Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Rumi's poetry: What is so attractive about it?

answers1: his poetry is universal and can be applied to many spiritual
beliefs <br>
Sufism is the mystic/spiritual aspect of Islam <br>
all encompassing ... <br>
much like Buddism <br>
well worth reading into
answers2: Rumi's poetry is all devoted to his sat guru. The
attraction is the love one feels when reading it.
answers3: It's a fad. <br>
Be thankful that there are some westerners who bother to read at all.
answers4: Well, I've read Rumi and I remember liking his passion...but
that's about all I remember.
answers5: Rumi is thought provoking and spiritual. I can read the
same poem several times at different points in my life and get
something different from it depending on where I'm at emotionally
and/or intellectually. <br>
Additionally, Rumi speaks on a level that is harmonious, for instance
my fave Rumi Poem: The Elephant In The Dark. <br>
I find everyone in Rumi's poetry.

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