feel like you will pass out. Your breast will swell and be uncomfortable, but hang in there for 1 - 2 days. After the second day you should be all dried up and no more leaking, or producing any more milk.
Benita Nancy: Yes and every mother do ( ) ( )
Frederic Engellant: The law is 1 year and 20 lbs. But every reputable medical source recommends re! ar facing for at least 2 years. At one year old a child still doesn't the neck strength to absorb the force of even low impact collisions. This leads to internal decapitations in infants and young toddlers. The safest thing you can do is rear face for as long as your convertible seat can hold.
Rebeca Mckin: yes it's motherly love:::::
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