Thursday, 21 May 2020

When did your children start preschool?

Nancy Mansell: My son turns 4 August 31 and he'll be starting pre-K in September. I think anything earlier than that is too young. I can't stand a nosy MIL. Tell her to butt out and let you raise your child the way you see fit. For all she knows you may want to home school her!

Joan Stavropoulos: 2 is too young, I went when I was four or five

Pasty Cobbett: Eldest daugher started at 3 out of my own necessity ( working full-time). Younger two did not go to preschool.I did wait until my eldest was 3 though, just because by 3 she was talking well, and was able to say things accurately, if, worst-case scenario, she had something to tell me that wasn't good. I also was very fortunate that my Mom helped out a whole lot at the preschool. That settled my nerves a bit....Show more

Rebbecca Sorkin: Around my area you can't start them in an actual preschool until they are 3 years old. They don't start kindergarten here until they are 5 years old. That gives them ! two years in preschool. I never put my son in at all. He was very well adjusted. I put my daughter in at 4 years old and I honestly wish I would of put both my kids in at 3 years old. They don't really learn anything overly educational, but they have a lot of fun. They do learn to listen to their teacher and follow instructions. My daughter loves all the friends she has made and all the songs they have learned. It is a really positive experience for her and great prep for kindergarten. I personally think 2 is a bit young if you have options. I wouldn't of put my kids in at 2 years old if I had the choice. I couldn't see a 2 year old getting the full benefit of preschool. At my preschool it was also required that the child be potty trained. Keep in mind that it's not necessarily overly important either. The kindergarten teacher couldn't believe my son never attended preschool. He was just well socialized and did a lot of group activities....Show more

Lion! el Tanen: my daughter was 3 when she started pree schooland p! re-schools change alot over the years. So normally it would be 4-5 years. but nowr days it can be 2-5 years .

Dawn Saha: She doesn't need preschool at all. No child *needs* preschool. My children are homeschooled, never attended any 'preschool' outside of our once a week mom-run co-op... and they have all the academic and social opportunities they need.

Felicitas Phildor: Mine did not go to preschool until age 3. At age 3 they went for 2 1/2 hours per day, 2 days per week. Then at age 4 they went 3 days per week for 2 1/2 hours. Then they started Kindergarten at 5 and went to a half day Kindergarten. My twins actually did 3 years of preschool because they have a late year birthday (October). So they could have started Kindergarten at age 4 and would have turned 5 in Oct that year but we held them one more year in preschool and they were 5 when starting Kindergarten but turned 6 right after. My younger two did two years of preschool at 3 and 4 and then started ! Kindergarten as they have early year and mid year birthdays (Feb., Apr.)....Show more

Billie Bratchett: They started at 3. I don't have any regrets because they love(d) preschool, and they learned valuable things there.My youngest turns 3 at the end of February, and he will start preschool in August. My 4-year-old is currently in preschool. My oldest is in 1st grade, and occasionally, he tells stories of the fun times he had in preschool. Some of the kids he went to preschool with are in his class. I think it made him feel better on his first day of Kindergarten, too, that some of the kids he knew were in his class. Also, he was used to going to school, and being in that routine that preschool prepared him for.I agree with you, I think 2 is a little early. 3 or 3½ (depending on their birthday) is just right, imo....Show more

Providencia Jalbert: My children started at 3. It was a 2-year program that eased them into Kindergarten, and it worked out REALLY well fo! r them. They went half-days, a few days a week. They had to be toilet t! rained before entering the program, and my son was barely ready before classes started. I think 2 is too young. I know there are preschool programs for younger kids, but they always seem more like structured daycares than "school". And at 2, I would think she still benefits more from that one-on-one interaction and attention....Show more

Monica Voltin: That's another thing, I work with her every day (and her babysitter that watches her for a few hours 4 days a week does as well) on her numbers, letters, colors, shapes, etc. which I assume are the basics they teach in preschool...she is learning all of that steadily, doing really well actually, and I don't think she needs anyone else teaching her those things at this time.

Norma Marsalis: In FL, they have to be 4 as of Sept. 1st to go to Pre-Kindergarten. If I were you, I wouldn't send her earlier than you need to. . .that's precious time you have with her. She doesn't *need* schooling at age 2 other than what ! you are teaching her at home, in my opinion.

Irvin Guiles: It is too early. I was a preschool teacher, we didn't even accept kids until they were 2.5 and potty trained. Still, most of these little ones were not ready for such an environment.A daycare environment is better suited to kids that young. It's not an academic environment, it's a home environment. Providers are there to provide. A real preschool is there to teach, guide, and normally has more students so less one on one time to play the mommy role.I'm not going to be putting my kid in preschool at all. Ive already taught her what a preschool would and shes only 2 lol, you can too. ABC, numbers, colors, the works. No one is more qualifed to teach your child then you at this age. My only concern is socializing, which we do via play dates. When shes older, id like to put her in some classes like dance, where she will get structured excersise, work/play with kids her age, and where the parent isn't actively invol! ved. There's dance, gymnastics, swimming, karate, soccer, music.......S! how more

Georgianna Zollo: My youngest child started preschool when she was 3 and potty trained which was a requirement at the (private) preschool she attended. Classes were twice a week for 2 1/2 hours. The following year when she was 4, I enrolled her at the public pre-K (couldn't afford the private pre-K program...). Unfortunately, the public pre-K was very much like school (8am-3pm) which I think is way too long for a 4-year-old.I wouldn't consider putting a 2-year-old into preschool. My oldest child went to day care at that age because I was working full time. I was a SAHM with my youngest, so there was no need to put her in somebody else's care when she was so young.ETA: Preschool is not all about academics. Most parents do a great job teaching their children abc's, shapes, and colors. At preschool, children learn that they are not always the center of attention and that not everybody thinks that they are the greatest. That's the most important lesson there.2nd ! edit:"I just don't think she needs that extra academic OR social reinforcement right now."Your child is only 2. I totally agree!...Show more

Erica Bottaro: Three kids, three grandkids. And only the middle for each group went to preK because of language/speech/hearing issues. My boys all have excellent careers, one who didn't have preschool is going for his doctorate. Tell you MIL to butt out. Preschool even at age three has NO lasting benefits. PreK has shown long-lasting benefits to kids with disadvantages. Some tests have shown preschool does improve kids test scores later on...... but basically the improvement is so marginal preschool won't turn an average kid to a Harvard scholar. Oklahoma ha had universal preK for years. There tests show a 'B' student might get a 'B+', for an example. And down the road with college testing kids with no preschool got into the same colleges at the same rate as kids who had preschool. http://abcnews.go.com/2020/Stossel/Story?id=7! 07064...Two is far too young. Wait to the year before preK. If Grandma ! wants her in some program, have Grandma take her to classes like: dance, tumbling, gym, museum or zoo programs, library story time, or swimming. That will keep Grandma busy!...Show more

Carter Dewater: I never attended pre-school. My parents were worried that I couldn't read by the time I went into Kindergarten. By the first time they did standardized testing I believe in 2nd grade, I was reading at a 5th grade level. Especially with you working with your daughter, there is no benefit to sending her to pre-school if you would rather have her at home.*ETAHere's what she'll need to know for kindergarten http://www.scholastic.com/resources/article/ready-... If you want to work before then, great, send her to pre-k. If you want to stay home, great, teach her this stuff yourself....Show more

Floyd Labuda: My daughter turned 3 on October 6th and she started the 3 year old preschool class in the beginning of September when she still was 2. It's two days a week for 2 1/! 2 hours. She is advanced for her age, not bragging...just saying, and since she has an older sibling they allowed me to register her. Plus there were only 3 other kids registered for her age group so they felt she would do fine. It wasn't a big deal if they said no, I would have just waited until next year. She absolutely loves it and asks every morning when she wakes up if she can go to preschool lol. She will repeat the 3 year old class next year and probably the same thing when she is 4/5 since her birthday is soon after the district's cut off date and the elementary doesn't allow early enrollment. I do not regret putting her in preschool. If she wasn't ready, I wouldn't have even tried to start her but she was ready and loves learning....Show more

Dorethea Beaston: My son was 3 1/2 during preschool. My daughter will go next year when she's 4. I really don't see the need in doing it at 2 as long as you're working with her.

Jill Thomer: We're not doing prescho! ol.1) I know that I can teach her the necessary skills that she would l! earn in preschool.2) I don't believe that kids that young are going to socially teach eachother good skills until they're at least 4-6 years old. Before then, I believe she learns more from older kids that she plays with and from watching us, socially anyway. I've seen the little bullies on the playground who go to preschool, who form alliances and look at her oddly when she says they can all play....Show more

Adrian Sherlin: I was four when I started preschool.

Maria Bengston: My children were three. They went to a child-centered preschool where "academics" were not the focus. That's my preference. I think that children naturally learn through exploration and play. One of the pluses to preschool is that most parents can't afford to buy the variety of toys (blocks/building toys/art materials/puzzles etc) They have in a *good* preschool. There are more opportunities for dirty play and art. There is nothing wrong with preschool for a few hours a day, sev! eral days a week at three or four. I would go with a developmental preschool and ditch the Walmart workbooks, but like I said, that's my preference. I personally went to a preschool 45 years ago and LOVED the play time with other children, stories etc. That free play is much more important in a child's social development than a structured activity or sport. Unstructured play is where children learn to get along, share, take turns, communicate, without an adult leading their every move. A *good* preschool has plenty of unstructured play. I think that parents' pass on their anxieties about when (and in some cases *if*) they should separate from their children and not be the sole caregivers. Two is early. There is no need to rush this. Don't let your MIL rush you. But don't be afraid of it either....Show more

Ollie Hamiel: Well I know where I live my daughter will start kindergarten in September of 2013...so next year. Thats early enough to me. I see no reason! to send her before then. She learns at home with me and on play dates! with her friends.

Jackelyn Archut: 2 is too young i would wait til she is 4, child needs to be potty trained if not already and i dont know how well she talks but nowadays with all the bad things happening i wouldnt send my child to school until she was able to talk well enough to tell me what happens

Joan Stavropoulos: Preschool shouldn't be about academics at all, really.But no, my son never went. He did go to a play group that was informal with some other parent friends. We traded off who watched the kids on which dates. Worked great.

Abel Adger: I know it's not all about academics. She'll be going to preschool eventually, I just don't think she needs that extra academic OR social reinforcement right now.

Leora Klingelhoets: I started my oldest child in pre-school at age 3. He went for 2 years before he started kindergarten. I think that is was great for him to have 2 years. My youngest is now 2 and would love to put him into school now, since! he knows his ABC's and can count to 16. But I feel that if I just keep working with him that age 3 would be great. Pre-school can be costly, so 2 years before kindergarten is great.

Alecia Kaehler: your child will not be accepted into pre school untill she turns three...they usually start the september before they would start school. some nurserys have a pre school attached so if your child attends a nursery like that they will often have days where they integrate with the older children and the pre school teachers so that when they do move into pre school they are relaxed about it. i started my daughter at nursery when she turned 2 just for a couple of afternoons a week because i wanted her to be able to interact with other children her age. her progress came on leaps and bounds and she loved it. i would definately concider a few afternoons if you feel she is isolated from other kids but there is also no harm in waiting until she hits pre school age x...Show more

Dexter Dicostanzo: My 16 children started preschool at the age of 1! 7 and now at the age of 42 they are almost as smart as a third grader.

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