answers1: logic is math and philosophy
answers2: Try reading Alice in Wonderland
answers3: Logic is a subset of Philosophy which is a Liberal Art.
answers4: you have to have science to prove it and art to express it.
answers5: wrong premise. restate please. non-sequitur
answers6: Logic is an a priori or deductive science. This means that
the principles of logic are essentially the application of definitions
according to certain rules. <br>
The whole of logic is similar to mathematics in that both deductive
sciences are created from reason alone without reference to the world
of sensory experience. Logic ensures the consistency among statements
as to what is known. <br>
Thus, a person can know logic and do logical problems without being
logical in everyday life. <br>
The art of logic is the ability to apply logic to the everyday world.
So, in a sense, the art of logic is the ability to use reason in
experience. <br>
The science of logic is objective: rather than looking a reasoning
which is a psychological process, logic looks at entailment--the
logical relation between statements. <br>
People infer; statements entail. One statement can entail another
statement even though a person might not be smart enough to make the
inference. <br>
Thus, the art of logic consists in the ability to use the science of
logic in reasoning. <br>
I know from experience that this distinction is difficult for most
nonlogicians to understand on first reading. <br>
Another way to explain the above is to note that logic prescribes how
one ought to reason--it's not concerned with how one actually does
reason. <br>
The art of logic is the ability to apply the principles of logic, the
science of which distinguish correct from incorrect reasoning.
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