Sharie Sommerville: It will change the way you watch tv. Directv has their own DVR with 100 hrs. of recording space.You can set it up to record every first run (you can include reruns if you want) program through the whole season. You can search for a program or movie you wanted to see and the DVR will find it for you if it is scheduled to play in the two weeks into the future.If you like you can record by time or channel too.You can keep all your recordings until you delete them or you run out of space. (hard to do with 100 hrs.You can also transfer recordings to a DVDR or VCR. (I do it all the time to DVD)The best part, while you are recording two shows simultaneously, you can be watching another show you have already recorded.Sold?...Show more
Betsey Muehlbach: Tivo service is more than just a digital VCR for your television. You can search for specific shows, actors, directors, and the Tivo service will search ALL of the channels that your currently receive for! you and tell you when shows with your specific needs air. Not to mention the online scheduling service, the home network service where you can hook the Tivo unit into your home network and are able to view your saved digital photos and listen to all of your mp3s from your living room or any television where your Tivo is hooked into.Plus, right now you can get a 80-hour dual tuner Tivo unit for about $40. With the dual tuner unit, you can record two shows at the same time (perfect for my wife and I - she likes to wattch Ugly Betty, where I like The Office and Earl - they are both on at the same time on Thursdays).I know i sound like a Tivo commercial, but I love the service. It changes the way you view television....Show more
Barton Slisz: i don't have a TiVO... but i have a DVR ... you have to subscribe to your local cable or satellite company to use it . i think it's worth it.
Corrina Faro: with tivo you dont have to program your shows manualy. with other s! ystems you do i.e. y=ou program comes on a differernt day or t! ime you have to go in and change it with tivo it does it automaticaly.
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