Thursday, 11 June 2020

Hard riddle?

Neville Dautremont: Are you just making this up? I can't see any relationship between these!

Thurman Buege: Nuisance calls get screened out. In fact, any number they don't recognise gets screened out.The last thing these queers want is a bunch of talentless kids squawking at them.

Ramon Dahlheimer: yes but i'm not telling you

Giovanni Malool: it's time but that answer is sooo old I'm going to say a dumb blond.......

Bettye Arre: 97% of Harvard graduates can not figure this riddle out, but 84% of kindergarten students were able to figure this out in 6 minutes or less. Can you guess the riddle? Just repost this bulletin with the title "The World's Hardest Riddle", and then check your inbox. You'll get a message with the correct answer in it AND TRUST ME IT WAS THE MOST SIMPLEST THING U WOULDNT HAVE GUESSED

Collin Barter: If some one gets this right i will die laughing.

Idell Dufort: LOL!!! MORE!!!!!

Rhett Kaines: Yeah I think the ca! lls get screened out. Although Steve B you didn't need to be so harsh! You wouldn't know if she was a good or bad singer! She could be amaZAYN ;) and since I am a directioner myself I know how it feels when you want to talk to them really bad. I bet you have felt like that with someone before too.But to answer your question...sorry I dont have his number. Wish I did though ...Show more

Pam Rampadarat: Imagine all the chickens and goats in the world crossing roads together-in peace. -- John Lennon

Donte Liversedge: NothingChickens can't talk

Ulrike Hert: WHOA THAT JUST BLEW MI MIND i don't know

Dan Seen: time.... i think!!!!!!

Kandi Lough: thats pretty funny!

Russell Mckinzie: 4/5

Mozell Sponsler: Pressure

Nadia Crauswell: ok three guys are walkin around together and a jenie pops in front of them nd says ha ha i just put a spell on u now everytime u jump off a cliff and scream ur most wanted thing in the world u will get it whe! n u hit the bottom so the three guys decide to try this out so! they find a cliff and the first guy he jumps off and yells MONEY so he lands in billions of bills the seconde guy jumps off the cliff and screams WOMEN so he lands in a fluffy bed with a bunch off play boy bunnys the third an dlast guy see's that the more u get a running start the more get at the bottom so he backs up a bit runs as fast as he can and just befor the end of the cliff he trips on a rock and screams CRAP.....nough said lol...Show more

Benny Stehno: Pressure of course.

Jesusita Dykhoff: LOL!!funny

Boyce Gilhooly: u have a big p*ssy there

Kris Bozelle: time,....pressure........,god???

Joie Libutti: No

Bruno Galasso: haha never heard that one.

Marquetta Gimm: probably thischuck norris

Alonso Crehan: the answer is 'no'i cannot guess the riddleno

Clemmie Burkleo: A balloon?

Vernita Robberson: WOW, I have no clue....but I like it, If nobody guesses it send me the answer

Frank Gazaway: ive heard this b! efore on myspace but i still dont know....and for the person who sed time....how does time make normal people look like celebrities or make girls comb their hair?knots do that

Margy Sandquist: Because I wanna sing to him !! So bad!!

Alexander Villas: Oh my god, I'm still laughing!!!.

Jarrod Darnall: is it oil/ grease/fat!?!?!?!

Melvin Nakama: the answer is No, I cannot guess the riddle

Roosevelt Pendill: The sun, alcohol, prostitutes? OMG! This is frigging hard!

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