Thursday, 12 March 2020

What is a vertical market?

Myesha Zerbe: its a ploy that means "pyramid scheme". recruiting others as the pyramid grows. Never believe anyone that offers a "vertical marketing" plan. its a scam.

Derick Kinnard: A vertical market targets a particular industry. Examples of vertical markets would be healthcare, education, real estate, banking, retail, or insurance. A horizontal market is different because it goes across all industries.

Elmo Tervo: Vertical expansion is when you add to your capabilities related to current products. For example if the carbonated soft drinks company originally just sold their products through stores, but now has started making machines which would sell their product, this would be a vertical expansion. To understand it better I'm gonna explain you what means horizontal exapansion: Horizontal expansion is adding greater sales into new products. For example, if a company sells carbonated soft drinks, a horizontal expansion would be to start selling fruit juices! . Good luck at the interview...Show more

Tyree Allenbrand: It means targeting horizontal markets no longer works; hence the undertaking of targeting vertical markets.

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