Thursday, 31 October 2019

Is common knowledge one of humanities greatest adversaries?

answers1: no such thing as common knowledge, knowledge is contextual.
answers2: "Common sense," more-like. <br>
Common knowledge is generally good, if for nothing else but for trivia games.
answers3: There is no such thing as common knowledge unless you go all
the way down to the survival level and say, "It's common knowledge we
need air to breathe." 'A widely held belief' is generally what people
mean when they say common knowledge. Used like that, yes, it's an
adversary because it immediately dis-empowers those who think
differently by putting them a step down on the intelligence scale.
answers4: I think the human mind is one of humanities greatest
adversaries. People can rationalize just about everything, convincing
themselves that their opinion is fact.
answers5: well its like this my brain fills with knowledge then it
spread to the rest of my body and thats why im fat because im real
smart <br>
i place my writting on the internet even though i know computers can
get it but its safe none the less
answers6: And your question is?

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