Saturday, 29 February 2020

having a debate on fashion?

Filiberto Amauty: Fashion brings awareness among ppl,they unit try to look cool and also raise the standards of our country....Fashion in a good way is really niceits cool if we syau updated but too much of it can evn prove fatal..any wayz hope ive helped u ...all d bst...Show more

Curtis Josef: express yourselfshow people who you are and what you like

Coleman Coscia: say fashion is very important because people these days judge others based on their appearance. for example, fashion can be important if you're being interviewed for a job. the interviewer will automatically notice the way you're dressed, make sure you're professional looking and not sloppily dressed and stuff. fashion also can express who you are. many people like expressing themselves through the item of clothes they wear. and there are many different types of fashion that will express you're culture and stuff. so like fashion is important for cultures because it expresses who they are/what the! y believe and stuffhope that helped!...Show more

Paul Maymi: Fashion makes people feel pretty and confident, it works with our bodies and with our minds.

Venetta Coulbourne: ??? Its the right thing to do, if your in fashion lolumm, your more socially accepted I guess, you feel more confident when you fit in with society, your self esteem is higher when your wearing the latest fashion?? idk

Brenton Cornwall: say fashion is very important because people these days judge others based on their appearance. for example, fashion can be important if you're being interviewed for a job. the interviewer will automatically notice the way you're dressed, make sure you're professional looking and not sloppily dressed and stuff. fashion also can express who you are. many people like expressing themselves through the item of clothes they wear. and there are many different types of fashion that will express you're culture and stuff. so like fashion is important for culture! s because it expresses who they are/what they believe and stuf! f...Show more

Conrad Puleio: it allows people to be creative and express themselves.Especially good when people are shy :)

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