Rocio Karvis: are the reasons for the popularity of "alternative medicine" ("AM" or "CAM" for "complementary and alternative medicine")? And why now? The question is challenging, the search for answers tantalizing, and the answers difficult to substantiate. As in a braid, no one factor can explain the whole phenomenon.Technical, professional, scientific medicine is about a hundred years old. We separate slowly from folkway methods that stick to common consciousness. This undercurrent or a propelling force, the essence of all these threads seems to lead to a loss of standards for thought and action, and a disregard of intellectual discipline.This cultural relativism became inappropriately applied to medical systems as if they merely reflected cultural differences instead of being approaches that were more or less useful for increasing health and longevity.Again there are always a fringe of healers, doctor wannabes, ! willing to dispense information for a price. They make and sell products with debatable or no effects, competing with proven pharmaceuticals,But now wannabes are taking shark bites out of medicine's flesh. They have perfected techniques of sales, propaganda, legal maneuvering, and political contributing . Financially strapped universities and medical schools also accept these funds under conditions not acceptable a decade ago.Even historians of medicine in an "alternative medicine" journal have already turned the tables on our analysis of language distortion and accused scientists' use of realistic terms like "quackery," "misrepresentation," and "fraud" of being merely prejudicial and biased. A review tof some major papers claimed to be positive by homeopaths showed serious defects.The press is the major vector for the spread of misinformation through its uncritical reporting and misrepresentation. Several times a year in most newspapers, a novice reporter claiming skept! icism consults an "alternative" practitioner, often an acupunc! turist, and reports that some chronic aggravation improved. Not reported is the fact that controlled trials show the method is not effective.Power Politics also plays a part here.Traditionally, a distinguishing feature of quacks has been this: If they cannot prove their claims scientifically, they use the popular press and lobby for special privilege in legislaturesThere is no doubt about the scientific accuracy of modern medicine.The challenge here is for us to increase our abilities to observe, measure, record, analyze, and reason, and not to allow the holes in our reality-sieve widen until we have lost our grip on it...Show more
Eulah Hugill: do the math!! eastern medicine has been around with little change for several thousand years.. western medicine has only been around for about 200 years, and is constantly trying to improve itself..why do they say that western doctors are "practicing"?
Forest Duttinger: I always find it interesting when traditional pr! actitioners warn about vague or potential side effects of alternative medications, but have no problems with the PROVEN side effects of most prescription medications. When you look at the side effects on the bottle of most traditional medications, they are WAY worse than the side effects generally attributed to alternative medications...which as you said have generally had centuries to evaluate and prove themselves versus a few years for modern medication....Show more
Rivka Killmer: there is no such proof that may answer your query. of course how can someone possible have an argument that alternative meds is better than scientifically done meds, the answers right there -scientifically. but let me just talk back. most if not all of these meds come from plants, microorgs (even saw one, on national geo, they had been creating meds out of from frog's skin slime). so there is slight difference between the possible therapeutic capabilities of western and alternative (tradit! ional meds) only that most of the alternative meds dont have scientific! evidence that might suggest they are more if not better that "new meds". judging that they both came from the same thing, i may believe that they both work as well.and also, let me just tell you, the body responses to meds (alternative or "new meds") are not the same to each and every poeple. lots of things to consider (mind set, stress, other meds taking, religiousity in takin it, etc) so that we could rule out the effectivity of the meds.again to answer your question, SCIENTIST WANTING TO PROVE THAT ALTERNATIVE MEDS WORKS AS WELL OR EVEN BETTER, THEY COULDNT EVEN DO IT WITH ALL THE CRITICISM THEY MIGHT HAVE WITH THOSE BIG TIME DRUG COMPANY. just like those car which uses hydrogen as fuel, if i must say, that thing is the most cleanest! but you know what? nobody likes a car fueled by hydrogen! they like fossil fuel better-proven and advertised! hehehe......Show more
Bethanie Menden: See Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine by Murray and Pizzorno for a very good discussi! on of this issue. Also see Dr Atkins' Vita-nutrient Solution, and Dr Atkins' Health Revolution for a look at a practice which uses the best of both worlds and gets often amazing results!Good luck!
Jana Sakasegawa: yup -
Elsie Resner: Im not saying that western medicine is perfect, or that it dosn't have side effects, only that the side effects come on the side of the bottle so you know what you are getting yourself into.
Lawanna Livsey: are you saying that modern medicine doesn't have side effects? there are times when a modern medicine isthe best choice, however there are also times when itis overkill. the trick is to educate yourself so that youmay effectively choose which is best for you for thatparticular problem. this requires a good bit of studyon your own so most just leave it all up to their doctorand meekly take whatever is prescribed without questioning whether there might be a better way....Show more
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