Wednesday, 18 March 2020

college credit hours and credits?

Tamatha Neubaum: 1120 plus books

Ramona Pago: They all correct and add your supply. Book, pen, material and so oneeven add your lunch.$1120BooksPen and materialLunch and etc. that will give you the cost for that semester....Show more

Raul Lushbaugh: 1 credit = 1 credit hour (which is usually equal to 1 hour of lecture in class but not always)$70 * 16 = 1120 dollars of tuitionp.s Make sure you send in your residency form to prove that you are a resident of that state. College charge differently for out of state student. I was once mistaken for a out of state student. They tried to charge me more than a $1000 for each credit, I almost cried....Show more

Perry Deshazior: I'm thinking that you're going to a community college since it cost 1120 dollars, but might add on some more fees like books and such.

Ilana Gaster: It's $1110 not 1120.

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