Monday, 15 June 2020

Arguments against Polls during an election?

Jacinta Moitoso: the only accurate poll is the Nate Silver poll-538

Josefine Weekey: It is a fact that most people want to vote for a winner. If they perceive (based on poll stories) that one side is winning they are likely to vote for that side. The idea they are biased is real when you look at 00, and 2004 presidential race polls, but 2008 they had it right on.

Hope Lundmark: Man just accept the fact Obama is your prez now and stop tryin to find faults

Rosann Mccomb: What makes some of the polls invalided is that the research shows that Obama was very close to ACORN and they did a lot of illegal voting of people that were dead and could not vote and some people registered twice under different names and voted twice and some times more than twice and research shows that Obama was not borne in the U.S so there for not making him a natural borne citizen so his election may be voted invalided people are in the Supreme Court to see what to do ...Show mor! e

Brian Marquina: Polls should be stopped 48 hours before the election until the polls have been closed 2 hours. Otherwise, I like that FREE Speech part of the Amendments to Constitution.

Jayson Brod: Polls are often inaccurate. By predetermining they can sometimes sway voters.

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