Sunday, 23 February 2020

Who can desribe the acting career?

Sherri Drakos: Acting is very tough career. why? because the competition is high. there are lots of aspiring actors out there, who cannot start to be one of them, because people is looking for a brillant actor that can satisfy them.

Shelley Stevens: acting is 1% acting and 99% looking for a job. It is constant hope and rejection. Film work when you get it starts before sunup and goes til after sundown. You spend most of your time waiting for the set to be ready, then for the lights to be ready then for the camera and sound to be ready, then you act for a few seconds or maybe a couple of minutes and are stopped by something that is not right and so you do it over again and over and over and over again until it is right and until you get all the angles covered, then you go wait fo the next shot if you are lucky to have more than one shot and repeat the process. NOthing too glamerous. Just work. Which might be thrown out of the final copy in the editing.'Very dry, ! unexciting work, no glamor. Films are all illusion created by the editing and fx. Stage actors rehearse for 2-4 weeks, do previews and then get closed by poor attendance or bad reviews and jobs are over before they begin. It is an agonizing perilous existence....Show more

Cherry Stampka: Acting is a hard and risky buisness. The chances for success are very low and it is very difficult to trust people. This buisness is all about connections. It is difficult, unless you are brilliant, to start and become an over night success. It takes many years for some and there will always be job shortages. Hope this is what you were looking for:)...Show more

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