Friday, 15 May 2020

TiVo connected to PC?

Barton Slisz: Tivo is a stand alone device. It records to its own internal hard drive and plays back using its own hardware and interface software it plugs into your TV.Tivo Series 2 and 3 have a CableCARD system that allows for digital cable tuning and recording. These must be from your cable provider to allow you to decode the digital signal.Dual-tuner Tivos allow you to record 1 channel while you watch another.Tivo Series 2 and 3 also have the ability to use a high speed internet connection for updates and to allow you to setup recordings over the web. The high speed connection also allows you to have 2 or more Tivos share their video library throughout your house.It is possible to connect them to a PC and make DVDs but due to Digital Rights Management some shows will not be allowed for transfer. This is setup by the broadcaster not Tivo.Most cable providers have a Tivo-like system for a monthly fee but it is branded for only their network and you must return it if the! provider demands it. If you buy a Tivo it is yours. You own it. You only need to pay for either montly service $12.99, yearly service $99 or lifetime subscription as long as your Tivo works $399.$99 Series 2 with Dual-Tuner (internal cable decoder) + $399 Lifetime subscription = $498. This option is not HD but allows you to record 1 channel and watch another.You must get the CableCARDs from your provider to use on their network....Show more

Shon Almquist: Also, if I were to buy a TiVo would that take the place of a digital cable box? Or would I need a digital cable box AND a Tivo as well? This applies to my main question and just for general viewing with a TV.

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