Monday, 6 July 2020

Is it better to be Single or in a relationship?

Zelma Casebier: It depends on the person. Some people prefer to fly solo for awhile and others have an interest in dating. But a lot of people dress up love and relationships to be nothing but good when in reality, both partners have responsibilities to one another and themselves. You will fight,he/she will forget something very important, things may be said, you will be disappointed in them one day,you'll go to bed mad at each other and wake up totally in love again, he/she won't do everything perfectly or how you planned, and for the love of christ they'll get on your nerves sometimes. Love has its "ups" and "downs". Not just "ups" like people and the media try to make it seem. But in the end you realize that the feeling of having someone to love who truly loves you in return and stands by your side in the worst of times and the best, can be one of the greatest feelings in this world.......Good luck and take your own sweet time....Show more

Ronnie Barcus: thats a ! really good question.some can say that a relationship is great, you have (for example) a guy who likes and cares about you and not another girl. people say its great, you have someone who is there for you, and they feel the same way about you.but then again, if your single, there's less trouble, no pressure to do stuff/call back, no need to buy extra presents, no stress of knowing it might not work out and you don't have to worry about getting caught with other people.:)...Show more

Antwan Schrum: depends on how on ur relationship is going if its a healthy relationship r not. And if u enjoy ur single life.

Gaynell Pizzaro: Depends - sometimes its better to be single, but it can also be great to be in a relationship.I completely forgot who I was in my last relationship, so it felt right to be single for a while so that I could remember who I was. So it does depend on the situation.

Jesse Japak: welll at first glace i would say relationship. thats under the! pressumption that its a healthy realtionship. But at second g! lance i would say its fairly dependent on the person. some ppl are much happier single.

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