Germaine Tieken: Catholic schools charge to pay for maintenance of building (including insurances, books etc..etc..), pay the staff, donate for charity of their choice, help the Parish the school belongs to. What profit? I've seen their books, I've seen where it goes. (My middle child is currently in Catholic school)If a Catholic school cannot maintain itself, it is closed down. ArchDiocese cannot afford to keep a school that needs constant help. (This is in the U.S. btw)As for Haiti. The poverty there is at an extreme. The Catholic Church DOES help. But do you realize the near impossibility of turning the place around? And this is with ALL humanitarian relief...Show more
Theresia Fashaw: For men it's about getting yourself a sex slave. For women it's about getting 50% of someone's belongings without working.
Hollis Demasters: There is proof of God to those that seek Him.
Randall Twehous: Its called commitment. God created us as superior beings to ! rule the earth. In Genesis: 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth....Show more
Mitzie Clough: that is what the New testament is all about. It remove all that ritual. Now we can go directly to god to confess our problems.
Romeo Tinnea: It's a longstanding tradition, and that's why it means something. Some people do it for religious reasons, obviously. What's the point of Christmas, Halloween, Mother's Day, etc. then? Should we just not celebrate anything?We are NOT just like any other species on the plan! et. We are the most intelligent species and have the capacity! to understand the point of things like traditions. Well, most of us do anyway......Show more
Andra Oger: Families are nice things.All things have their origin in eternity.Your life is the sum of your thoughts.You can't not exist.Prepare to live forever.Read the book of mormon....Show more
Rosann Mccomb: You blasphemer! The FSM is not nonexistent !!! Are you too scared of the tomatoe sauce, or what !?
Forest Duttinger: Financial gain - government control...
Cassidy Pangrazio: lol guess that's kinda true... but you're question is flawed at a closer look--we're unique to all species on this planet. we have a more complex mind... our relationships are built on more than just physical attraction or the need to mate, but intellect--and personality that define humans.and, biblical "mumbo-jumbo", more simply "tradition"
Manie Labat: It shows you are connected to the person you love, it's really a chick thing.
Misty Vagle: oh my god sweetheart ho! w old are you? see when i hear things like this i get so very sad....while i know i cant save anyone i have a issue with getting really down and out when i hear things like ask that question i me if a person in real life asked me this i would be scared to speak with them.that seems so evil to ask a question like that.but of course i would answer so with all do respect marriage is a very inporant lifestyle according to the word of god.its hard to explain this to someone who is not a christian being as how iam a young adult but the best way i guess to say this to the bible i say this with everything inside of me that question is dangerous to shows spiritually you must be lost are you a christian? god help us all...Show more
Randa Hessell: It's just a big party. Your relationship would be the same without the wedding...
Branden Round: 1 John 1:99If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to clea! nse us from all unrighteousness.Not only can God forgive us of our sins! but God can also cleanse us from the stain of sin which the catholic priest cannot do!...Show more
Serita Hefferon: like u said "nonexistent" so u answered your own question, we d'nt believe in them coz they d'nt exist!!!! we believe in God coz he exist!! i'm a livin testimony coz i knw he's been so good to me. who sayz there's no proof for God?? just because u have'nt tasted he's goodness does'nt mean he's not there!!!! why d'nt u go down on your knees with a open heart and ask him to show you he's love?? if u d'nt then u know theres a God you just can't admit it! if u do welcome to being part of God believers!!...Show more
Byron Fortmann: John 20:21-23 Again Jesus said, âPeace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.â And with that he breathed on them and said, âReceive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyoneâs sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.â To ignore reconciliation is to ignore ! obedience to Christ and the church he set up. Literally you are denying what Christ ordained, common man did not ordain this, Christ did. The Apostles were given the sacrament of reconciliation directly from Christ himself yet you ignore it, you want the easy way, which is not through the Gate of Christ. John 10:1 âVery truly I tell you Pharisees, anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber.Christ was obedient to the Father until death, what makes you think you do not have to be obedient to Christ by living in the ordinances he has made? And it isn't by a power from the priest that sins are forgiven, it is God through Christ, who ordained the authority present in the world. The Church is Christ's physical presence among us, it is his Body. He established the Church not man. You can't go around the gate.The Apostles were sent out into the world to build up the Church. In John 13:20 Christ says, "Ver! y truly I tell you, whoever accepts anyone I send accepts me; and whoev! er accepts me accepts the one who sent me.âThe Apostles were given the authority to dictate on matters of faith and help guide the way to Christ, because he showed them the way. in Matthew 18:15-18, we see Christ speak directly about the church intervening in sin, and also the important fact that whatever the Apostles bind on earth will stand as the law of heaven.âIf your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that âevery matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.â If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector. âTruly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Christ made it clear that obedience is im! portant, he established his church on Peter, one of the Apostles. As Peter and the others were sent into the world by Christ, all those that accepted them accept Christ and those who accept Christ accept the Father. The church didn't end with them, the authority still exists today, lest you deny Christ.
Ronnie Barcus: Umm, yet you obviously believe that using sarcasm and sneering at others will make them want to see things your way ... and that, as we know, doesn't work, it's nonexistent.Why aren't you running to the nearest hospital?
Buster Exline: where did you get "biblical mumbo jumbo"?a marriage ceremony is only religious is you want it to be - otherwise it has nothing to do to with religion. marriage is a legal contract. end of then - the "point" of getting married is different for every couple. for most though, it is a public declaration of their commitment to each other. a marriage is simply (or maybe not so simply) a pledge to share! everything with one person, for better or worse for the rest of your l! ife.and there are always going to be "worse" times. that's human nature. marriages survive when both parties love each other, respect each other, communicate and are willing to work at it. when those things are lacking however, there is no point....Show more
Agustina Stimmel: you obviously have not read john.20:21-23, and james ch. 5., we know god forgives us if we ask , but that is not showing responsibility and accountability
Mark Villifana: How do you intend for god to hear you while 6 billion other voices are all working at the exact same time?
David Boehler: Marriage is honorable but fornicators and adulterers will be judged by God.
Ramona Pago: Real Estate Partnership, and Child Custody.
Shan Lanen: Public avowal of one's love for one's partner. Doesn't have to have any other meaning than that if you don't wish.
Dwight Siniard: Praise God, for the truth. Keep telling the world this truth. god will bless you and tear down this f! alse religion = OT priest system, carried on, after God did away with it, having always hated it. Isa 1.
Lawanna Livsey: Marriage has got nothing to do with religion it is to show your commitment to someone
Cassidy Pangrazio: Yes we can do that. We also confess to the priest for prayers for penance that the blood of Christ redeemed us from the Cross and thus we received the Body and Blood of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist for the true remissions of our sins. Do it only thru the catholic church.
Anibal Katayama: But is it worth the financial disbenefits? We all know they don't last, especially in today's society.
Lorelei Lilburn: Because the marriage relationship is a symbol of the relationship between Christ and His Church, The Bride of Christ. To be committed and loving to the end of life is a strong basis for a healthy family life. Healthy families make healthy societies.
Sharee Doak: God exists. He is alive. He is real and He cares about you! .Deny Him or not, He will never deny you.
Frances Macky: No.The B! ible teaches:1) Jesus Christ Granted the Apostles His Authority to Forgive Sins2) The Necessity and Practice of Orally Confessing Sins
Ardelia Liptow: holy matrimony, its basically choosing to faithfully be someones partner for the rest of their lives before God
Mikel Bethay: YES!!!!!!!So very True!!REJOICE!!!
Cedric Grimstead: There are other species on this planet that only have one mate. But I somewhat agree, at least we wouldn't have this gay marriage issue.
Warren Kotter: goverments way of getting money from so called love.
Hope Lundmark: No, actually the Bible states the opposite, and you are following your father satan in seeking the ruin of souls.
Dana Russian: The only way we can have certainty in God's forgiveness is through his promises to us. God can not contradict himself. We can not be the sole judge of ourselves since we can not truly know if our hearts are right. God is the j! udge of us. We have to go to Him and seek His repentance and forgiveness. We need His grace to transform us.The bible talks about how we receive God's forgiveness in a number of places. In the OT how did God forgive sins? We see that they offered animal sacrifices to God. If they needed to offer a sacrifice they would have to go see a priest who could offer it on their behalf for their forgiveness. The animal was like a scapegoat that was sacrificed on the person's behalf.This would be a big deal if you think about it. You would have to take one of your best animals and travel to a priest on foot who could be miles away. At this point you would have to confess your sins to the priest and he would take the animal and sacrifice it in reparation for your sins (see Lev 5:5-6; Num 5:5-10). Talk about an impediment to repeat offenses.Now with Jesus being the last and only sacrifice truly acceptable to God for the forgiveness of sins we know that we don't have to keep doing animal! sacrifices. However, how do we actually receive that forgiveness that ! Jesus died to bring us? Fortunately, Jesus provided us a way.The NT starts off with associating forgiveness with repentance and baptism. Jesus' baptism was with 'water and Spirit' (Jn 3:5) for the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38-39, 22:16; 1 Pt 3:21). Baptism also makes us members of the Body of Christ (1 Cor 12:13, Gal 3:27), is the entrance into the New Covenant as circumcision was the entrance into the old (Col 2:11-12), and through it we receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38, Jn 3:5, 1 Cor 12:13). See also Ez 36:25-27 for a prefiguring of baptism in the OT.So we have seen how we are incorporated into Christ and forgiven in baptism. But, what about if we sin after baptism? Has God provided a way for us to still receive forgiveness? Believe it or not there was some controversy about this in the early Church. Some thought one could not be forgiven serious sins after baptism. Of course this idea was rejected. But, just how has Christ incorporated a means to be forgiven of serio! us sins after baptism for those in his Body?The bible says in 1 Jn 1:9, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." So, we need to confess our sins. But how do we confess our sins? And, how do we know we have been heard and have been forgiven? Are we back where we started? Well, not completely. We can start by having faith in this word.But, what does it mean to confess our sins? In the book of James we read, "Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed"(5:16). So, the bible is telling us to confess our sins to others. That doesn't mean just on the internet, but actually confessing your sins to someone else. But, do we confess our sins to just anyone? No. How would that work? In James 5:14 we read if anyone is sick call the elders who will pray and anoint him and his sins will be forgiven. This is the context of which we read 5:16 and is to whom we are to! confess our sins. Who are the elders? The Greek word here is presbyter! os or english presbyters. This is where we get the term priest from.Confession in the NT means the same as in the OT in the sense that it is something we do with our lips publicly (Mk. 1:5, Rom 10:10, James 5:16). So, we confess our sins publicly? To whom? The Congregation, the Church? Believe it or not, that is how the early Church did it. We have their writings talking about public confession of sins in the Church. In fact those who refused to do so were considered to have fallen away due to their bashfulness. Over time this practice became more private, confessing just to the bishops or presbyterate (priest) to avoid public scandal.So in the NT we still confess our sins to the priest kind of like how they did in the OT. But where do we see this in the bible? Jesus gave his apostles the gift to forgive and retain sins in Jn 20:21-23. Why would Jesus give his apostles the gift to forgive others sins if he did not expect them to use it? And, how could they forgive sins unle! ss they heard people confessing them their sins? The apostles passed on this gift to their successors. Why would Jesus give his apostles the gift to forgive and retain sins and have that gift die out with the last apostle? If the gift was needed at the time of the apostles it will surely be needed after.
Derrick Cacioppo: A massive amount of legal benefits in one neat package. It has nothing to do with religion.
Romeo Tinnea: ...Well, then we should get rid of money. And careers. And education. And clothing.Yeah, we're just like all the other species. Just animals. Why all this special "people" stuff, eh? =D
Ginny Trickett: It's an unnatural state really. I don't think nature intended us to marry and stay with one person the whole of our lives. People change and their feelings change.
Kim Gerbino: There is no proof for them also... And if you dont believe in them you should immediately go to a mental hospital and have your brains rebooted A. Fly! ing Spagetthi MonsterB. SantaC. Talking Donkeys with bird tailsD. Trian! gle CircleE. Flying pink elephants with mustache and beardYou should either immediately start believing in these things or quit believing in Gods and Satans or spirits...Otherwise as I told you, you must run to the nearest hospital... I am serious......Show more
Whitley Leopold: It is a way to commit yourself to one person forever. There are political reasons as well. I'm not sure if it still the law but I use to live in the UK and worked for the National Health System. Men were not allowed to visit their children in the Paediatric ward unless they were married to the mother, the mother had signed a form saying they were allowed, or they were the sole caregiver. Not a problem if you are married.ALso, accessing your spouses super/pension. So much easier if you are married. If not you have to prove that you have been living in a de facto relationship.Just a few examples...WHy do people have to get married for love?...Show more
Refugio Gastineau: Ok I understand it! CAN be a good environment for children to grow up in, but what about the children who have to grow up with parents who abuse and fight eachother every single day, but are stuck together due to financial issues? Which well over 50% of marriages are going through.
Octavio Roylance: marriage has nothing to do with any biblical mumbo jumbo. Marriage has very little to do with religion and existed before christianity was even a concept.Do I care if other people get married? Hell no. But to imply that because I'm married I've followed some christian tradition is untrue.
Heidy Fujikake: it's to create a stable environment to raise kids
Hermina Ketring: The point of marriage is to build a strong healthy environment for men, women and children to live in.Many research studies have proved married men live longer than single men.Children are more well adjusted being raised by two loving parents.Women are more emotionally stable in a healthy marriage rel! ationship.These are statistically proved facts.We are not just like oth! er living species on this planet....Show more
Bryant Chaudhry: Its interesting that the catholics who answered this question refuse to follow what God says in His Bible. They still insist they have to go to a catholic priest to confess their sins. This shows that the catholics follow what the catholic church says instead of following what God says.This is why most catholics are not christians and will not enter into Heaven.
Kirk Coolbeth: Are you helpful you do not have the potential? in spite of each little thing you probably did ask the question, which proves you have some potential to think of exterior of your self. it is step one. shop on going. Be very careful via fact there's an incredible variety of mis-information available approximately God. finally end up a non secular mentor which you adore and believe who can paintings with you in my opinion. truly, sidestep training behaviors that are expressly forbidden by way of faith (and for this objective treme! ndously much any religions ethical code will do) as beautiful in "sinful" habit places huge obstacles to seeing the reality of God, till such habit just about destroys you and then God can come alongside and %. up the products. that's greater ideal to hunt for God in a greater disciplined way....Show more
Rick Duchane: Why don't you become a snail. You are mentally slow so you should evolve into a snail.
Patrick Bitsui: Marriage was around long before the Bible existed. It's a social contract. It publicly declares to all in a given society that the couple in question IS a couple, and that they expect both the rights and responsibilities that the society in question offers to and expects from couples. It also gives the society notice that they must treat the couple as such, and grant them the appropriate status - whatever goes along with being married in that particular group. It's all about a change in status, not about religion....Show more
Bethany Bl! ocker: collect from their members? Places like Haiti have been Catholi! c run for 300 or so years and it is one of the poorest disease ridden places on the planet, does the Catholic church help these people and if they do why is it such a bad place?
Abel Adger: To keep folks out of trouble by doing it the right way, but many have made bad choices bringing themselves in a web of trouble from their doings. If you really love your partner, you will stay with them.
Jonelle Eligio: The Catholic Church believes that "Only God forgives sin."When a penitent person asks God for forgiveness, his (or her) sins are immediately forgiven.Catholics also believe that when someone sins they not only hurt their relationship with God, they also injure the entire church, the body of Christ. Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you." And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, "Receive the holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained." (J! ohn 20:21-23)Several important things are happening here all at once and within the same context:⢠"As the Father has sent me, so I send you." God the Father sent Christ to us for many reasons, one of which was to forgive our sins, so Christ sends the Apostles and their successors to, among other things, forgive our sins.⢠Jesus, God the Son, "breathes" on the Apostles. The only other moment in Holy Scripture where God breathes on humanity is in Genesis 2:7, when the Lord "breathes" divine life into man. When God breathes on humans significant things happen.⢠And then and only then Jesus says, "Receive the holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained."Jesus says this a bit differently in Matthew 16:19: "I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Oral confessing of sins is recommended over and over in ! both the Old and New Testaments:⢠James 5:16 ⢠Acts 19:18 ⢠Matth! ew 3:5-6⢠Mark 1:5 ⢠1 Timothy 6:12 ⢠1 John 1:9 ⢠Numbers 5:6-7 ⢠Nehemiah 9:2 ⢠Sirach 4:26 The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation with a priest ordained in the name of Jesus Christ not only reconciles the sinner to God but with the entire church, including you and me.Remember all sacraments are encounters with God. This sacrament is a healing encounter between God and the penitent.For more information, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, section 1422 and following: love in Christ.
Sylvie Snetting: Children
Shandi Wedge: Marriage predates the Bible.