Tuesday, 24 March 2020

renting a warehouse to live in and throw parties at?

Coleen Carignan: Im in New Zealand, and its okay to live in a wharehouse so long as it has a bathroom etc. Which you would want to have anyway.Who ever you are renting it from, is legally able to ask why you are wanting to rent.You dont have to make up some false business, you could simply say you are wanting it for a workshop, storage, etc.

Azzie Trembly: It sounds like you have a good and fun idea, go with it and don't give up on ur idea. Don't let it be just an idea, make it ur reality...Good Luck

Donte Hamme: An old friend of my did this, I'll try to send this to him so he could answer. But a bunch of his friends got together and rented a warehouse. I think on the upper levels, they converted that into living spaces that were completely seperate from the downstairs area where they set up rooms for different events. Some rooms had chairs and stuff for lectures, meetings or movie showings, and the other had a big stage with space to dance and stuff. Sorry! , that I can't offer in advice, but I'd just like to say that I can be done if you are creative enough. Good idea and good luck!...Show more

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