Sunday, 31 May 2020

A Wordplay Question, Kinda?

Krystal Cordovano: I'm Prolifically proficient!

Roosevelt Pendill: Both - I am good at it and I like to do it a lot. mmmmmmmmm LOL

Ayesha Genova: proficiently prolific my dear ;)HUGS

Sherri Drakos: I am more proficient then prolific.

Darren Heling: I would say I'm more proficient myself.

Silvia Stclair: Is this it? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0PamtXZO70

Spencer Heidtbrink: Lady, you got it. Thanks. Tryin to find an old song, You can ring my bell.

Sook Hershkowitz: I think I am digitally dexterous and I love to put the fleshy organ that's in my mouth into other places as well. Does that count?

Comment appliquer un code de coupon Etsy

Comment appliquer un code de coupon Etsy

Créez un ordre. Avant de cliquer sur « Passer à la caisse », cliquez sur le lien bleu « Appliquer le code de bon d’achat » sous l’option de paiement.

Passez à la caisse, et complétez votre commande.

Entrez le code du bon de réduction. Cliquez ensuite sur le bouton « Appliquer ». Votre réduction s’appliquera maintenant à l’ensemble de la commande ! Le total de votre commande devrait maintenant être mis à jour.

Saturday, 30 May 2020

Does anyone want to know the trivia answers for US 99.5 for Saturday March 15,2008?

Jerrod Guilfoil: Yes, I do want the answers!! Thank you so much. You made my day!

Chadwick Schmelz: Hot Jobs Trivia Yahoo Hot Jobs...Find the right one! For 2500 Points: Under Career Tools, Work/Life Balance, who wrote the article "Employers who Make it Easier to be a Working Mom"? Visit their Website Congratulations! You received 2500 Points Employers Who Make it Easier to be a Working Mom By Caroline M. Levchuck Print EmailIM Bookmark del.icio.usDigg Working mother may be a redundant term because all moms work hard, whether it's in the home or out. But mothers with jobs face unique challenges every day. Thankfully, there are many employers who offer a supportive environment to help these women shine, personally and professionally.Read on for a closer look at how some of the U.S.'s largest employers are embracing working moms.1. Cisco SystemsWho they are: Founded in 1984, Cisco Systems is the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet. Cisco employs! more than 47,000 employees worldwide, 24 % of whom are women, and frequen...Show more

Russ Kiernan: Thanks musiclover.

Isaias Badgley: Hey, Girlfriend. Thanx---again. Havin' a good week-end so far??

Carli Watterson: Previous trivia Answers For Friday March 14,2008 - Champions Previous Answer: a) Jack and Jill Sawing FYI: A few Super Bowls have come close in the past, but none have gone into overtime to date.,Country Music Trivia Previous Answer Killin Time,Extraordinary Previous Answer:b) Empire State Building FYI: The 1,286 sentence quoted a high school student when asked what he had been learning at school. Guinness’s Book of World Records gives the longest sentence in English literature to James Joyce in his book Ulysses (4,391 words) ,Famous Firsts Previous Answer:a) 1741 FYI: The mustard was sold in glass bottles at the time. ,Villains of the Silver Screen Previous Answer:a) Cliffhanger...Show more

Barton Slisz: Thank you for your help. Th! e trivia answers work for 103.7 in Charlotte, NC. You are a! blessing.

Hong Hunkin: I did all mine this morning, but I do appreciate the time you spend doing it. I have to work early Mon-Fri and don't have the time. Plus I'm a single mom who has to get my daughter off to school. MUCH Appreciated.Ang

Lorine Helwick: Thank You Again ET

Justin Casten: Hot Jobs Trivia Yahoo Hot Jobs...Find the right one! For 2500 Points: Under Career Tools, Survey, what word appears in the drop down box for "Select a Job Category"?-Accounting/Finance,SpiralFrog Trivia Keep track of the Hottest Downloads on SpiralFrog.com! For 2500 Points: What is the first button to the right of "Home"? - Genres,Villains of the Silver Screen Gene Hackman won a Best Actor Academy Award in 1971 for his portrayal of the tough New York City narcotics cop, Jimmy Doyal, in the French Connection. In 1993, he won a Best Supporting Actor for playing a sadistic sheriff in the Clint Eastwood directed Western, Unforgiven. What was Hackman’s character’s! name? - A(“Little” Bill Daggett )...Show more

Robin Marchione: Look for this under surveys for US 99.5 March 15,2008 SaturdayNDP is looking for Male Participants. Upon completion of the survey, you will be registered for a chance to win $1000. 1. Would you be interested in voicing your opinion? Yes I would. Click on link. No thanks....Show more

Oswaldo Rayburn: Your question--Trivia rather than Artist, is fine. I prefer the short answers, but musiclover does a good job also. I appreciate everyone's input. Thanx Bunches!

Johnny Sirko: News trivia is c.) Become A Civic MayorThanks for the help

Coleman Ocegueda: musicloverThanks for all the help on the weekends and during the week.SpiralFrog TriviaKeep track of the Hottest Downloads on SpiralFrog.com! For 2500 Points: What is the first button to the right of "Home"?Country Music TriviaGeorge Jones is a top country singer with a reputation for his distinctive voice and phrasing. George Jo! nes released what album (title) in 1960? george jones salutes hank will! iams...Show more

Rick Duchane: Country Music Trivia Alabama is a Grammy Award-winning country music band. What was the name of Alabama’s 1997 CD? - Dancin On The BoulevardSource is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alabama_discographySpiralFrog Trivia Keep track of the Hottest Downloads on SpiralFrog.com! For 2500 Points: Under Concerts, you can search by Artist, City and WHAT? - Music News...Show more

Manie Labat: 3/15CHAMPIONS------------------A (0)EXTRAORDINARY----------B (1,286)FAMOUS FIRSTS-----------B (MUSTARD)VILLAINS-----------------------A ("LITTLE" BILL DAGGETTHOT JOBS---------------------GETTING STARTEDSPIRALFLOG-----------------YOUR PROFILEWORKS FOR RADIO TRIVIA!!!!;-)as3/16CHAMPIONS-------------C (63)EXTRAORDINARY------B (TEDDY BEAR)FAMOUS FIRSTS-------C (911)VILLAINS-------------------B (DR. RENE BELLOQ)HOT JOBS-----------------CAROLINE M. LEVCHUCKSPIRAL FROG------------VENUEWORKS FOR RADIO TRIVIA!!!!;-)as3/17CHAMPIONS-----------------B (29)EXTRAO! RDINARY---------A (TUTANKHAMEN)FAMOUS FIRSTS----------B (PEACH)VILLAINS----------------------B (MR BLONDE)HOT JOB----------------------IT OPERATIONS JOBSSPIRAL FROG--------------GENRESARTIST------------------------PAT GREENDEANS------------------------LOW FAT SKINNY COWTAYLOR-----------------------OUR SONGCOUNTRY--------------------1986.SLEUTH-----------------------BARWORKS FOR RADIO TRIVIA!!!!;-)asHAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!!!3/18CHAMPIONS---------------A (WIFE CARRYING)EXTRAORDINARY-------A (BICYCLE)FAMOUS FIRSTS--------A (ENTERPRISE)VILLAINS--------------------A (JAN. 13,1992HOT JOBS------------------RESUMEEDGE.COMSPIRAL FROG------------HIP-HOPCOUNTRY------------------SONGS FROM THE HEARTSLEUTH---------------------GREENARTIST-----------------------JASON ALDEANDEANS-----------------------HALF AND HALF CREAMERTAYLOR----------------------OPRAH WINFREYWORKS FOR RADIO TRIVIA!!!!;-)as...Show more

Ignacio Imbier: cool thanksSunday's code is DANCARB in case you need it!!!

Friday, 29 May 2020

Don't you guys want schools to teach the controversy?

Lana Uliano: I dont want my kids to be taught that the world is 6000 years old, when any sane person can see that it isn't

Ardath Templer: don't preach in my school and i won't think in your church

Libby Berkovitch: Don't forget to teach:The Stork Theory VS Biological Reproduction!Flat Earth VS Globe!Geocentric Universe VS Heliocentric Universe!Young Earth VS Ancient Earth!Demon Theory VS "Germs"...Show more

Dee Depung: I don't want public schools to teach a created controversey where there is none. When a threshold of Academic Scientists (University Professors) have a disagreement, then the controversey should be taught. Until then, no. So, let's make that threshold at around 20%, for teaching a controversey in the high school level. Higher level (College, Grad School) science courses can attack outside views, but one must learn the generally agreed upon canon before one can choose to reject it for more pseudoscientific ideas....Show more

Torrie W! eissenbach: I appreciate the humour. Trouble with alchemy is everyone would fail the practical test - turn lead into gold.I don't think creationism should be glossed over in biology lessons, it should be taught in the same way we teach about Lamarckism - a hypothesis that once seemed plausible to many people but has now been discarded....Show more

Shandi Wedge: who is it that decides the school curriculum in the first place. Is it the ones who shout the loudest. or use fear, that their agenda isnt taught they will run to the human rights commission?

Cornelius Thornborrow: If you don't know a little about all of it, then you will have a Dictator taking over calling evil good or vice versa calling good evil. Teach both good and evil regardless of what you call it. Just don't teach one theory of life without teaching the others. Don't be afraid of God. If God is real, no man can stop Him from coming back. And my friend, God is real - very real! And He says tha! t the earth is His and all that is in it.If we don't teach eve! rything we know then we are virtually brain washing. We have good teachers leaving the educational system, because they cannot mention the name Jesus. They can mention Hitler, Allah, Buddha, etc. This is stupid. We have foreign teachers teaching in American colleges that can't spell and their e-mail messages are illiterate and our students can't even understand them.The Educational Institutions have never proven that God doesn't exist and evolution comes no where close to proving that God doesn't exist.Knowing God doesn't alter teaching or learning.Put it all on the table and let the chips fall where they may! Don't be afraid of knowing - the good - the bad - and the ugly....Show more

Derrick Smsith: No, creationism isn't a science, and then you would have to teach all the other creation myths. Creationism can be taught in religion, but not in science.

Penelope Armond: Great Idea for the Debate Team or the Philosophy Class!But if you're teaching science, TE! ACH SCIENCE.

Donella Vasta: It's like raising a baby to learn English and Spanish and Japanese and Elvish at the same time. It's too confusing, I say keep it to that which we actually know and skip the things not based on real world observations and theories.

Lucien Hellerman: "Let the students decide"?!?!The entire POINT of education is that the students aren't yet QUALIFIED to make that determination...

Anibal Katayama: Schools are government funded labor machines. They are designed to pump out useful American workers, not free thinkers.

Comment identifier un angora turc

Comment identifier un angora turc

Remarquez une strie indépendante. Les angoras turcs sont des chats indépendants qui aiment faire les choses par eux-mêmes. Ils vous « parlent » parfois pour vous donner leur opinion sur la façon dont vous devriez faire quelque chose.

Vérifier les caractéristiques délicates. Les angoras turcs ont des traits très minces, longs et élégants. Les membres sont gracieux et la silhouette est mince. Certains considèrent l’Angora délicat en raison de ses petits os fins et de sa poitrine étroite.

Soyez patient. Trouver un Angora turc peut prendre un certain temps, puisqu’il s’agit d’une race peu commune. Si vous êtes intéressé à obtenir un chat d’un éleveur, sachez que puisqu’ils sont rares, le temps d’attente peut prendre un certain temps. Vous pourrez peut-être trouver un éleveur qui aura bientôt une porté! e, mais n’oubliez pas que vous devrez attendre jusqu’à 16 semaines avant d’obtenir votre chaton.

Vérifiez s’ils aiment nager. Tout comme le van turc, de nombreux Angoras turcs apprécient l’eau plus que le chat moyen. Un Angora turc peut aimer jouer dans l’eau ou se baigner de temps en temps, et peut même essayer de vous rejoindre sous la douche ou dans le bain !

Recherchez un pelage long et soyeux. Les angoras turcs sont connus pour leurs beaux manteaux chatoyants et soyeux. Leur pelage est long, mais il sera plus court en été. Pendant l’hiver, les poils poussent beaucoup plus longtemps, surtout autour de la crinière et des pattes. La queue est plumée.

Voyez si le chat est de petite taille. En plus d’avoir des traits délicats, les angoras turcs ont tendance à être du petit côté. Ils peuvent être de petite à moyenne taille, pesant de 5 à 9 livres (2 à 4 kg).

Remarquez la forme des traits physiques. Les angoras turcs on! t des têtes en forme de coin qui s’effilent près du menton! . Ils ont de grandes oreilles pointues, un cou et des torses longs et minces. Leurs yeux sont grands et en forme d’amande. Les yeux se déclinent en plusieurs couleurs, dont le bleu, le vert et l’ambre.

Recherchez une variété de couleurs de robe. La couleur la plus courante pour un Angora turc est le blanc. Cependant, les éleveurs ont commencé à essayer d’autres couleurs. Ils peuvent aussi être disponibles en bleu, noir, rouge et crème, ainsi qu’en écaille de tortue, bleu-crème, maquereau tabby, tabby tacheté ou bicolore.

Cherchez un chat qui aime courir et jouer. Les angoras turcs adorent danser et jouer avec des jouets. Ils ont un fort instinct de chasse, donc ils sauteront sur de fausses souris et de faux oiseaux, et même sur les pieds de leur propriétaire. Ils aiment courir partout, surtout s’ils courent après des jouets.

Attendez-vous à un chat sociable, extraverti, avec des tendances alpha. Les angoras turcs sont des chats act! ifs qui aiment être entourés des autres. Ils n’aiment pas se divertir et s’attendent à ce que leurs propriétaires interagissent souvent avec eux. Ils s’ennuient facilement s’ils ne reçoivent pas toute l’attention qu’ils veulent. Ils aiment prendre les choses en main et diriger tout le monde autour d’eux.

Essayez l’adoption. Au lieu d’aller chez un éleveur, pensez à adopter un Angora turc. Ils sont relativement rares, mais vous pouvez consulter les refuges locaux et les sites Web d’adoption d’animaux domestiques. Petfinder et Adopt-a-Pet peuvent vous fournir des annonces d’Angoras turcs à vendre.

Trouvez un éleveur. Si vous voulez adopter un Angora turc d’un éleveur, trouvez un éleveur de bonne réputation. Les angoras turcs sont une race naturelle rare. Le prix d’un animal de compagnie Turkish Angora varie d’environ 150 $ à 400 $ US. Si vous voulez un chat qui est digne d’exposition, ils vont de 700 $ à plus de 1000 $! US. Les Angoras blancs aux yeux bleus sont les plus rares et les plus ! chers.

Thursday, 28 May 2020

What are some universities in South Carolina that offer study abroad programs?

Idell Mulliniks: Have you ever thought that you should just go for it and study abroad at The American University of Paris - http://www.aup.edu/academics/undergraduate/majors or try for London School of Economics and Political Science where you would attend university in a foreign country on a full time basis.The University of South Carolina does offer a study abroad program - http://www.sc.edu/admissions/learn/studyabroad.htm......Show more

Comment faire un parfum à la vanille et à la cannelle dans une pièce

Comment faire un parfum à la vanille et à la cannelle dans une pièce

p>La vanille et la cannelle sont une combinaison classique. Le parfum qui en résulte est chaleureux, accueillant et rappelle les biscuits frais. En fait, de nombreux agents immobiliers recommandent aux propriétaires de mettre un pot de vanille et de cannelle sur le feu avant d’inviter des acheteurs potentiels dans leur maison. Malheureusement, ils ne disent pas toujours comment créer une odeur de vanille et de cannelle. Heureusement, il existe de nombreuses façons simples et faciles d’en créer un.

Ajouter la cannelle et l’extrait de vanille. Si vous utilisez une casserole plus grande, vous pouvez doubler ou même tripler la quantité de vanille et de cannelle. Pour une autre couche de parfum, ajouter 6 clous de girofle entiers.

Ajouter environ 3 cuillères à soupe de vodk! a. Si vous ne trouvez pas de vodka, vous pouvez aussi essayer l’hamamélis ou l’alcool à friction.

Songez à mettre le parfum en évidence. Ce parfum n’est que temporaire, mais vous pouvez quand même le rendre plus joli en le mettant dans un autre contenant (chauffé). Faites d’abord bouillir le mélange, puis essayez l’une des solutions suivantes :

Placez des roseaux ou des brochettes de bambou dans la bouteille et laissez-les tremper. Il se peut que vous ne remarquiez pas de parfum tout de suite. Il y a encore un pas de plus à faire. Pour l’instant, tu trempes juste les roseaux.

Fermez la bouteille et secouez-la pour mélanger. Cela aidera à répartir les huiles essentielles dans tout le bicarbonate de soude. Continuez à secouer jusqu’à ce que vous ne voyiez plus de grumeaux dans le bicarbonate de soude.

Inversez les anches de façon à ce que les extrémités imbibées dépassent de la bouteille. Sortez les roseaux de la boutei! lle et faites-les tourner. Replacez les extrémités sèches d! ans la bouteille et placez la bouteille sur une table. Votre chambre finira par avoir un parfum doux, vanille-cannelle.

Ouvrez la bouteille et remplissez-la d’eau jusqu’au bout. Essayez d’utiliser de l’eau distillée ou filtrée si possible. L’eau du robinet contient trop de minéraux et de produits chimiques, ce qui peut affecter la pulvérisation.

Laisser bouillir pendant une minute, baisser le feu à doux et laisser mijoter. L’ébullition permet aux épices de libérer leur parfum, tandis que le frémissement gardera le mélange chaud et parfumé. Le mélange perdra son parfum s’il devient froid.

Ajouter les huiles essentielles. Vous pouvez utiliser à parts égales de l’huile essentielle de vanille et de cannelle, ou vous pouvez jouer avec des proportions différentes. Par exemple, vous pourriez faire 7 gouttes d’huile essentielle de cannelle et 5 gouttes d’huile essentielle de vanille. Vous avez besoin de 12 gouttes d’huile au to! tal.

Utilisez l’odeur de la pièce aussi longtemps que vous le souhaitez, puis conservez-la dans un pot. Vous pouvez le réutiliser 2 à 3 fois de plus. Après cela, l’odeur sera trop faible et vous devrez en créer une nouvelle.

Remplir une petite casserole aux trois quarts d’eau et porter à ébullition. Cette odeur de pièce ne fonctionne que tant que le poêle est allumé. C’est une excellente option si vous voulez rafraîchir votre maison avant l’arrivée des invités.

Verser l’eau dans un flacon diffuseur. Essayez d’utiliser de l’eau distillée si possible, car l’eau du robinet contient trop de produits chimiques et minéraux, ce qui peut affecter le résultat de votre diffuseur. Si nécessaire, utilisez un entonnoir pour guider l’eau dans la bouteille.

Fermez le flacon, secouez-le pour le mélanger, et vaporisez-le dans votre pièce ou dans le rembourrage. Le bicarbonate de soude et les huiles peuvent se séparer avec le te! mps, vous devrez donc agiter la bouteille chaque fois avant de l’util! iser.

Fermez la bouteille et secouez-la pour mélanger. Boucher la bouteille avec un bouchon de liège ou votre doigt. Si la bouteille est livrée avec un bouchon à vis, utilisez-le à la place. Secouez-le vivement pour combiner les ingrédients, puis rouvrez-le à nouveau.

Verser le bicarbonate de soude dans un petit vaporisateur à l’aide d’un entonnoir. Si vous n’avez pas d’entonnoir, vous pouvez en faire un simple en enroulant une feuille de papier en cône. Le bicarbonate de soude a de merveilleuses propriétés désodorisantes.

Recouvrir la casserole d’eau toutes les 30 minutes. N’oubliez pas de garder un Å"il sur la marmite. Si l’eau s’évapore, votre pot va brûler ! Vous n’avez pas besoin d’ajouter d’herbes supplémentaires dans la casserole.

Ajouter les huiles essentielles. Vous pouvez utiliser des parts égales d’huile essentielle de vanille et d’huile essentielle de cannelle, ou vous pouvez en utiliser un peu pl! us ou un peu moins de l’une d’elles. Par exemple, si vous aimez vraiment le parfum de la vanille, vous pourriez faire 7 gouttes d’huile essentielle de vanille et 5 gouttes d’huile essentielle de cannelle. Vous aurez besoin de 12 gouttes d’huile au total.

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Where should i study abroad?

Roxane Leathers: I'm from the UK, and I studied abroad in California and France. The experience you have in other countries is completely different. My sister is at university in Leicester and it is nothing like the "normal college experience in the US". The drinking age is 18, for starters. Teaching is very different. In the UK you're expected to do a lot more work on your own but this is usually research. You don't have quizzes or midterms. Often all your exams are at the end of the year and you follow the same courses right from September through to May. Student life is also pretty different. It centers around the Students' Union which has a bar, clubs and societies and elected officials. You can get all kinds of clubs and societies ranging from Rowing Team (Crew) to the Cocktails Appreciation Society (yes, my uni really has that). Cambridge and Oxford of course have the best reputations of all the schools in the UK which is why they're the most expensive. University o! f Leicester also has an okay reputation. The main difference is really the cities. Oxford and Cambridge are situated in beautiful old cities, historic buildings and on rivers. Leicester isn't. My sister really likes it but in a sort of ironic way. She once referred to it as "full of Midlandsy grimness". It's up to you and you should do more research on the internet but personally I would choose one of the more historic universities. They will also look great on your resume. Either way, it will be nothing like college in the US, and plus, you'll have excellent transport links to London and the rest of Europe so you'll get a lot of traveling done if you pick England.I've never been to Egypt or Australia but I do have a friend who lived in Cairo for a year and she absolutely loved it. She said it's beautiful and fascinating and you get to go out into the desert and see the pyramids. Transport to Europe would be more expensive (general rule, if you're interested in European tra! vel - if Ryanair flies there you can go to anywhere else Ryana! ir flies really cheaply, like $20 each way). That wasn't the most thorough answer but I hope it gave you some food for thought. Good luck with your study abroad, you will have a great time!...Show more

Lou Ravelo: Studying overseas is ordinarily the fine factor you might do. Traveling to different nations is excellent, however you aren't getting an absolute think of the tradition and society untill you reside there for a minimum of 1 / 4. You will be taught such a lot approximately special cultures and approaches of lifestyles. It will rather difference your lifestyles. You will see America in a entire new gentle. You will rather revel in an additional nation and immersed in it. You would possibly not be watching at it like a traveler, who sees it as though he was once on the zoo looking. You shall be dwelling it, and finding out such a lot....Show more

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

When was special education started, why was special education started? 10 points will be awarded for the best?

Janeen Perona: Beginning in 1952, Civitans were the first to provide widespread training for teachers of developmentally disabled children.Special education is the education of students with special needs in a way that addresses the students' individual differences and needs. Ideally, this process involves the individually planned and systematically monitored arrangement of teaching procedures, adapted equipment and materials, accessible settings, and other interventions designed to help learners with special needs achieve a higher level of personal self-sufficiency and success in school and community than would be available if the student were only given access to a typical classroom education.Common special needs include learning disability, communication challenges, emotional and behavioral disorders, physical disabilities, and developmental disabilities.[1] Students with these kinds of disabilities are likely to benefit from additional educational services, different ! approaches to teaching, and use of technology...Show more

Heidi Creselious: how that's now became into began in 1972 with a regulation referred to as PL ninety 4-142. It became into began to maintain particular scholars from being discriminated against in a vogue that should maintain them uneducated. The regulation mentioned they had as a lot desirable to gaining information of as all and sundry else, they could no longer be put in a room on the tip of the corridor and ignore approximately. lookup the regulation for greater information.

Comment obtenir le Wizard101 Wizard101 Waterworks

Comment obtenir le Wizard101 Wizard101 Waterworks

Cet étage est presque fini. Il y a 2 bandes de pompiers et 2 vies. Sortez-les facilement. Ne vous laissez pas embrouiller par l’icône de la lune ; elles sont toujours en feu.

Va à l’usine de traitement des eaux. Ce donjon est pour les niveaux 60 et plus.

La dernière personne n’est jamais encrée par Luska Charmbeak, le premier patron avec 21 150 points de vie. Il est équilibré, mais la dernière personne n’est jamais encrée. Laissez le magicien de la vie passer en dernier s’il est bon à la guérison si vous êtes le dernier et non la vie. Ne pas utiliser de pièges.

L’étage suivant est 2 mobs balance et 2 vies. Après cet étage, allez au départ et activez la vanne.

Vous êtes maintenant au dernier boss avec 24,980 points de vie et 2 sous-fifres, la mort et le feu, 8190 points de vie et 656! 0. Tu devrais maintenant prendre la cape et les bottes.

Cet étage est un autre puzzle. Il n’y a pas de minuterie, il suffit de suivre l’anguille. Si vous activez le mauvais levier, vous allez devoir combattre 4 monstres avec des talents de tricheur.

Compléter les 3 étages. Les deux premiers sont des planchers mafieux. Le suivant est le plus dur, mais ce n’est pas une bataille. Ouvrez les palourdes, mais seulement les bleues. N’ouvrez pas les palourdes jaunes.

Maintenant vous êtes à l’étage suivant. Cet étage contient 2 death mobs et 2 fire mobs.

Rentrez à l’intérieur. Allez avec des amis parce que l’aqueduc est vraiment dur.

Après l’étage, vous êtes au premier patron. N’ajoutez pas de pièges sur lui à moins que ce ne soit le piège à tempête comme une tempête de vent. Vous devez utiliser une attaque entièrement ennemie si vous voulez une seule attaque.

Monday, 25 May 2020

Quotation Marks or Underlined?

Christopher Calcano: if it is typed it does not need to be. if it is written it needs to be underlined but not in quotation marks

Victor Macallister: I'm pretty sure they should be underlined.

Caleb Chapman: If you are quoting, use quotation marks. "The Black Cat and the Tell-Tale Heart." But if it's a heading or title, you should underline it.

Donte Schoenhals: They should be in quotation marks because they fall under the category of a short story.If they were there own individual story's, then they would be underlined.

If a dental problem?  

If a dental problem?  

answers 0:dental problem is causing severe tongue laceration and painanswers 1:then see a dentist ASAPanswers 2:But, you don't say what led up to the problem.answers 3:If it is because of a chipped or broken tooth then you can either see a Dentist to get it smoothed until you can deal with the problem or you can go to the drugstore and get dental wax (people with braces also use it) and put it on the tooth to keep it from cutting your tongue.

Sunday, 24 May 2020

Primary Care Physician?

Azalee Ahrendes: To become a primary care physician, you have to go through college and medical school. No easy task. Then you will have to go through residency, which for primary care physicians may be anywhere from 3 to 4 years, depending on what kind of primary care physician you want to become (Internist, family doctor). There are lots of medical schools throughout the country, but the competition to get into them is fierce, so make sure you work hard through undergraduate school and get a great gpa and MCAT score. Once you finish your residency and you are a full pledged doctor, you can find a job almost anywhere. That is something you will not have to worry about. No continued education is required, but you are expected to keep up to date with the advances in medicine if you want to be a good doctor. Becoming a physician is no easy task, so make sure you are ready to commit to this demanding career.If you are truly interested, I would recommend that you do independe! nt research on becoming a physician online through search engines ie. google, yahoo. You will get better, more detailed answers there.Best of luck....Show more

Debora Rinderer: I don't know exactly what criteria US News and World Reports uses, but they rank medical schools and primary care:grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/.Primary care specialties are generally recognized as Internal Medicine, Pediatrics and Family Practice. OB/Gyn is not strictly a primary care specialty, but they end up doing a lot of it anyway.Residencies take 3 - 4 years or so, jobs are readily available, some of which pay more than others. Most states require Continuing Medical Education (CME) as a condition of maintaining a license to practice medicine. The hours required are the same for all specialties. A typical requirement is 150 hours every three years of which 50 hours has to be in a formal setting. 100 hours can be obtained by reading, consulting, teaching residents or med stude! nts, or writing a research paper. Most hospitals and insurance! panels prefer or require board certification. Many specialty boards require a re-certification exam about every 7 years or so. Many hospitals offer weekly CME programs, often in several different departments; you can subscribe to various programs for a fee; you can travel to exotic places and attend an excellent three-day CME program while writing off part of the expenses on your taxes. If you don't read, you get horribly out of date fast....Show more

Comment faire le questionnaire Pokémon Shop

Comment faire le questionnaire Pokémon Shop

Marchez deux marches et deux marches plus haut. Vous devriez découvrir quelque chose qui ressemble à un papier.

Entrez dans n’importe quel magasin Poke. Prenons Petalburg par exemple.

Insérez les adaptateurs/câble.

Déverrouillez le cadeau mystère une fois que votre ami est arrivé.

Allumez le jeu. Au lieu d’appuyer sur Démarrer le jeu, vous aurez la possibilité d’activer le cadeau mystère. Cliquez dessus, et vous et votre ami recevrez un cadeau !

Quittez le questionnaire. Le vendeur vous regardera avec une exclamation au-dessus de la tête. Cette personne vous dira que vous avez déverrouillé le cadeau mystère. Cependant, gardez à l’esprit que cela n’est possible que si vous avez un ou deux adaptateurs sans fil d’un câble de liaison.

Cliquez sur le! bouton « Oui » après que l’ordinateur ait demandé « Remplir le questionnaire ? » Entrez les mots « Lier ensemble avec tous ». Il est plus facile de les trouver en les classant par ordre alphabétique.

Saturday, 23 May 2020

Will you check my grammar please?

Arlene Maycumber: I'm able to handle a higher education studies because I have the desire to improve my life and my knowledge.Moreover, I know how valuable an education is, not just related to life quality and money, but also the general knowledge and privilege to get a post-secondary education.I believe technology is and will continue to improve our society. I see technology as a huge opportunity to change society.On the other hand, business is a broad field which has helped society, years ago it created jobs and boosted economies around the world.That is the reason why I made the choice to go into Management Information Systems.I have many goals after to get a MIS degree. One of my main goals is to help Canadian companies in regards to outsourcing technology services and improving their business using information technology.Finally, I want to create a charity more able to help children in becoming computer literate and at the same time provide food to them....Show mor! e

Ester Bryand: I'm able to handle higher education studies because I have the desire to improve my life and knowledge. Moreover, I know how valuable education is, not just related to quality of life and money issues but also about the general knowledge and privilege to get a post-secondary education. I believe technology is improving and will still improve our society. I see technology as a huge opportunity to change society. On the other hand, business is a broad field which has helped society create jobs and boost economies around the world. That is the reason I choose to specialize in Management Information Systems. I have many goals after getting an MIS degree. One of my main goals is to help Canadian companies with outsourcing technology services and improve their business using information technology. Finally, I want to found a charity designed to help children with computer literacy and at the same time provide food to them.Hopefully, you're a non-native Engli! sh speaker, because the grammar was pretty poor....Show more

Cómo crear un Calder Mobile

Cómo crear un Calder Mobile

Repita el proceso para cada brazo.

Haz el primer brazo del móvil. Corte una hebra de 12″, enderécela, haga un gancho en forma de U y doble el gancho hacia los lados.

Desenganche el brazo de la herramienta. Manténgalo junto a la herramienta para determinar dónde tiene que hacer el bucle en este brazo.

Cuelgue el lazo del último brazo en un gancho en el techo.

Recorte las piezas de madera con una sierra de vaivén o una sierra de corte. Para un primer móvil, es bueno empezar con piezas de madera cuadradas simples medidas 2″ x 3″. Recorta 9 piezas.

Reúna sus materiales. Vea la sección «Cosas que necesitará» a continuación.

Prepara el cable. Con los alicates de punta de aguja, corte una hebra de alambre de 15″ y enderécela.

Haga la base del móvil colgante. En la base hay dos piezas de madera balance! adas sobre una hebra de alambre. Con los alicates de punta de aguja, corte otra hebra de alambre de 15″ y enderécela.

Taladre los orificios de suspensión. Sujete una pieza a la vez al banco de trabajo y taladre un orificio de 1″ de profundidad en el borde. La broca debe ser del mismo tamaño que el alambre.

Friday, 22 May 2020

How is the secondary education system in your country?

Hobert Dula: Meh, it's fine. Could be better, could be worse.Here in Ireland, it works out as three years studying for your Junior Certificate (a state exam, it's a test-run for your Leaving Cert) then two years studying for your Leaving Certificate, which determines whether or not you can qualify for the college course you wanted to do. It's six years altogether and can be taught either through English or Irish. Students who do State Exams through Irish are given more marks than students who study it through English.You have the option of doing a Transition Year between the end of your Junior Certificate and the start of your Leaving Certificate course. It's mainly about personal development; you do work experience, projects, trips, etc... It lasts a year and can be good, but a lot of the time schools don't organise enough stuff, you get bored and your mind slowly turns to mush.Overall I'd say it's a decent system, there are areas in which it's severely lacking, such as ! the teaching of maths, where so many students fail. Maths is the trick-knee for the education system in Ireland. The problem with that is the way it's taught. No one knows how to teach it any differently so we're stuck with it for the immediate future.Another problem I see is in English. You need to learn something along the lines of six poems (analysis and all) by eight different poets; so 48 poems all in all; and you will be tested on one. That definitely should be changed in my opinion, it's ridiculous to expect students to learn that much only to need one sixth of it in their exam.Grammar isn't taught with a great deal of focus, it's taken for granted, a lot of that would be due to time-management seeing as we have little enough time as it is to cover the course so going back over the basics isn't an option.A big problem for secondary education here (and I'm sure in many other countries) is funding. Several people have had to leave my school because the school couldn't ! afford to put on any of the classes they had chosen for their ! Leaving Certificate. The subjects that would be put on were chosen based on demand, and about a sixth of my class has had to leave. Most people didn't get all the subjects they chose, I got two out of three of my choice subjects so I'm reasonably happy. One thing I did notice is that non-scientific/practical subjects were the main ones that were put on, subjects that didn't get put on included art, music, religion, history, various languages (the school didn't even add many of the languages on the course as a choice), and so on. I don't know if that was deliberate or due to demand, can't get a straight answer out of the teacher in charge. He's very condescending and lies compulsively so it's hard to actually talk to him; which is less than helpful trying to sort out subjects that we'll probably need for college/university.Also the equipment is terrible, most of the scientific experiments we have to do and have recorded in a notebook are just copied from a textbook and we ju! st say we did it, simply because we don't have the equipment to carry many of them out.I'd say the exams are taken seriously by a vast majority of the people taking them. The stress young people are under during state exams is incredible! There are tears when a person comes out of an exam they think they messed up, breakdowns during study, study sessions of over eight hours (personal experience) and I'd say millions of euros are paid to tutors after school. There's always the small percentage who just waste the opportunity for education and simply slack off, making trouble, but that's the same in all countries I'd imagine. Most of the pressure comes from the student themselves. Parental pressure can be a strong factor but mostly it does come from the young people themselves. And so mental health suffers.But overall I think it's an alright system. It could clearly be better and I've only touched on some subjects that are taught badly, there are numerous of other subjects and! numerous other problems in the system (most of it political) but it's ! not the worst system and I think the fact that we can go to school at all and increase our knowledge is a positive thing. No matter how good or bad an educational system is it should always be improved. The best educational system still needs improvement so it can develop as humanity and the world develops.But one thing I think should be changed is that universally, the education of a person is basically trying to get them to memorise as much as they can! Whether they understand it doesn't really matter, it's just to get them to learn it off by heart so they can regurgitate it onto an exam paper. Get kids thinking for themselves (originally and critically) and you'll get a better developed world from this generation when they go to work.:)...Show more

Season Confalone: I recognise I am now not honestly answering your query however I am gob smacked by way of what you wrote. Primary schooling begins at three years of age and the federal government spends and typical of ! two% of the price range on schooling?! Have those men and women ( within the govt) received their heads firmly caught among their legs preventing the blood to their brains? What does the vast majority of the price range get spent on?

Ismael Sixon: Does that mean those people don't have an interest in studying/doing homework, or grammar isn't taught properly in the schools there?

Gwenda Micheals: Not so good. Many people can' t spell or construct a sentence properly. I live in the USA.

Serita Hefferon: Not so good. someone needs to educate these reporter trolls...

Raul Lushbaugh: It's okay. From 6th grade to 10th grade, we have to study ALL subjects. When we go in 11th grade, we get to choose a stream such as Commerce, Science or Humanities. In 12th grade, we have to give these exams called the Boards which are the most important exams and play a major part for college admissions. Boards used to happen in 10th grade too, but it was too much of stress ! on kids, so they removed it. There were many student suicides during Bo! ards because of the high pressure. That was the negative point. This is about private schools, I don't know about the government ones....Show more

Thursday, 21 May 2020

When did your children start preschool?

Nancy Mansell: My son turns 4 August 31 and he'll be starting pre-K in September. I think anything earlier than that is too young. I can't stand a nosy MIL. Tell her to butt out and let you raise your child the way you see fit. For all she knows you may want to home school her!

Joan Stavropoulos: 2 is too young, I went when I was four or five

Pasty Cobbett: Eldest daugher started at 3 out of my own necessity ( working full-time). Younger two did not go to preschool.I did wait until my eldest was 3 though, just because by 3 she was talking well, and was able to say things accurately, if, worst-case scenario, she had something to tell me that wasn't good. I also was very fortunate that my Mom helped out a whole lot at the preschool. That settled my nerves a bit....Show more

Rebbecca Sorkin: Around my area you can't start them in an actual preschool until they are 3 years old. They don't start kindergarten here until they are 5 years old. That gives them ! two years in preschool. I never put my son in at all. He was very well adjusted. I put my daughter in at 4 years old and I honestly wish I would of put both my kids in at 3 years old. They don't really learn anything overly educational, but they have a lot of fun. They do learn to listen to their teacher and follow instructions. My daughter loves all the friends she has made and all the songs they have learned. It is a really positive experience for her and great prep for kindergarten. I personally think 2 is a bit young if you have options. I wouldn't of put my kids in at 2 years old if I had the choice. I couldn't see a 2 year old getting the full benefit of preschool. At my preschool it was also required that the child be potty trained. Keep in mind that it's not necessarily overly important either. The kindergarten teacher couldn't believe my son never attended preschool. He was just well socialized and did a lot of group activities....Show more

Lion! el Tanen: my daughter was 3 when she started pree schooland p! re-schools change alot over the years. So normally it would be 4-5 years. but nowr days it can be 2-5 years .

Dawn Saha: She doesn't need preschool at all. No child *needs* preschool. My children are homeschooled, never attended any 'preschool' outside of our once a week mom-run co-op... and they have all the academic and social opportunities they need.

Felicitas Phildor: Mine did not go to preschool until age 3. At age 3 they went for 2 1/2 hours per day, 2 days per week. Then at age 4 they went 3 days per week for 2 1/2 hours. Then they started Kindergarten at 5 and went to a half day Kindergarten. My twins actually did 3 years of preschool because they have a late year birthday (October). So they could have started Kindergarten at age 4 and would have turned 5 in Oct that year but we held them one more year in preschool and they were 5 when starting Kindergarten but turned 6 right after. My younger two did two years of preschool at 3 and 4 and then started ! Kindergarten as they have early year and mid year birthdays (Feb., Apr.)....Show more

Billie Bratchett: They started at 3. I don't have any regrets because they love(d) preschool, and they learned valuable things there.My youngest turns 3 at the end of February, and he will start preschool in August. My 4-year-old is currently in preschool. My oldest is in 1st grade, and occasionally, he tells stories of the fun times he had in preschool. Some of the kids he went to preschool with are in his class. I think it made him feel better on his first day of Kindergarten, too, that some of the kids he knew were in his class. Also, he was used to going to school, and being in that routine that preschool prepared him for.I agree with you, I think 2 is a little early. 3 or 3½ (depending on their birthday) is just right, imo....Show more

Providencia Jalbert: My children started at 3. It was a 2-year program that eased them into Kindergarten, and it worked out REALLY well fo! r them. They went half-days, a few days a week. They had to be toilet t! rained before entering the program, and my son was barely ready before classes started. I think 2 is too young. I know there are preschool programs for younger kids, but they always seem more like structured daycares than "school". And at 2, I would think she still benefits more from that one-on-one interaction and attention....Show more

Monica Voltin: That's another thing, I work with her every day (and her babysitter that watches her for a few hours 4 days a week does as well) on her numbers, letters, colors, shapes, etc. which I assume are the basics they teach in preschool...she is learning all of that steadily, doing really well actually, and I don't think she needs anyone else teaching her those things at this time.

Norma Marsalis: In FL, they have to be 4 as of Sept. 1st to go to Pre-Kindergarten. If I were you, I wouldn't send her earlier than you need to. . .that's precious time you have with her. She doesn't *need* schooling at age 2 other than what ! you are teaching her at home, in my opinion.

Irvin Guiles: It is too early. I was a preschool teacher, we didn't even accept kids until they were 2.5 and potty trained. Still, most of these little ones were not ready for such an environment.A daycare environment is better suited to kids that young. It's not an academic environment, it's a home environment. Providers are there to provide. A real preschool is there to teach, guide, and normally has more students so less one on one time to play the mommy role.I'm not going to be putting my kid in preschool at all. Ive already taught her what a preschool would and shes only 2 lol, you can too. ABC, numbers, colors, the works. No one is more qualifed to teach your child then you at this age. My only concern is socializing, which we do via play dates. When shes older, id like to put her in some classes like dance, where she will get structured excersise, work/play with kids her age, and where the parent isn't actively invol! ved. There's dance, gymnastics, swimming, karate, soccer, music.......S! how more

Georgianna Zollo: My youngest child started preschool when she was 3 and potty trained which was a requirement at the (private) preschool she attended. Classes were twice a week for 2 1/2 hours. The following year when she was 4, I enrolled her at the public pre-K (couldn't afford the private pre-K program...). Unfortunately, the public pre-K was very much like school (8am-3pm) which I think is way too long for a 4-year-old.I wouldn't consider putting a 2-year-old into preschool. My oldest child went to day care at that age because I was working full time. I was a SAHM with my youngest, so there was no need to put her in somebody else's care when she was so young.ETA: Preschool is not all about academics. Most parents do a great job teaching their children abc's, shapes, and colors. At preschool, children learn that they are not always the center of attention and that not everybody thinks that they are the greatest. That's the most important lesson there.2nd ! edit:"I just don't think she needs that extra academic OR social reinforcement right now."Your child is only 2. I totally agree!...Show more

Erica Bottaro: Three kids, three grandkids. And only the middle for each group went to preK because of language/speech/hearing issues. My boys all have excellent careers, one who didn't have preschool is going for his doctorate. Tell you MIL to butt out. Preschool even at age three has NO lasting benefits. PreK has shown long-lasting benefits to kids with disadvantages. Some tests have shown preschool does improve kids test scores later on...... but basically the improvement is so marginal preschool won't turn an average kid to a Harvard scholar. Oklahoma ha had universal preK for years. There tests show a 'B' student might get a 'B+', for an example. And down the road with college testing kids with no preschool got into the same colleges at the same rate as kids who had preschool. http://abcnews.go.com/2020/Stossel/Story?id=7! 07064...Two is far too young. Wait to the year before preK. If Grandma ! wants her in some program, have Grandma take her to classes like: dance, tumbling, gym, museum or zoo programs, library story time, or swimming. That will keep Grandma busy!...Show more

Carter Dewater: I never attended pre-school. My parents were worried that I couldn't read by the time I went into Kindergarten. By the first time they did standardized testing I believe in 2nd grade, I was reading at a 5th grade level. Especially with you working with your daughter, there is no benefit to sending her to pre-school if you would rather have her at home.*ETAHere's what she'll need to know for kindergarten http://www.scholastic.com/resources/article/ready-... If you want to work before then, great, send her to pre-k. If you want to stay home, great, teach her this stuff yourself....Show more

Floyd Labuda: My daughter turned 3 on October 6th and she started the 3 year old preschool class in the beginning of September when she still was 2. It's two days a week for 2 1/! 2 hours. She is advanced for her age, not bragging...just saying, and since she has an older sibling they allowed me to register her. Plus there were only 3 other kids registered for her age group so they felt she would do fine. It wasn't a big deal if they said no, I would have just waited until next year. She absolutely loves it and asks every morning when she wakes up if she can go to preschool lol. She will repeat the 3 year old class next year and probably the same thing when she is 4/5 since her birthday is soon after the district's cut off date and the elementary doesn't allow early enrollment. I do not regret putting her in preschool. If she wasn't ready, I wouldn't have even tried to start her but she was ready and loves learning....Show more

Dorethea Beaston: My son was 3 1/2 during preschool. My daughter will go next year when she's 4. I really don't see the need in doing it at 2 as long as you're working with her.

Jill Thomer: We're not doing prescho! ol.1) I know that I can teach her the necessary skills that she would l! earn in preschool.2) I don't believe that kids that young are going to socially teach eachother good skills until they're at least 4-6 years old. Before then, I believe she learns more from older kids that she plays with and from watching us, socially anyway. I've seen the little bullies on the playground who go to preschool, who form alliances and look at her oddly when she says they can all play....Show more

Adrian Sherlin: I was four when I started preschool.

Maria Bengston: My children were three. They went to a child-centered preschool where "academics" were not the focus. That's my preference. I think that children naturally learn through exploration and play. One of the pluses to preschool is that most parents can't afford to buy the variety of toys (blocks/building toys/art materials/puzzles etc) They have in a *good* preschool. There are more opportunities for dirty play and art. There is nothing wrong with preschool for a few hours a day, sev! eral days a week at three or four. I would go with a developmental preschool and ditch the Walmart workbooks, but like I said, that's my preference. I personally went to a preschool 45 years ago and LOVED the play time with other children, stories etc. That free play is much more important in a child's social development than a structured activity or sport. Unstructured play is where children learn to get along, share, take turns, communicate, without an adult leading their every move. A *good* preschool has plenty of unstructured play. I think that parents' pass on their anxieties about when (and in some cases *if*) they should separate from their children and not be the sole caregivers. Two is early. There is no need to rush this. Don't let your MIL rush you. But don't be afraid of it either....Show more

Ollie Hamiel: Well I know where I live my daughter will start kindergarten in September of 2013...so next year. Thats early enough to me. I see no reason! to send her before then. She learns at home with me and on play dates! with her friends.

Jackelyn Archut: 2 is too young i would wait til she is 4, child needs to be potty trained if not already and i dont know how well she talks but nowadays with all the bad things happening i wouldnt send my child to school until she was able to talk well enough to tell me what happens

Joan Stavropoulos: Preschool shouldn't be about academics at all, really.But no, my son never went. He did go to a play group that was informal with some other parent friends. We traded off who watched the kids on which dates. Worked great.

Abel Adger: I know it's not all about academics. She'll be going to preschool eventually, I just don't think she needs that extra academic OR social reinforcement right now.

Leora Klingelhoets: I started my oldest child in pre-school at age 3. He went for 2 years before he started kindergarten. I think that is was great for him to have 2 years. My youngest is now 2 and would love to put him into school now, since! he knows his ABC's and can count to 16. But I feel that if I just keep working with him that age 3 would be great. Pre-school can be costly, so 2 years before kindergarten is great.

Alecia Kaehler: your child will not be accepted into pre school untill she turns three...they usually start the september before they would start school. some nurserys have a pre school attached so if your child attends a nursery like that they will often have days where they integrate with the older children and the pre school teachers so that when they do move into pre school they are relaxed about it. i started my daughter at nursery when she turned 2 just for a couple of afternoons a week because i wanted her to be able to interact with other children her age. her progress came on leaps and bounds and she loved it. i would definately concider a few afternoons if you feel she is isolated from other kids but there is also no harm in waiting until she hits pre school age x...Show more

Dexter Dicostanzo: My 16 children started preschool at the age of 1! 7 and now at the age of 42 they are almost as smart as a third grader.

how do u contact crest? (dental product company)?  

how do u contact crest? (dental product company)?  

answers 0:address or phone #? i kno the customer care thing on their website but i need other ways 2 contact them?answers 1: http://www.crest.com/contact-crest.aspxProcter

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Hi! I need some serious homework help! CLICK PLEASE!?

Timmy Bustard: Well; You could check out these websites: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Explanation_on_how_the_h...http://www.sads.org.uk/heart_function.htm

Shamika Schools: the heart bumps blood around the body THE END!!!!

Georgina Natal: hmm.....interestingor mb just a coincidence.......but, at my school dat is wat we are doing too, and we have a test on it, i wonder if i noe you?if i noe you, or you go to my school, you would noe wat i am talking about when i say, "hey, do u lyk Ms Thompson?"ok, yes, i will answer ur question:the heart pumps blood around the body, and nerve impulses generated within the heart trigger each beatthe heart is a cardiac muscleand the atrium is where the blood enters the heartand da ventricle is hwere the blood is pumped out of the heartand the walls of the ventricles are thicker because they have to pump blood all around to your body, where as the atrium only has to pump blood to the lungsyou should google images "! structure of heart" and you will get a couple of diagramsor you could look in ur science textbooki hoped this helped, i'm wondering if you are in my class, cos we have a science test on dis stuff 2morrow....hmmmmm...Show more

Derrick Cacioppo: Hi ^_^,hm...i don't think i go to your school. i don't know anyone called miss thompson but i do have a teacher: mr thomas. yeah, i know, weird lol. thnx for answering my question though, good luck on your test.

Mohamed Szollosi: The heart is the key organ in the circulatory system. As a hollow, muscular pump, its main function is to propel blood throughout the body. It usually beats from 60 to 100 times per minute, but can go much faster when necessary. It beats about 100,000 times a day, more than 30 million times per year, and about 2.5 billion times in a 70-year lifetime.

Walter Scordino: simple structure ?:http://www.perthcardio.com.au/images/ratrium.jpg

Providencia Jalbert: The heart is a pump with 4 cha! mbers. Top 2 are called the atria and the bottom two are calle! d ventricles (left & right). The heart is the main engine drive for delivering blood with oxygen and all the required nutrients around the body via the arteries and the veins return used/depleted blood back to the heart. The blood returned by the veins is sent first to the lungs to exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen, the newly oxygenated blood comes back to the heart ready to be pumped out to the rest of the body. If you look at the four chambers you can see the left ventricle has far thicker walls than all the other chambers. That is because this is the chamber that pushes/pumps the oxygen rich blood to the body, the right ventricle is not as thick because it only delivers to the lungs, a much shorter journey. The heart then is basically a large muscle, but the muscle fibres are highly specialised because they work by conducting electrical impulses, that conduction is what synchronises the pumping action and creates a recognised and audible rhythm, lub-dub lub-dub etc at a! round 70 beats per minute. Using special electrodes we can see the rhythm shows a special pattern and these (ECG's) can be used to diagnose problems with the heart as well as pictures/scans of the heart. I hope this helps but next time start your homework earlier and use textbooks provided....Show more

What are negitive effects of eating disorders?  

What are negitive effects of eating disorders?  

answers 0:Uggg, health paper. I'm doing EDNOS just to irritate my teacher, but I can't find any negitive effects.answers 1:There are many negitive effects.You can die, you can emotionally and mentally hurt the people around you and yourself, You can go into long-term eating problems.There are many just think outside the box....answers 2:Inability to have children after a certain point because you no longer get your period when it's bad enough, permanent health affects eve after recovery, memory loss, fatigue, fainting, and for bulimia: extreme esophageal and dental damage, ulcers, and all the things listed above. Loss of trust in everyone which leads to loss of friends and distance between you and family members, depression, anxiety, and ultimately, death.When it comes down to it, there are no POSITIVE effects of e! ating disorders. You will always hate your body and it will never look good enough in your eyes. When trying to gain control of eating, you in fact lose control as it consumes you and dictates every single thing you do. And by "you", I just mean people in general....answers 3:death

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Whats better home school private school or public school?

Jacinta Moitoso: I would have to say private school.

Russ Kiernan: Im a private schooler, i think that private schools are somehow better because of their facilities but all three have their pros and cons:Public School Pros and Cons:The public school is the most obvious first choice for many families but it's also one that can cause them a lot of concerns.Commonly cited benefits of the public school choice include:Convenience. Proximity to home, availability of school bus transportation and other facts about public school make this an easy one on a daily basis.Cost. It's free so you don't have to think about pay for your kid's education.It's the norm. Kids will basically fit in with society after going through standard schooling.Diversity. Kids will get to meet all kinds of different people and will learn tolerance (eventually) for everyone.Commonly cited drawbacks of the public school choice include:Low quality of education. Many people feel that public schools gea! r education to the lowest common denominator in the school which means that smart kids lose out.Peer problems. Kids may argue with peers or pick up bad habits in public schools where diversity is common.Design of education. The public school has a curriculum that doesn't really allow for individuality or input from the parent. Your kid will learn what the school says he will learn.Private School Pros and ConsThe private school choice diminishes some of the problems associated with the traditional public school but will bring up its own issues.Commonly cited benefits of the private school choice include:Higher quality of education. These classes are generally geared towards college-bound kids.Future opportunities. Private schools look good on resumes and open doors. Kids from private school tend to stick together into adulthood and may help each other out with careers in the future.Close community. This close community extends to parents and teachers and creates a situation ! in which there are a lot of people looking out for your kid.Le! ss diversity. Some parents prefer that their kids "stick to their own" so to speak.Commonly cited drawbacks of the public school choice include:Cost. It's not going to be free to go here and you'll have to invest money in different activities throughout the year.Time-intensive. Parents are typically expected to be involved in volunteer efforts with the school which can take time.Limited experiences. The lack of diversity that is often encountered in public schools is a drawback when kids have to deal with a more diverse world.Homeschooling Pros and ConsMany parents find that they can avoid all of the problems of public and private school with homeschooling but it isn't perfect either.Commonly cited benefits of homeschooling include:Control over what your child learns. You design the curriculum and it can be focused on the specific educational needs and level of your child.Keeps the family closer. You do more together and this means that you've got a bond that isn't as easy ! to achieve when your child is away at school all day.Freedom and flexibility. You can set a school schedule that suits your family, travel together when it's best for all of you and otherwise enjoy more flexibility in life together,Commonly cited drawbacks of homeschooling include:Very time-intensive. You'll need to be your child's full-time teacher in addition to being a parent.Difficult. It's not easy to teach a kid everything that he or she needs to know.Isolation. The child and the rest of the family may feel isolated from a larger social group.Limits opportunities. Homeschooled kids can go to college but it's not as easy as when you've got standard transcripts from a more traditional school.Problems separating school and home. In terms of both time and discipline in the home, boundaries get blurred.Hope I Helped...Show more

Theresia Fashaw: PUBLIC ~B)Nerd

Gertrude Darke: Depends on what you're looking for. As someone who has experienced all three, I know th! e pros and cons of each.Home School: Learn at your own pace, get to wea! r PJs, going to a movie could be educational, start the day when you want. Social isolation unless involved in a group, no organized sports unless you live in a community where rec leagues are available, can be seen as "nerdy" or "weird".Private: More challenging curriculum (usually), uniforms, smaller classes (usually), better student/teacher/parent relations. More expensive, everyone knows who you are, not always a "better" education for the price.Public: Easier classes (usually), anyone can attend, teachers are less likely to be strict, cheaper. And by anyone can attend, I mean ANYONE. Even the people who bring the whole atmosphere of the place into the dumps. There's usually a pecking order and the classes are usually larger....Show more

Rana Rudell: pubic

Carmina Stickney: Private!!!!!!! they're great and they are NOT nerdy!

Mee Blumenfeld: i am looking for a new school because i am in home school right now and i have three things to choose from stay ! in home school go to private or go to public so whats better i really need help with this so is private worth paying for is it the same as public school or is it just better to stay at home schooling please help i really need it thank you for takeing time to read this :)

Comment couper vos propres pointes fourchues

Comment couper vos propres pointes fourchues

p>Les pointes fourchues peuvent laisser vos cheveux abîmés et secs. Heureusement, il existe des tactiques super faciles pour se débarrasser de ces pointes fourchues, laissant vos cheveux en bonne santé après seulement quelques minutes de coupe. Pour vous débarrasser des pointes fourchues tout en gardant la même longueur, essayez de tordre ou de glisser vos doigts le long d’une section de cheveux pour révéler les dommages, ce que l’on appelle souvent l’époussetage. Si les pointes de vos cheveux sont effilochées et doivent être coupées, vous pouvez opter pour une coupe classique et couper un peu de longueur à l’aide de ciseaux tranchants.

Coiffez vos cheveux pour qu’ils soient lisses et secs. Si vous avez déjà des cheveux naturellement raides, tout ce que vous aurez à faire est de les brosser à fond. Si vous avez les cheveux ondulés ou bouclés! , il est préférable de les lisser en plus de les brosser pour que les pointes fourchues se relèvent plus facilement.

Couper 0,4-0,8 pouce (1,0-2,0 cm) des extrémités de la section de cheveux. Faites la coupe perpendiculairement à la mèche de cheveux afin d’obtenir une coupe uniforme. Si vous avez les pointes fourchues qui remontent loin le long de la tige capillaire, vous devrez peut-être couper plus de 0,8 pouce (2,0 cm).

Utilisez un petit peigne pour séparer une section de cheveux. Une fois que vos cheveux ont été brossés à travers, utilisez un petit peigne pour rassembler une section de 1 pouce (2,5 cm) de cheveux. Commencez d’un côté de votre tête afin de pouvoir suivre les sections que vous avez déjà coupées.

Tirez ensemble une section de 1 pouce (2,5 cm) de cheveux. Utilisez un petit peigne pour sectionner vos cheveux. Des incréments de 1 pouce (2,5 cm) ne sont qu’une suggestion â€" les cheveux épais peuvent nécessiter des! sections plus petites, tandis que les cheveux super minces pe! uvent traiter une section plus grande.

Glissez la section de cheveux entre l’index et le majeur. En commençant vers le haut de la section de cheveux, placez la section entre l’index et le majeur de façon à ce que vos doigts tiennent la mèche fermement.

Coupez les pointes fourchues qui dépassent de la section torsadée. Examinez les extrémités qui dépassent de la spirale â€" la plupart d’entre elles sont susceptibles d’être des pointes fourchues. Utilisez les ciseaux de coupe pour couper environ 0,5 centimètre (0,20 po) de chaque extrémité fendue, révélant des cheveux sains.

Rassemblez une nouvelle section de cheveux et répétez le processus de retordage. Prenez une section de 1 pouce (2,5 cm) de cheveux à côté de l’ancienne section, en la tordant comme vous l’avez fait la première. Répétez le processus en le tordant fermement et en coupant les extrémités qui dépassent, en utilisant des cisailles tranchantes pour obtenir ! une coupe nette. Répétez ce processus jusqu’à ce que vous ayez fait le tour de votre tête en coupant des sections individuelles.

Brossez vos cheveux mouillés à fond pour enlever tout enchevêtrement. Utilisez une brosse à poils naturels ou un peigne métallique si vous préférez. Bien qu’il soit plus utile de mouiller vos cheveux à l’avance, peu importe le type de cheveux que vous avez, il est absolument nécessaire pour les cheveux ondulés ou bouclés afin qu’ils se défrisent lorsque vous les brossez.

Torsadez de nouveau la mèche de cheveux dans la direction opposée, si désiré. Pour atteindre encore plus de pointes fourchues, défaire la torsion que vous avez formée. Maintenant, commencez à tordre la mèche de cheveux de la façon opposée â€" cela aidera à rendre visibles les pointes fourchues qui ne sont pas apparues lors de la première torsion. Utilisez les cisailles pour couper ces pointes fourchues.

Placez vos cheveux entre! vos trois doigts du milieu. Tissez la mèche de cheveux sous votre ind! ex, votre majeur et votre annulaire. En faisant cela, vous devriez voir vos cheveux sur le dessus de votre majeur seulement.

Recherchez les pointes fourchues qui apparaissent lorsqu’elles sont placées au-dessus de votre doigt. En tissant vos cheveux entre vos trois doigts du milieu, vous devriez voir les pointes dépasser de la section de cheveux qui est visible sur votre majeur. Examinez attentivement les pointes fourchues qui ont besoin d’être rognées.

Rassemblez une nouvelle section de cheveux, en répétant le même processus. Rassemblez une nouvelle section de cheveux à côté de celle que vous venez de couper. Positionnez vos doigts de la même façon et commencez à couper les pointes fourchues au fur et à mesure que vous les voyez. Effectuez cette opération autour de votre tête en enlevant les pointes fourchues tout en gardant votre longueur.

Coupez les pointes fourchues en glissant vos doigts le long de la section de cheveux. Tenez les ! ciseaux de façon à ce qu’ils soient perpendiculaires à la mèche de cheveux, ce qui facilite la coupe des pointes fourchues que vous voyez dépasser. Glissez lentement vos doigts le long de la mèche de cheveux, en continuant à couper les pointes fourchues au fur et à mesure.

Utilisez des traitements en profondeur pour vos cheveux chaque semaine. Donnez un petit coup de fouet à vos cheveux au moins une fois par semaine environ en faisant un traitement en profondeur. Les traitements en profondeur donneront à vos cheveux plus d’hydratation et de protection, de sorte que si vous passez 2 à 3 jours sans shampooing ni revitalisant, vos cheveux garderont beaucoup d’humidité.

Passez à la section suivante de cheveux, en répétant le processus. Coupez une autre section de 1 pouce (2,5 cm) de cheveux, en coupant les pointes perpendiculairement à la mèche, comme auparavant. Utilisez la section précédente comme guide pour couper la bonne longueur. Conti! nuez à tailler les extrémités tout autour de votre tête, en vous do! nnant une coupe régulière.

Glissez vos doigts le long de la section de cheveux vers le bas. Ceci maintiendra la section de cheveux droite, te permettant d’obtenir une image précise de ce à quoi vos extrémités ressemblent. Arrêtez de glisser vos doigts après qu’il ne reste plus qu’environ 2,5 cm (1 pouce) de cheveux à la fin.

Torsadez bien la section de cheveux pour faire apparaître les pointes fourchues. Commencez par le haut de la section de cheveux, en la tordant au fur et à mesure que vous descendez. Continuer à tordre le toron jusqu’à ce que toute la section soit tordue assez serrée. Une fois que les cheveux sont tordus, vous devriez voir les extrémités de quelques mèches surgir de la torsion.

Obtenez une coupe toutes les 8 à 12 semaines pour garder vos cheveux en santé. Plus vous laissez les pointes fourchues, plus elles sont susceptibles de grimper le long de votre tige capillaire. En coupant les pointes tous les deux mois ! environ, vous réduirez considérablement le risque de cheveux abîmés.

Limitez votre utilisation d’outils thermiques. Même si vous appliquez un protecteur thermique, les outils comme les fers à friser ou les lisseurs de cheveux auront toujours un effet néfaste sur vos cheveux. Bien qu’il soit acceptable d’utiliser ces outils parfois, essayez de ne pas utiliser d’appareils chauffants sur vos cheveux tous les jours.

Séparez une section de 1 pouce (2,5 cm) de cheveux secs après l’avoir brossé. Il est utile que vos cheveux soient secs pour que les pointes fourchues apparaissent facilement. Prenez une section de 1 pouce (2,5 cm) de vos cheveux dans vos mains, en prenant le temps de les brosser s’ils sont emmêlés.

Brossez vos cheveux à l’aide d’un peigne à dents larges. Un peigne à dents larges est moins susceptible d’endommager vos cheveux et est idéal pour démêler. Il est particulièrement important d’utiliser un peigne à d! ents larges si vous brossez les cheveux mouillés, car les cheveux moui! llés sont plus susceptibles de casser et de causer des pointes fourchues.

Optez pour des cravates plus douces pour attacher vos cheveux. Si vous utilisez des attaches qui sont super serrées et rugueuses sur vos cheveux, cela pourrait être une cause de pointes fourchues. Recherchez des attaches élastiques plus souples qui s’étirent bien et ne tirent pas sur vos cheveux.

Hydratez vos cheveux avec un revitalisant souvent et efficacement. Après le shampooing, n’oubliez pas d’utiliser un revitalisant, en prenant le temps de masser le revitalisant sur vos pointes. Les cheveux peuvent se fendre et se casser pour un certain nombre de raisons, mais souvent c’est parce que les cheveux ne sont pas correctement hydratés.

Monday, 18 May 2020

If education is the key, then school is the lock?

Karie Mavle: preparation, if defined, will be understood. there is not any such element as a "loose preparation". preparation without a device of values, in accordance to a valid philosophy, might want to be like filling a deliver with shipment and leaving out the rudder and sail, or motor. loose will demands taking duty for identifying to purchase an preparation.

Ginny Trickett: I completely get what your saying. I'm currently a senior in high school and in my earlier years I was way excited going to school than the normal kid. Although I wouldn't call school the lock, school is just another place to get a higher education just as is with college and so forth. You can never stop learning and if you do you've simply lost. I also agree that teachers and schools put so much emphasis on grades and that "there's only one way" principle. Grades are not an accurate representation of your knowledge, because it only tests you on the things they specifically teach you. For e! xample, a student who understands all concepts but earns a B- on a test vs another student who knows nothing, but cheated an got an A. Obviously the cheater beat the system, but actually does not know anything. Teachers especially put so much emphasis on "there's only one way" in fact there are multiple solutions to a problem in life. There is never just one way. If you ever take engineering classes you'll quickly learn that the guy next to you and you will never have the same two problems, and if you do you'll have to tackle those problems differently. His/Her solutions will never be the same as yours, they may be similar, but not the SAME.School doesn't actually prepare you for life, but simply gives you a higher education. Simply without education we cannot infer, think, problem solve, and analyze, which actually is our everyday life, we unconsciously do all these "thoughts" daily.I feel the same way as you, I cannot bare the sound of school, I'm not antisocial or dorky,! I completely hate everyone in my school its just I'm with the! m 6 out of 12 hours so I have to adjust and I guess pretend to like them. I really want to get out of school get my masters, and go into the work force and actually make a life for myself....Show more

Comment utiliser les sels de bain

Comment utiliser les sels de bain

Faites un bain de pieds pour soulager les pieds endoloris. Si vous n’avez pas le temps ou l’espace nécessaire pour faire couler un bain complet, remplissez un grand bassin aux trois quarts rempli d’eau chaude. Incorporer 1/2 tasse (120 g) de sels d’Epsom jusqu’à ce qu’ils soient dissous. Asseyez-vous et placez vos pieds dans le bain de pieds. Trempez vos pieds pendant 10 minutes.

Ajouter du bicarbonate de soude pour une peau plus douce. Saupoudrez 1/4 à 1 tasse (45 à 180 g) de bicarbonate de soude (bicarbonate de sodium) dans l’eau courante de votre baignoire. Le bicarbonate de soude devrait se dissoudre rapidement. Tremper dans la baignoire pendant 20 à 30 minutes et faire attention en sortant de la baignoire car le bicarbonate de soude peut laisser un résidu glissant.

Ajouter de la cou! leur aux sels de bain. Si vous voulez ajouter un éclat de couleur à votre bain, mélangez quelques gouttes de colorant alimentaire liquide ou en gel dans 1 1/2 tasse (360 g) de sels de bain. Ajoutez juste quelques gouttes pour ne pas dissoudre le sel et continuez à mélanger dans plus de colorant alimentaire jusqu’à ce que vous obteniez la nuance que vous recherchez.

Inclure des huiles essentielles, si désiré. Si vous utilisez des sels de bain Epsom ou de la mer Morte qui ne contiennent aucun parfum, ajoutez 6 à 12 gouttes de votre huile essentielle préférée pour chaque 1 1/2 tasse (360 g) de sels de bain. Comme les huiles essentielles sont très concentrées, commencez par une petite quantité et ajoutez-en d’autres au besoin. Utilisez un seul type d’huile essentielle ou faites une combinaison pour traiter votre peau ou améliorer votre humeur.

Mélanger les sels dans un gommage douche pour exfolier les peaux mortes. Mesurez 1 tasse (240 g) de s! el de la mer Morte dans un bol et ajoutez-y 1/3 tasse (80 ml) ! à 1/2 tasse (160 ml) de votre huile préférée (amande douce, noix de coco, pépins de raisins ou olive). Ajouter 12 gouttes d’huiles essentielles et 1 cuillère à café (5 ml) d’huile de vitamine E. Mélangez le mélange dans une pâte épaisse que vous pouvez frotter sur votre peau lorsque vous prenez votre douche. Il suffit de rincer le mélange et de profiter d’une peau plus douce.

Choisissez vos sels de bain. Vous pouvez acheter ou faire vos propres sels de bain. La plupart des sels de bain sont fabriqués à partir de sels d’Epsom ou de sels de la Mer Morte. Vous pouvez également rechercher des produits qui contiennent du sel de mer rose, du sel dendritique ou de la saumure géothermique islandaise. Vos sels de bain peuvent être fins, granuleux ou grossiers selon la texture que vous préférez.

Remplissez la baignoire avec plus d’eau. Remettez l’eau chaude en marche et remplissez la baignoire aussi haut que vous le souhaitez. Plongez vos m! ains dans l’eau pour vérifier la température. L’eau doit être aussi chaude que possible.

Dissoudre les sels d’Epsom pour traiter les douleurs musculaires. Verser jusqu’à 2 tasses (480 g) de sels d’Epsom dans un bain chaud et agiter l’eau pour dissoudre le sel. Faites tremper vos muscles endoloris dans l’eau pendant au moins 15 à 20 minutes. Le magnésium contenu dans les sels d’Epsom peut détendre vos muscles.

Réduire l’inflammation et l’irritation de la peau. Si vous avez des problèmes de peau comme le psoriasis, des éruptions cutanées ou de l’eczéma, faites tremper dans un bain de sel Epsom. Le magnésium contenu dans les sels peut réduire l’inflammation et soulager les démangeaisons. Faire couler un bain complet et y dissoudre 1 à 3 tasses (240 à 720 g) de sels d’Epsom. Faire tremper la peau irritée pendant au moins 20 minutes pour en retirer tous les bienfaits.

Remplissez la baignoire à moitié et ajoutez les ! sels de bain. Mettez le bouchon dans votre baignoire et faites couler d! e l’eau chaude. Remplissez la baignoire à moitié avec de l’eau aussi chaude que vous le désirez et versez environ 1/2 tasse (120 g) de sels de bain préparés. Pour une concentration plus forte, vous pouvez ajouter plus de sels de bain.

Tremper dans la baignoire pendant au moins 10 minutes. Mettez-vous dans la baignoire et respirez la vapeur chaude pendant que vous trempez. Pour profiter pleinement des bienfaits des sels de bain, essayez de faire tremper pendant au moins 10 minutes. Continuez à faire tremper aussi longtemps que vous le désirez avant de vidanger la baignoire.

Tremper dans un bain détoxifiant. Pour un bain nettoyant qui peut éliminer les toxines de votre corps, tremper dans les sels d’Epsom. Les sels d’Epsom contiennent du magnésium et du sulfate qui éliminent les métaux lourds du corps et accélèrent le temps de récupération de la peau. Dissoudre 1 à 3 tasses (240 à 720 g) de sels d’Epsom dans un bain chaud et y faire tre! mper pendant 10 à 40 minutes.

Faites tourbillonner les sels de bain dans l’eau. Utilisez vos mains pour faire tourbillonner l’eau de la baignoire afin que les sels se dissolvent. Les sels de bain à grain fin se dissolvent plus rapidement que les sels de bain à grain grossier.

Mélanger les herbes séchées dans les sels de bain. Mesurer 2 cuillères à soupe (3 à 4 g) de vos herbes séchées préférées et les ajouter à 3 tasses (720 g) de vos sels de bain. Ajoutez des herbes séchées pour améliorer votre humeur, parfumer le bain ou traiter les affections cutanées. Mélangez l’une de ces herbes séchées populaires dans vos sels de bain :

Sunday, 17 May 2020

Jehovah's Witnesses - Is higher education your enemy?

Antonette Shappy: Education is boring... not evil!

Marita Stadick: can be..I am JW...36 years old ...and I studied in the university... Civil engineer....and honestly my spiritually was in risk...I commit a gross sin...while was in the University ...and received and admonishion for that....Many will say that no.....but God can kill me right now if I am lying......it has danger....if there are other options we should consider it...Unsilenced Lioness says sho doesn't know any educated JWs...she lies...as always she know me...shoe knows that despite english is not my native language...I can communicate pretty well...and if she want to talk about Finite Element Analysis...she can't do it with me........Show more

Dexter Gold: education and higher learning take away time that could be better spent in the ministry. i don't think you misheard anything. i was told the same thing. so were many of my peers. we were discouraged from attending college or university an! d encouraged (pressured) into full time field service/pioneering. it's true. i did it. then spent a few years snorting questionable substances because i felt it was a much needed break. maybe if i went to university i would have spent those years doing something more worthwhile with my life......Show more

Mitzie Clough: they always downplay what's said at their conventions if it's something they really don't want to hear or it's embarassing to admit to the general public. kindof like the statement made at the convention, "stay alive til '75" embarasses them today.higher education was my JW family's savior, providing my husband and me with valuable career skills that gave us the retirement funds my JW father in law and JW mother do not have because of their "faithfulness" to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society Organization. Now we're being asked to kick in money we've earned to pay for their retirement while my husband's father shuns our family. Funny, he'll ! take our money, though....Show more

Burt Stoecklin: Educ! ation is the enemy of all abrahamic religions, not all religions though. Most eastern religions don't defy history and science like the abrahamic religions frequently do.

David Boehler: Chris S - I did not "mishear". That is exactly what he said. I also asked others I know who were at that assembly and they heard the same thing but tried to downplay it as you are doing. I am glad you were not denied a college education as a jw - but you are not the norm, as anybody who has spent time as a jw can attest.

Tyrone Disanti: Education is the enemy of all religions.

Irma Poiter: you probably misheardhe must have meant the time taken. when, from our point of view, we could be doing more important things.we have good educations, the witnesses are well known for performing well at school and being industrious people.personally i might go to uni soon, already been to college and schoolEDIT: well maybe he said it wrong, or he was silly. but either way education is not! our enemy...Show more

Coy Tapley: It's not against higher education, they just feel younger folk are putting careers ahead of faith.

Mel Crapo: Yes. To be specific, university education is the enemy of the Watchtower.While JWs with college educations exist, these are a small minority. In 2008, the Pew Forum commissioned a survey of religions in the USA. The survey showed that the JWs are the least educated and the second-poorest religious tradition in America (just behind the historically black churches).To my knowledge, you will not be expelled from the religion if you attend college, but there is no doubt that it is strongly discouraged. Anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is simply not being honest.To prove my point, here are a few examples of the Watchtower Society’s consistent view of education over the past years:- 5/22/1969 Awake, p. 15:“If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that YOU WILL NEVER GROW OLD IN THIS PRESENT SYST! EM OF THINGS. Why not? Because all the evidence in fulfillment of Bible! prophecy indicates that this corrupt SYSTEM IS DUE TO END IN A FEW YEARS. Of the generation that observed the beginning of the 'last days' in 1914, Jesus foretold: 'This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.' Therefore, as a young person, YOU WILL NEVER FULFILL ANY CAREER THAT THIS SYSTEM OFFERS.”(caps added) (Note that this article was published 40 years ago! Did the statements prove true?)- 3/15/1969 Watchtower 1969, p.171, para. 12“The influence and spirit of this world is to get ahead, to make a name for oneself. Many schools now have student counselors who encourage one to pursue higher education after high school, to pursue a career with a future in this system of things. Do not be influenced by them. Do not let them "brainwash" you with the Devil's propaganda to get ahead, to make something of yourself in this world. This world has very little time left! Any "future" this world offers is no future! Wisely, then, let God's Word infl! uence you in selecting a course that will result in your protection and blessing. Make pioneer service, the full-time ministry, with the possibility of Bethel or missionary service your goal. This is a life that offers an everlasting future!(so guidance counselors encouraging higher education are “brainwashing” JWs with “the Devil’s propaganda”)- 9/1/1975 Watchtower, p.543“Question: How many years of secular education are advisable for children in Christian households?Answer: It would hardly be consistent for such a youth, of his own choice, to pursue extensive secular studies beyond what is required by the law and by his parents.”- 10/15/2005 Watchtower had a study article strongly discouraging higher education....Show more

Abraham Ladick: Because it teaches people to use critical thinking. This is what they fear, their youth asking too many questions. Their youth exploring other ideas. Can't have that now, can we? ;)

Jestine Osumi: No.

Davi! da Gisriel: No, it is definitely NOT our enemy. I love to learn...and i! love EDUCATION. I am all for it. However, it maye become the enemy if higher education takes over our spiritual goals and spiritual priorities. We have many in our congregations who are nurses and have jobs that requires a bachelor's degree/AA and we have youths who actually are in college but so far so good because our youths still attends the meetings regularly and share in the kingdom preaching work as pioneers. However, it is sad that some who have put so much effort and time to education beyond what is required by law have allowed for their spirituality to weaken or have become in-active. I'm a mother and when the time comes, I will encourage my child to go to college but if it ever interferes with her spirituality and distracts her from her obligations as being a true Christian...then yes, I will make sure she sets her priority straight for the Bible says at 1 John 2:15-17 says:"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, ! the love of the Father is not in him.For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever." (KJV)....Show more

Teodoro Lamond: Its not our enemy...its just that sometimes education can be a distraction to our ministry. And the young are so easily misled through bad association.Personally, I know a few witnesses who have returned to further education as mature students and they seem to get the balance right. BUT I live in the UK and now owe thousands for my education and you know its true what the bible says about the wisdom of men being foolishness to God..there is so much nonsense being taught. But I suppose it depends on your choice if topic. Psychology may have, more than its fair share of daft theories. - Freudian theories being the most ridiculous.So in answer to your ques! tion, no education is not our enemy but the foolish philosophies of an ! ever changing academic scene may be. Whats in vogue one minute suddenly is out of favour and you are expected to praise the latest in vogue theory. Dont get me wrong some research is valid and reliably tested but there are others where it is obvious there has been biased methodology....Show more

Rachell Meese: Those who have tried to say that jw's do not discourage education are either newer jw's or are being dishonest. I grew up in the eighties as a strict jw, and I can tell you that not only was college discouraged, it was absolutely not an option. I was telling my teachers as early as 5th grade that I would not be going to college. In fact, the only people I remember going to college were those whose family had become inactive or had left "the truth". If it was rumored that a graduating high school student was planning to attend college, the first thing other jw's would say was "What happened? I thought they were witnesses?"You know, it's all nice and easy for th! ose jw's here who were not deprived of a college education - some may have become jw's AFTER they were college educated; some may have grown up after the society relaxed it's stance on that issue - but that doesn't change the fact that so many people like me were denied their potential and raised to view education as "a waste"....Show more

Azzie Trembly: higher education is not doing such a thing it is helping us to get a career for us to survive in this world yes jesus must be a part of this but gettin an eeducation doe not affect anyone. this tell us that the jehovah witnesses are ignorant and they are all about false doctrines

Lauri Ohl: Basil was a brilliant straight A student. His folks heeded a call at an Assembly to not bother with higher education. Last I heard he wasnt doing that well.Peter was an ok student. His parents sent him to eternal college and he is an advocate today and still in the truth today.I dont think education should the an enemy of an! yone. Living for the end of the world is a pitfall for everyone. Equip ! yourself with life skills whether you are a Jw child or not. Please....Show more

Clinton Quant: I'm wondering if you listened closely to the entire talk. Education is useful, but it isn't the ultimate thing. Some have been able to maintain a balance between further education and spiritual goals. It can be important to learn how to survive in today's world with education to keep up with the choices of employment that vary as time goes on, but spiritual goals in addition to secular learning are going to get a young person through this period of time and additionally give them a future to look forward to as well. Spiritual success is more important than material success, because material success is not lasting. It is strange how some will hear but not really listen. The point is that there is much more to life beyond only secular education....Show more

Margy Sandquist: I don't know what the JWs believe, I don't see any problem with being an educated Christian, it'! s definitely more desirable than being an uneducated Christian.

Patrick Bitsui: JWs have ALWAYS frowned upon higher education. The end of the JW organization is beginning, I think. I have noticed a trend in their "recruiting" in the last few years. When you look at the service report, the only areas of the world with rapid JW growth are poor, undereducated nations. The areas with the largest "dropout" rate (previous year average plus number baptized in current year minus current year average) are developed nations such as the United States. Conclusion- Educated people are more likely to see through the web of deception spun by the organization!...Show more

Flor Lizardi: The point of the talk was not "education" itself, but what it means to an individual. Seeking a higher education or more education is not bad in itself. the problem comes in with what one is led to believe along with training to become a doctor, lawyer, engineer, etc. Spiritual things tend to ! become a lower priority. Materialism or ego often rises up of primary ! concern.So with this education comes other things dangerous to human survival. None of us know when the cut off date will be when the door to life will be closed. We don not know either when God will place it into political governments' minds to total annihilate all false religion. (Rev. 17:17) By that time we likely will not be preaching hope any longer. Too late.So is it a wise course to go for other destinations now like getting all the money and power one can get?There are many JWs with every sort of both white collar and blue collar job one can think of. They got there by getting their degrees at those higher learning facilities. As long as they keep spiritual priorities first in their lives, there is nothing wrong.Keeping God's Kingdom and its honor of Jehovah as #1 priority in our life means all other things fall into place after that. Personal lives, family life, contacts with others, our communities and professional life as well.We see in the news each night! the folly of Ponzi schemes, bank officers taking millions in reward for outright theivery. This is not living with honoring Jehovah or His Kingdom....Show more

Rosie Travino: It is their organization to ask them to volunteer their time for the WTS gospel. There was a time they asked people to wait with marriage plans and they even encouraged people to sell their homes and work hard since the end was going to happen soon

Horace Escue: I attended my circuit assembly in September. I don't specifically remember that comment. But I have a recording of the talks on a CD, and I will take the time over the weekend to go back and see if I hear what you are saying.I was a Witness before I attended college. This was from 1964 to 1967. I have also attended individual classes of interest since then in more recent years.What I majored in was elementary education. As a teacher, education is important and instilling a love of learning is crucial.So I think it is unfair to sta! te that Jehovah's Witnesses are not interested in education.It is also ! extremely narrow-minded for a person to state that they do not know any educated Jehovah's Witnesses. A person that makes that statement is either lying or has not met many Witnesses and is making unfair assumptions.In my congregation, we have two teachers, an accountant, an airline supervisor, a nurse, an architect, a lawyer (young md-20's Witness), several large business owners, a writer/author, a jewelry designer, a model, an IT professional, a financial advisor, a professional touring singer, a physical therapist, and these are in a congregation of less than one hundred. Don't forget part of the 100 are children.Near-by congregations in my same town have a college professor, a doctor, a dentist, several more nurses, a world-wide known musician with his own weekly broadcast show, a nuclear medicine technologist, several more financial advisors,and others too numerous to mention. Obviously the majority of these are college/university trained.It is by no means correct to ! say that higher learning does not "match" teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses.But I can tell you from personal experience that there are unwholesome influences that are prevalent on campuses. It takes a strong young person to avoid these, whether they are a Witness or not.Many young people are just really beginning to get their independence at "college age". And it can be hard to handle physical and intellectual independence at the same time.It is not impossible, but VERY difficult. Therefore the statement that you attribute to the district overseer - "Education is stealing our youth".There have been numerous articles in the magazines that have helped young Witnesses and their parents to consider living at home and attending a local university as a safe-guard for the student.EDIT: FOR CHUCKI don't know if these countries (according to the 2008 Yearbook) would want to be classified as uneducated - CORRECTION - "Undereducated"Iceland - 6% increaseIsrael - 5% increaseRussia - 4%! increaseTaiwan - 7% increaseCayman Islands - 10% increaseTurkey - 5% i! ncreaseUkraine - 4% increaseThere are others. And educated to what standards?Thailand - vacation capital of Asia had a 9% increase.Even the USA had a 3% increase, which is more than the population increase in the same length of time....Show more

Fannie Collingwood: You bet it is. With the access to their sordid past, all you have to do now days is log on. I know almost no educated JW's.I think Thinking is their enemy

Arden Strachn: Heres and article about the matter:young people ask:Most pioneer ministers support themselves with part-time work. But what if later on you need to support a family? Surely one would never regret devoting one’s youthful years to God’s service! Still, would it not make sense for a youth first to obtain a university degree and perhaps pursue the ministry later?The Bible, of course, does not spell out exactly how many years of schooling a Christian youth should obtain. Nor does it condemn education. Jehovah, the “Grand Instructor,! ” encourages his people to read well and to express themselves clearly. (Isaiah 30:20; Psalm 1:2; Hebrews 5:12) Moreover, education can broaden our understanding of people and the world we live in.Nevertheless, is a university degree always worth the huge commitment of time and money it demands? While statistics indicate that university graduates earn higher salaries and suffer less unemployment than high school graduates, the book Planning Your College Education reminds us that these statistics are mere averages. Only a minority of university graduates actually receive sky-high salaries; the rest are paid wages that are far more down to earth. Besides, the high incomes attributed to university graduates may also result from such factors as “unusual abilities, motivation, area opportunities for employment, . . . special talents”â€"not simply the amount of their education.“A [university] degree no longer guarantees success in the job market,” says the U.S. Depart! ment of Labor. “The proportion [of university graduates] employed in ! professional, technical, and managerial occupations . . . declined because these occupations did not expand rapidly enough to absorb the growing supply of graduates. As a result, roughly 1 out of 5 [university] graduates who entered the labor market between 1970 and 1984 took a job not usually requiring a degree. This oversupply of graduates is likely to continue through the mid-1990’s.A university degree may or may not improve your employment prospects. But one fact is indisputable: “The time left is reduced”! (1 Corinthians 7:29) For all its presumed benefits, would four years or more in a university be the best use of that remaining time?â€"Ephesians 5:16.Would a university education steer you toward or away from your spiritual goals? Remember, a high income is not a Christian priority. (1 Timothy 6:7, 8) Yet, a survey of U.S. university administrators described today’s students as ‘career-oriented, concerned with material success, concerned with self.’! One group of students said: “Money. It seems like all we talk about is money.” How might being immersed in an atmosphere of intense competition and selfish materialism affect you?Universities may no longer have the riotous scenes of the 1960’s. But a decrease in university bedlam hardly means the campus environment is wholesome. Concluded one study of campus life: “Students still have almost unlimited freedom in personal and social matters.” Drugs and alcohol are used freely, and promiscuity is the ruleâ€"not the exception. If this is true of universities in your land, might living there thwart your efforts to remain morally clean?â€"1 Corinthians 6:18.Another concern is the well-documented association of exposure to higher education with decreased “adherence to core religious tenets.” (The Sacred in a Secular Age) The pressure to maintain high grades has caused some Christian youths to neglect spiritual activities and thus become vulnerable to the onslaught! of secular thinking promoted by universities. Some have suffered shipw! reck concerning their faith.â€"Colossians 2:8.If, for example, your parents insist that you attend a university, you have no choice but to obey them as long as you are living under their supervision. (Ephesians 6:1-3) Perhaps you can continue living at home and avoid getting caught up in the university scene. Be selective in your choice of courses, for example, focusing on learning job skills rather than worldly philosophies. Guard your associations. (1 Corinthians 15:33) Keep yourself spiritually strong by meeting attendance, field service, and personal study. Some youths who have been obliged to attend university have even managed to pioneer by choosing a schedule of courses that made that possible.Choose your career carefully and prayerfully, so that it not only will bring personal happiness but will enable you to ‘store up treasures in heaven.’â€"Matthew 6:20.Check my profile as to clarify my thoughts on Jehovah Witnesses.Also, do not let one sentence that you may,! or may not understand, send you away from the circuit assembly with out anything else.The circuit assembly was wonderful! So many great points. And to clarify, yes, there was a brother who was talking about higher education....Show more