Wednesday, 15 July 2020

Vegan Clothes/Food.?

Jed Porada: Cotton comes from a plant, therefore it's vegan. Wool, leather and fur are NOT vegan.Some veggieburgers are vegan and some aren't. The vegan ones will usually say so on the package. However, it's always a good idea to check the ingredients.Soy milk and soy cheese is vegan. Again, just check the ingredients. Both of these are found in most grocery stores....Show more

Kiersten Clayburn: Cotton comes from a tree, so it's definitely vegan. Veggie burgers are also vegan. I'm not sure about eggs being vegan but they do have vegan milk and cheese.

Rosalia Hibler: Read a bit on vegetaria nculinary recipes http://vegetarianculinary.co.cc and about all types of diets http://diettypes.co.cc and then mix infos a bit. I coudl give you stright answer but its better fi you read a little and get them yourself !

Idell Syed: I have recently become a full vegetarian. And i was wondering what to eat to get,protein and calcium. And some food to give me energ! y... Oh and food that wont make me break out. And to keep me in shape. So please and thank you:)

Leontine Kreitz: veggie burgers, check the ingredients and label.yes cotton is vegan. it's a plant.milk, eggs, cheese: no. by definition, not vegan.

Lu Tiner: boy, i love vegetarian people. i just want to say if you are a veggie you got to eat indian food. indian food is best for veggies. with endless variety. most tasty food. if you are veggie you have to eat indian food . thank you for being veggie. bye bye . jesus is greatest.

Anton Waln: HII think that this website will help you a lot http://burnfati.blogspot.comorhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cyl_VO-sgjg

Toya Braskett: i am making tofu "chicken" salad & it says to steam the tofu??Here's the recipe if you need it :::http://www.vegfamily.com/vegan-recipes/salads/mock...

Peggy Sandefer: yogurt

Sherita Gallati: cotton is a plant with little cotton balls for picking.

Lilli Kochel: A die! t change can always be rough when it comes to weight gain beca! use you either don't really know what to eat or you are so excited about all the new options that you eat too much. Anyway, the first, easiest way to avoid weight gain is to limit your intake of processed foods. Processed foods contain not very many nutrients for the amount of calories they contain, and they are not very filling. The foods I find most filling as a vegetarian are potatoes (bake/boil them and don't smother in fatty toppings, just add a bit of olive oil and salt if you don't like them plain, or eat them with veggies on top), whole grain pasta (I like to eat it with tomato sauce, bell peppers, and zucchini), soup (veggie broth with lots of different types of vegetables has a very small amount of calories, but always keeps me full), and fruit. Fruits and veggies are full of water so they are usually more filling than other foods despite their small amount of calories. Just knowing portion sizes will help you return to your normal weight. A serving of nuts or see! ds is just about a handful. A piece of bread usually contains about 100 calories, so if I am trying to lose weight I usually eat sandwiches open faced. Find the serving size of a bowl, mug, or small cup that you have at your house and then use that when you are eating so you know you aren't overeating. Keep your diet varied and find what are filling foods for you!...Show more

Majorie Chester: vegetables?

Mozell Sponsler: put water in a pot, boil it, and put a macoroni strainer over it, place tofu in it. and let the steam from the pot steam the tofu

Chris Rosenkranz: Cotton is vegan to me..Not all veggie burgers are vegan..look for ones that have the "V" on it and say vegan.Soy milk, rice milk, almond milk, and hemp milk are genrerally vegan. Some soy and rice cheeses are vegan--check the label. As for eggs, the closest I've ever come to a vegan egg, was just eating Tofu the way I would with eggs.You can get those foods at Trader Joe's and Whole Foods. If ! you don't have those by you, check a local health food store or the "He! althy" asile at your supermarket....Show more

Randa Hessell: I like to use quinoa. It is a grain, each piece between the size of cous cous and a lentil. It has a nice, slightly nutty flavor to it, and is fairly versatile. But the best part of it, when I'm doing vegetarian dishes, is that it is a complete protein. Protein is usually the tripping point in a vegetarian diet, and you can only eat so much soy and tofu.

Dominic Sciancalepore: on the back of quorn food packets i says if there foods are vegetarian or vegan but thats just quorn It may say on www.peta.org

Darren Heling: You need to have yogurt(low fat) and tofu or paneer (indian cottage cheese and milk for calcium. Go green for a healthy diet. Here are some vegetarian dishes that you would absolutely love. http://www.ifood.tv/network/vegetarian/recipes

Kaley Lappas: Boca makes some good vegan burgers. Whole foods has ALOT of good vegan food :)

Brock Hladik: Here's a small list of ideas! .http://michaelbluejay.com/veg/eat.htmlBread, pasta, cereal, rice, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies can easily offer everything that you need except B12.http://www.veganhealth.org/shhttp://www.pcrm.org/health/veginfoAll vegetarians should take a B12 supplement regularly since most people eat meat, dairy AND fortified cereals yet still have a B12 status that is lower than recommended.http://www.veganhealth.org/articles/b12It may help you if you see proof that vegetarians have the same potential as anyone else.http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=ke...http://www.veganbodybuilding.com/phpBB2/viewtopic....http://www.veganbodybuilding.com/phpBB2/viewtopic....http://www.macdanzig.net/bio.phphttp://www.scottjurek.com/career.phpIf you need meat or dairy during any stage of your life or to live any certain lifestyle, why does the American Dietetic Association say otherwise?http://www.eatright.org/cps/rde/xchg/ada/hs.xsl/ad......Show more

Lonnie ! Jehle: put it in a pan of water, i'm guessing put it on medium or high ! heat, and let it cookhttp://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=200908...

Lorelei Lilburn: Cotton is fine. It's a plant. Veggie burgers ARE vegan.Milk, cheese, eggs are NOT vegan - if you are trying to be vegetarian, then that's fine, but vegans do not eat anything that came from a living animal - that means NO meat OR dairy, like butter, eggs, cheese, milk, nothing. Gotta read the labels....Show more

Idell Syed: 1. Cotton is vegan, it comes from a plant.2. Veggie burgers *can* be vegan, buy vegan ones at a health foods store. Check the label carefully.3. Vegan alternatives to milk: rice, soya, oat, or hemp 'milks'.Soy milk is by far the most popular dairy free alternative to dairy milk. You can also buy vegan 'cheese'. 4. Health foods shops usually have these products. Some supermarket stores have them too.Hope this helps. :)...Show more

Troy Staton: Sue,Sorry to hear about the weight gain. It may be from eating too many calories, since your body is not ! getting the protein that it should be getting from meat/dairy/egg sources. Since the body craves protein, you feel hungry more often, causing you to eat more often and more at each sitting.Just out of curiosity, you do know that plants are living entities, too, right? Plants have the ability to respond to stimuli, and some early studies show that they have a limited neural net, and that plants do have the ability to feel pain... Plants don't have a pretty face with big brown eyes and stand on four hooves, but there is a good possibility that they are sentient...Hope this helps!...Show more

Madie Strople: Are you eating mainly processed food as a vegetarian? You need to make sure you're eating much more natural produce (such as nuts, beans, fruit and vegetables) than processed stuff; while it's okay to eat a fake burger every now and again, overdoing it will be detrimental.Get a good vegetarian/vegan cookbook (I like Veganomicon and Vegan With A Vengeance personally) i! f you haven't already, and give the recipes a try. Worked extremely wel! l for me; delicious and nutritious all in one meal!...Show more

Adelle Weight: vegetarian ... your now a vegetable dear , lol.. Use that to its advantage, stock up on ur veggies , there unlimited, eat as many as you want, and keep other catergories to proper limits for you size,age, etc. Tofu is a good source of protein, and beans are good too. Just make sure to eats lots of veggies and limit everything else. Try and make your plate, quarter grain, quarter protein/dairy and then half veggies.. Good Luck :-D...Show more

Catheryn Small: Cotton is vegan, especially organic. Most veggie burgers are vegan, but you have to check. They add cheese and egg whites sometimes. You can buy soy/rice milk, no eggs, vegan cheese (slices, chunks), Tofutti sour cream and cream cheese are wonderful. Smart Balance Light margarine is veganI buy most everything at the regular supermarket- they're getting much better. Just become a fanatic label-reader....Show more

Donald Carava! lho: Vegan is having NO animal by products. So technically you cant have any milk cheese, or cotton however you can do it will still keeping the vegan spirit.Vegans avoid by products because the animals are treated badly. Logically speaking if a sheep is treated good and its wool is taken in a way that doesnt bother the sheep than the product made from it would still ahve the vegan spriit. The same is true of dairy prodcuts. However it is very hard to find a company that does this. The legal definations that deal with animal humanity are rigged in the favor of the companies. A company can treat its animals very badly and still call itself human or free range (the exactl legal definition of free range is 30 minutes a week of free range activity)...Show more

Hyman Coren: Cotton is vegan. Leather, wool, fur, and silk are not.Veggie burgers are not always vegan. You have to check the ingredients for milk and eggs.They have plenty of milk alternatives such as: soy! milk, rice milk, almond milk, and others.There is soy cheese and rice ! cheese. Eggs can be replaced at breakfast with tofu scramble and it can be replaced in recipes by using applesauce, cornstarch and other things.I get my soy milk, soy cheese, and cornstarch at my local grocery store. Most grocery stores at least have soy milk....Show more

Jefferson Sarson: http://www.foodnetwork.com/food/lf_hl_vegetarian/a... (I found this site for you,It tells you about protein vegetarian foords and gives you recipies..hope it helps :)

Deangelo Marchak: I guess everyone who ever ate meat is going to hell.... I hope you know you can't get the proper nutrients your body needs without meat.

Clement Viscarro: I changed to a vegetarian 2 months ago because eating meat was against my conscience. I felt bad about animal suffering and I wanted to repent. Anyways....the main point is that I have gained weight after becoming vegetarian. Does anyone know of a healthy vegetarian diet regime that does not involve weight gain?

Elvin Mannhe! imer: I've been vegetarian for the past 4 years but I started 3 years prior I eliminated one meat group at a time until I was full before I knew it. I feel more cleaner, and lighter then ever in my life right now - and I don't think I'd ever go back. All you have to do is replace the meat with whatever you like as in vegetables, grain based foods, trader joes or any other store has a vegetarian section.

Claire Billegas: Yahoo!My Yahoo!Mail Make Y! your home pageYahoo! SearchSearch:Welcome, vinayak_bharath00...[Sign Out, My Account]Answers Home -Forum -Blog -Help Ask Answer Discover Search for questions: Advanced My ProfileHome > Food & Drink > Vegetarian & Vegan > Open Question Madaline... Member since: July 14, 2008 Total points: 88 (Level 1) Add to My Contacts Block User Open QuestionShow me another » Vegan Clothes/Food.?Is cotton vegan or no? cause i cant figure it out.and isnt veggie burgers vegan?i just want to know.and is there any products such as! milk,eggs,cheese, etc. that comes as vegan?if so can you tell me where! ?thank you so much! (:10 hours ago - 3 days left to answer. Answer this QuestionReport Abuse 0 stars - mark this as Interesting! Who found this interesting?Be the first person to mark this question as interesting! Email Save Add to private WatchlistSave to My Web Add to My Yahoo! Add to Del.icio.us RSS Answers (13) Show: All Answers Oldest to Newest Newest to Oldest Rated Highest to Lowest by Phoenix Member since: May 19, 2008 Total points: 208 (Level 1) Add to My Contacts Block User Cotton comes from a plant, therefore it's vegan. Wool, leather and fur are NOT vegan.Some veggieburgers are vegan and some aren't. The vegan ones will usually say so on the package. However, it's always a good idea to check the ingredients.Soy milk and soy cheese is vegan. Again, just check the ingredients. Both of these are found in most grocery stores.9 hours ago 0 Rating: Good Answer 0 Rating: Bad Answer Report Abuse Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate by Diving Phoenix Member since: Augus! t 25, 2006 Total points: 194 (Level 1) Add to My Contacts Block User Vegan is having NO animal by products. So technically you cant have any milk cheese, or cotton however you can do it will still keeping the vegan spirit.Vegans avoid by products because the animals are treated badly. Logically speaking if a sheep is treated good and its wool is taken in a way that doesnt bother the sheep than the product made from it would still ahve the vegan spriit. The same is true of dairy prodcuts. However it is very hard to find a company that does this. The legal definations that deal with animal humanity are rigged in the favor of the companies. A company can treat its animals very badly and still call itself human or free range (the exactl legal definition of free range is 30 minutes a week of free range activity)10 hours ago 1 Rating: Good Answer 1 Rating: Bad Answer Report Abuse Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate by The Great Leap Member since: April 21, 2008 Total points: 5490 ! (Level 5) Add to My Contacts Block User Cotton is vegan. Leather, wool,! fur, and silk are not.Veggie burgers are not always vegan. You have to check the ingredients for milk and eggs.They have plenty of milk alternatives such as: soy milk, rice milk, almond milk, and others.There is soy cheese and rice cheese. Eggs can be replaced at breakfast with tofu scramble and it can be replaced in recipes by using applesauce, cornstarch and other things.I get my soy milk, soy cheese, and cornstarch at my local grocery store. Most grocery stores at least have soy milk.10 hours ago 1 Rating: Good Answer 1 Rating: Bad Answer Report Abuse Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate by Cristina V Member since: July 14, 2007 Total points: 161 (Level 1) Add to My Contacts Block User Boca makes some good vegan burgers. Whole foods has ALOT of good vegan food :)10 hours ago 0 Rating: Good Answer 0 Rating: Bad Answer Report Abuse Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate by gabmerc Member since: April 03, 2008 Total points: 761 (Level 2) Add to My Contacts Block User Cotton is v! egan to me..Not all veggie burgers are vegan..look for ones that have the "V" on it and say vegan.Soy milk, rice milk, almond milk, and hemp milk are genrerally vegan. Some soy and rice cheeses are vegan--check the label. As for eggs, the closest I've ever come to a vegan egg, was just eating Tofu the way I would with eggs.You can get those foods at Trader Joe's and Whole Foods. If you don't have those by you, check a local health food store or the "Healthy" asile at your supermarket.10 hours ago Source(s):Veg.1 Rating: Good Answer 0 Rating: Bad Answer Report Abuse Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate by Hollywoo... Member since: April 29, 2008 Total points: 3026 (Level 4) Badge Image: Contributing In: Vegetarian & Vegan Add to My Contacts Block User 1. Cotton is vegan, it comes from a plant.2. Veggie burgers *can* be vegan, buy vegan ones at a health foods store. Check the label carefully.3. Vegan alternatives to milk: rice, soya, oat, or hemp 'milks'.Soy milk is by far the! most popular dairy free alternative to dairy milk. You can also buy ve! gan 'cheese'. 4. Health foods shops usually have these products. Some supermarket stores have them too.Hope this helps. :)10 hours ago 4 Rating: Good Answer 0 Rating: Bad Answer Report Abuse Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate by Panda Luverr Member since: July 03, 2008 Total points: 161 (Level 1) Add to My Contacts Block User Vegans only cant eat or wear animals cottons ok i think veggie burgers have cheese if not ok and all the products you listed vegan's can not eat i hope that helped maybe a little???please help me http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;...10 hours ago 0 Rating: Good Answer 3 Rating: Bad Answer Report Abuse Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate by hartinba... Member since: June 11, 2008 Total points: 1477 (Level 3) Add to My Contacts Block User Cotton is fine. It's a plant. Veggie burgers ARE vegan.Milk, cheese, eggs are NOT vegan - if you are trying to be vegetarian, then that's fine, but vegans do not eat anything that came from a living animal - that me! ans NO meat OR dairy, like butter, eggs, cheese, milk, nothing. Gotta read the labels.10 hours ago 0 Rating: Good Answer 2 Rating: Bad Answer Report Abuse Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate by Daisy W Member since: May 05, 2008 Total points: 254 (Level 2) Add to My Contacts Block User on the back of quorn food packets i says if there foods are vegetarian or vegan but thats just quorn It may say on www.peta.org10 hours ago 1 Rating: Good Answer 0 Rating: Bad Answer Report Abuse Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate by Darpa Member since: July 15, 2008 Total points: 105 (Level 1) Add to My Contacts Block User Cotton comes from a tree, so it's definitely vegan. Veggie burgers are also vegan. I'm not sure about eggs being vegan but they do have vegan milk and cheese.10 hours ago 1 Rating: Good Answer 4 Rating: Bad Answer Report Abuse Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate by live in the now Member since: January 28, 2008 Total points: 16542 (Level 6) Add to My Contacts Block User cott! on is a plant with little cotton balls for picking.10 hours ago 1 Ratin! g: Good Answer 0 Rating: Bad Answer Report Abuse Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate by ellen degenitals Member since: February 28, 2008 Total points: 4167 (Level 4) Add to My Contacts Block User veggie burgers, check the ingredients and label.yes cotton is vegan. it's a plant.milk, eggs, cheese: no. by definition, not vegan.10 hours ago 2 Rating: Good Answer 0 Rating: Bad Answer Report Abuse Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rate by Patrick R Member since: April 10, 2008 Total points: 2662 (Level 4) Add to My Contacts Block User cotton is vegan ... it's a plant.the other stuff: don't care.10 hours ago 0 Rating: Good Answer 3 Rating: Bad Answer Report Abuse Sorry, you must be Level 2 to rateOpen Questions in Vegetarian & Veganwhat makes a vegetable a vegatable and what makes a fruit a fruit? Not Vegans / Vegetarians are the one that suffering from insomnia? What Vegan Meal Should I Make For Tomorrow? I have fake Chicken.? How can I help my friend with her diet? Resolved Question! s in Vegetarian & VeganQuestion for Vegetarians...Do you shop at Vegan markets, or do you steer clear of them? where to buy a veggie heaven shirt? I don't understand this? How to become a Vegan? Hello vinayak bTotal Points 112 Level 1 ADVERTISEMENT CategoriesAll Categories Food & Drink Beer, Wine & Spirits Cooking & Recipes Entertaining Ethnic Cuisine Non-Alcoholic Drinks Vegetarian & Vegan Other - Food & Drink Sponsor ResultsVegan Singles View Photo Profiles. Meet Local Vegan Singles. Join Now for Free. www.Fitness-Singles.com Save up to 40% on Vegan Products Hundreds of discounted ALL- vegan products from VeganGoods.com. www.vegangoods.com Get Vegetarian and Vegan Food Here VeganEssentials.com has hundreds of 100% vegan products... www.veganessentials.com See your message here... Answers InternationalArgentina Australia Brazil Canada China France Germany Hong Kong India Indonesia Italy Japan Malaysia Mexico New Zealand Philippines Quebec Singapore South Korea Spain Taiw! an Thailand United Kingdom United States Vietnam en Español Yahoo! doe! s not evaluate or guarantee the accuracy of any Yahoo! Answers content. Click here for the Full Disclaimer. Help us improve Yahoo! Answers. Tell us what you think.Copyright © 2008 Yahoo! Inc. All Rights Reserved.Copyright/IP Policy - Privacy Policy - Terms of Service - Community Guidelines - Safety Tips...Show more

Lawana Neemann: Dairy, silk milk,tofu,ginseng

Bennie Lantgen: Step 1In a large pot, bring an inch or two of water to a boil over high heat.Step 2If you don't have a steamer, use aluminum foil to make balls about the size of a baseball. Make enough to cover the bottom of the pot you're using and make sure the water level is well below the tops of the balls. You can use this as a bed for for the tofu.#Step 3When the water is boiling, trim and cut your tofu. It's best to do this as close to cooking as possible so they won't dehydrate or oxidize.#Step 4Cut all the tofu the same size so they'll cook evenly.#Step 5Place them in the steamer, on the steamer ! rack or on the bed of foil balls and cover.#Step 6Steam them only until they're done; most tofu only needs to steam for a minute or two. Thicker pieces might steam for two to three minutes.YAY! Hope i helped XD...Show more

Devon Kalberer: Maybe soy milk, tofu, and different kinds of vegetable, like spinache and broccoli.

Raelene Cunnick: cotton is vegan ... it's a plant.the other stuff: don't care.

May Stands: Vegans only cant eat or wear animals cottons ok i think veggie burgers have cheese if not ok and all the products you listed vegan's can not eat i hope that helped maybe a little???please help me http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AnFcy...

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