Thursday, 20 February 2020

How many of you actually study philosophy?

Tomi Vauters: I do!!I love studying it. I try to balance science with philosophy. My fav philosophers are Socrates, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Tennyson.Who's your favorites?Oh, just finished reading the rest of your comment. Care sharing some of your philosophical nuggets you came up with?...Show more

Alecia Kaehler: I've taken a philosophy class, but I didn't like how everything seemed to be black and white. I believe, that most of life is in a grey area. Like you, I learn as I go an establish my own views.

Terrell Voltz: I listen to stolen philosophical audio-books on my drive to work.Wikipedia helps fill my gaps in knowledge.That's how much effort I put into actual philosophy.

Providencia Jalbert: what is philosophy

Sibyl Siwik: I don't study philosophy in a classroom. I take the same approach as you and learn as I go.

Bianca Lannier: I received my bachelor's degree in philosophy in 2001 from Indiana University. It's intriguing to think you ! "don't care" about the works of other philosophers, but how can you know if you haven't been exposed to them? Would it change your mind if you were to learn something you "discovered" on your own was actually an issue hotly debated for centuries by "recognized" philosophers?...Show more

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