Thursday, 31 October 2019

Is common knowledge one of humanities greatest adversaries?

answers1: no such thing as common knowledge, knowledge is contextual.
answers2: "Common sense," more-like. <br>
Common knowledge is generally good, if for nothing else but for trivia games.
answers3: There is no such thing as common knowledge unless you go all
the way down to the survival level and say, "It's common knowledge we
need air to breathe." 'A widely held belief' is generally what people
mean when they say common knowledge. Used like that, yes, it's an
adversary because it immediately dis-empowers those who think
differently by putting them a step down on the intelligence scale.
answers4: I think the human mind is one of humanities greatest
adversaries. People can rationalize just about everything, convincing
themselves that their opinion is fact.
answers5: well its like this my brain fills with knowledge then it
spread to the rest of my body and thats why im fat because im real
smart <br>
i place my writting on the internet even though i know computers can
get it but its safe none the less
answers6: And your question is?

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

What career can I enter with Arts and Humanities?

answers1: It depends on what type you like... That subject is way to
big to just say...
answers2: can u plz elaborate your question.like <br>
1) now in which class u r studying. <br>
2) arts and humanities has hundreds of careers...........can u be
specific in which subject u r interested in <br>
3) where r u living in and <br>
4) about your economic( family financial conditions) and merit ( in
studies) status
answers3: Teacher <br>
/thread <br>
If it's not a technical degree welcome to teacher or a job that has
nothing to do with your degree.
answers4: It depends on what type you like... That subject is way to
big to just say
answers5: perfect now, i might ought to assert communique... you will
get a important in sales and commercial or different intense paying
intense call for fields. Arts and arts extremely are not doing to
correctly perfect now so a techniques as jobs are worried. maximum
severely persist with your heart. only know that a level does not
assure a activity. vast or small; maximum schools can no longer assure
placement the two. ANY container may well be sturdy in case you
propose on starting to be a professor... for many fields that could
require a PhD or MFA.
answers6: Teaching

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Why do people who major in the arts and humanities choose to remain in the US?

answers1: Read the movies "The Lost Symbol"
answers2: Only America is a country where arts and humanities can be
nourished than any other country of the world. Because America is a
free country and every person who has free thinking can only become
artist. <br>
In most of the Muslim countries practicing art is considered as non
religious rather it is considered such a person as infidel.It is
discouraged.Though without art, science can not prosper., Knowledge is
one thing it may be art or science,and this analogy one learns one day
in ones life. However it is considered as different from each other.
Einstein was also a very good musician. <br>
Science is conscious mind and art is sub conscious mind. Science is
based on intelligence and art is based on wisdom. So to fetch wisdom
in to religion how can leave practicing art. This is obnoxious. The
Islam do not forbid it to practice rather it is the self made non
institutionalized preachers of Islam who do not encourage to practice
it. <br>
In my view making money in art is difficult and laborious if one does
not have taste in it. But if one has taste, nothing is less than it,
as it wraps all the science knowledge in itself also.
answers3: It's a pitiful situation. Even during the great depression.
Roosevelt made sure that the arts were funded, and included them in
his programs. A country that ignores arts and music is a very poor
country. We have a lot of talented, and creative people waiting
tables, instead of making our country more beautiful. <br>
Emigrating isn't as easy as it seems. Most countries do not have any
welfare or help programs for artists that move there from other
countries. Survival is often more problematic there than in the US.
Certainly no financial help is available for a US artist, while there
is a native artist looking for help.Remember, the art community is
cliquish. Just because you are good doesn't mean you are accepted.
Your idea is great, but the logistics don't work out.
answers4: Thank you for being another euro trash talking troll.
answers5: Your stupid you don't know anything about Americans. I'm a
proud American and very interested in arts and humanities. And as i
was saying before you are a dumb European socialist who is pathetic.
answers6: You can choose where you live when you major in arts and
humanities? I know what I'm majoring in.
answers7: "arts and humanities" is the main subject indeed but
it is not useless pointless frivolous at all mate because they are
science for example you can be a teacher or professor editor etc
, as for why they don't leave usa because it is not easy going
outside to live . for example 1. relationship with foreign people i
mean friendship do not mean marriage when mentioning relationship
just now . 2. your financial problems etc so it is not an easy
thing . baby one thing is certain if you want to survive or get you
want ,only ability can lead you to what you want . humankind is
inability , you cannot pass an exam you cannot memorize very well
you cannot cure cancer you cannot get bachelor degree master 's
degree doctoral degree easily , you cannot be a philosopher ,these
factors all prove that humankind is inability . if you were born in
a noble family royal family you will own glory and crown and
snobbery great happiness ,if you were born in an ordinary family or
a farmer ' s even if you want to go abroad it's impossible to
go to due to less money . anyway money plays a very significant
role of the entire life . to know the world well you have to think
deeply about the essential philosophy . if you own a large amount of
money you will experience the true meaning of life . this is called
true love . unfortunately i dont have ability to produce money . so
they don't care about major , subject location they only care
about money , properties etc thus in a relationship they care
about your background not sex not age . thirdly "arts and
humanities " is a good major even if is not very excellent .
hope it helps sweetheart . talking about these information , i guess
you have a better understanding of the reason . absorbed in my
answering did you solve your problems now ?
answers8: Arts and humanities as frivolous, pointless, even useless?
Only to those who are no good at it! <br>
But if you take your exploration to the next level is study of
countries, infrastructures, societies and belief systems, you will
find that each country is like a classroom in a high school. Each
teaching a different level of existence under different stresses. And
just like anything alive, it has algorithms and paradigm shifts. So
now you have to look at each country and its history time line. And
you will see like the tide waiting for each moon....All things will
come full helical- if you have the patience and open mindedness to see
the larger algorithms. You will also see a shift in humanity
generations also. That is what the Indigo is all about. Polarized
corruption has been for so long that a paradigm shift in humanity
itself was set off 1) to evolve into a higher being, and 2) to break
free of the shackles of the past.....Trust me- on all levels of life,
systems, beliefs....there will always be a force of balance.
answers9: you are all bunch of morons....arts need "funding" just like
i need a bullet in the head....there is no better, more pleasant and
more profitable way to make money then arts...if you are really
talented....something that i could record on my little mac jn one hour
of divine inspiration...could be re-sold in million of mp3 copies at
no additional cost and feed hundreds of generations of my family
without anyone of them ever having to move their little finger....but
people with talent as mine are being systematically marginalised and
often murdered (elvis, hendrix, joplin, jackson, etc etc) by the ETs
who created humans by genetically modifying indigenous apes...for the
sole purpose of gold digging....as they need gold on their
planet....to close the whole in ozone layers by shooting tiny
particles of gold into atmosphere....everything other than gold
digging is deliberately discouraged and kept on rudimentary level (as
pro forma and irrelevant)....and this is where "funding" comes
in....when all of those like elvis, hendrix and myself are either
murdered either "disabled" (preferred term of ET's) the subsidised
"art" is used as a smoke screen for those murders....worthless "art"
that people are forced (by implicit threat of prison) to pay
for....regardless of any lack of interest for this "art" ....people
have to pay for it....they don't have to watch is or listen to
it....and...not many do.....but everyone has to pay for it.....cause
it is not real "art"....this subsidised, "government" funded (tax
payer funded) "art" is just a smoke screen behind which the true
artists (those how most certainly do not need any "government" i.e.
tax funding) are being murdered.....cause humans are created to
provide the gold for nibiru, just like bees are supposed to proved
honey for humans....and many other races, on many other planets, cause
you, morons, don't even know that most of the gold and most of the
honey form earth are being shipped to other planets.
answers10: So they can Attempt to impress everyone else with their
pointless knowledge of those things.

Monday, 28 October 2019

why is logic considerd as science and art?

answers1: logic is math and philosophy
answers2: Try reading Alice in Wonderland
answers3: Logic is a subset of Philosophy which is a Liberal Art.
answers4: you have to have science to prove it and art to express it.
answers5: wrong premise. restate please. non-sequitur
answers6: Logic is an a priori or deductive science. This means that
the principles of logic are essentially the application of definitions
according to certain rules. <br>
The whole of logic is similar to mathematics in that both deductive
sciences are created from reason alone without reference to the world
of sensory experience. Logic ensures the consistency among statements
as to what is known. <br>
Thus, a person can know logic and do logical problems without being
logical in everyday life. <br>
The art of logic is the ability to apply logic to the everyday world.
So, in a sense, the art of logic is the ability to use reason in
experience. <br>
The science of logic is objective: rather than looking a reasoning
which is a psychological process, logic looks at entailment--the
logical relation between statements. <br>
People infer; statements entail. One statement can entail another
statement even though a person might not be smart enough to make the
inference. <br>
Thus, the art of logic consists in the ability to use the science of
logic in reasoning. <br>
I know from experience that this distinction is difficult for most
nonlogicians to understand on first reading. <br>
Another way to explain the above is to note that logic prescribes how
one ought to reason--it's not concerned with how one actually does
reason. <br>
The art of logic is the ability to apply the principles of logic, the
science of which distinguish correct from incorrect reasoning.

Sunday, 27 October 2019

is art a a scam?

answers1: The expensive art is bought as an investment and for no
other reason. Otherwise, why would anyone want Tracy Emmens unmade
answers2: some art is, but then again some art isn't.

Saturday, 26 October 2019

Canadian Native Art, Time Period?

answers1: It's still being made, and has been ever since the ancestors
of the present indigenous population migrated from Asia.
answers2: I guess you couldn't call it Canadian art until there was a
Canada so technically it began in 1867 with confederation and will
continue until global warming floods us all out.

Friday, 25 October 2019

good site for gothic fantasy art?

answers1: try Deviant art .com <br>
its an art database where people can share their creations of any kind
(including gothic fantasy art) ;)

Thursday, 24 October 2019

what art do you like?

answers1: diane demaris she is canadian...very sensual. I love georgio
o'keefe and monet ofcourse! Renoir and dali
answers2: I like the art of Gauguin
answers3: EXotic art
answers4: all
answers5: art that is emotional or sends a message or makes me feel
something. and just art that looks pretty to my eye! <br>
famous artists...I really like Matisse and some Gauguin.
answers6: Vincent Van Gogh
answers7: Any art that makes me stop, look and ponder.

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

which University for art ?

answers1: do you want to go to new york city, or somewhere else? if
you're interested in NYC, you should google: <br>
-pratt insitute <br>
-school of visual arts <br>
-cooper union <br>
-fashion insitute of technology <br>
-new york university tisch school of the arts <br>
upstate, there's a great art school called alfred university.

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

What was important about Canadian Native Art?

answers1: Canadian Native art is alive and well. Thriving in fact so
let's not talk about it in the past. It is influenced mainly by
age-old native stories and customs and the most important thing about
it to my mind is that it allows the rest of us (non-natives) to get a
glimpse into the culture we had almost wiped out at one point in their
history. Thankfully, we failed. A pioneer in the field is Morrisseau
and if you want to read about him click the link... <br>
<a href="http://www.bearclawgallery.com/Artists.aspx?ArtistID=17"

Monday, 21 October 2019

World Wars and the Arts?

answers1: In both wars there was a lot of propaganda in the arts:
songs, posters, articles and stories telling us all how heroic it is
to be a soldier, and encouraging people to fight. In the Second World
War there were a lot of children's books published in Germany
portraying Jews as "baddies" to teach kids to grow up hating them (The
Poisonus Mushroom for example). <br>
However, there are those that depict the opposite. War poets (Wilfred
Owen being the most popular example) wrote about the horrors of war. A
lot of novels nowadays are set in times of war and it's always seen as
a bad thing. <br>
Remember that great suffering creates great artwork.

Sunday, 20 October 2019

Do you like modern visual art?

answers1: Yes, I like the modern art. <br>
I like how colour and shape are used as expression, <br>
and how there is depth and unique-ness to the paintings, <br>
modern art is pretty cool <br>

Saturday, 19 October 2019

Do you think visual arts popularity has died out?

answers1: Not really, people still go to art shows and stuff here.
I've taken an art class and I don't believe it has.
answers2: Its true , visual arts has lost its patrons. <br>
Though there a few who still admire it and adore it. <br>
I am from India, so here visual arts carry a lot of importance. Each
room has at least one work of beauty . <br>
Though in comparison to my grandparents' house , which is like a art
studio, mine isn't so beautiful. <br>
People are so busy with their lives that they don't have enough time
to soak in such pondering art works. If they do have time they go out
and party or shop. .In this scenario its very likely that visual art
would have very few admirers
answers3: It's still appreciated.

Friday, 18 October 2019

Any good satire jokes about the stamp act?

answers1: What happened as a result of the Stamp Act? <br>
The Americans licked the British! <br>

Thursday, 17 October 2019

How should I act?

answers1: go there & have fun...but you have to deal with this whole
split personality if you don't want to lead him on...its all up to
answers2: Just act normal. No matter what always act yourself.

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Grammar question - act as or act like?

answers1: Act like sounds more appropriate <br>
The act as would work if it was the offer doesn't act as an
officershould. Or something like that
answers2: as is grammatically correct here. <br>
Now pls see this people <br>
: Although we frequently use "like" in such sentences, the
grammatically correct word is "as" or "as if". <br>
In this case, I would say, "The officer doesn't act as I would expect
an officer to act".
answers4: Barbara is right. The correct answer is "as". Let me explain
WHY though for you. <br>
When using as, in this case, it is comparable to replacing it with the
phrase "in the manner". <br>
Thus, the sentence would read: <br>
"The officer doesn't act in the manner I'd expect an officer to act." <br>
Another reason it would be "as" is because the word "as" would then be
followed by a clause (a subject and a verb). This is ALWAYS the case
when using "as". <br>
In your example, the clause follows with the subject (the officer) and
the verb (act). <br>
When using like, it would always be followed with a noun or noun phrase. <br>
For example: My brother is quick like a fox. <br>
Here, the noun that followed "like" would be a fox. <br>
I hope this makes sense. <br>
Please choose as top answer so I can get 10 points if I helped you!!!
answers5: this is native website of english speaking countries please
shove off garbage! only elite of NON english user has qualifications
of going here.

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

What is the Patriot Act?

answers1: It was a way to remove or suspend laws that would make it
difficult to "fight terrorism" bizarrely, the patriot act, a 300 page
law, was ready to go on 9/12 literally the day after 9/11. so
somebody had been preparing laws they wanted to change for a while.
Anyway, it's a big controversial thing, you should read about it on
answers2: 1. The Patriot Act, which was signed into law on October 26,
2001 by Bush, increases the ability of law enforcement agencies to
search telephone, e-mail, medical, financial and other records of all
residents of the United States. It eases restrictions on foreign
intelligence gathering within the United States; expands the Secretary
of the Treasury's authority to regulate financial transactions,
particularly those involving foreign individuals and entities; and
enhances the discretion of law enforcement and immigration authorities
in detaining and deporting immigrants suspected of terrorism-related
acts. <br>
So basically, it gives the government the right to spy on private
citizens. Part of it violates the Fourth Amendment. <br>
2. It was passed by the 107th Congress, controlled by Republicans.
They seem to enjoy removing our civil liberties. <br>
You can read more about it here: <br>
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USA_PATRIOT_Act#Controversy <br>
answers3: Kind of like those Ironic terms like, "operation sunshine".
It is not patriotic in the slightest. It is an excuse to trample on
US citizen's civil liberties. It was passed to inspire fear in to the
answers4: A Bush/Cheney term for spying on Americans, authorization of
torture and suspension of the U.S Constitution at the whim of the
answers5: Only pay attention to "Uniting and Strengthening America by
Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct
Terrorism Act" because that's really what it is. Do not listen to the
answers6: 1st of all, it's an acronym: <br>
USA PATRIOT Act or "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing
Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act"
That's about all you need to know about it. <br>
In fact, that's about all the Congresspeople who voted to pass this
thing knew about it.
answers7: hell no Progressivism is the problem. It is the action of
trying to fix what isn't broke and in the process totally breaking it.
I sure felt freer before all of the do good liberals stepped in and
decided to save me from myself when all they really had to do to save
America was to stop corrupting it and ruining it in the first place.
Had they only committed suicide instead then we'd all still be free.
What they have done is unforgivable. They have waged racial
McCarthyism on the average Joe and declared every poor white man a
racist until proven otherwise, stepped all over our freedoms, stepped
all over our freedom of religion and gave us a new religion in it's
place that demands total obedience. What we have here is the snobby
elitist enlightened rich liberals actually forcing their
religion/belief system on us and making us an offer we can't refuse.
They are persecuting the poor. Furthermore not only are they forcing
their beliefs on us and not letting us have the option of refusing it.
They are also taking away everything from us at the same time. We
can't even have a country with borders or they say we are Nazis just
because we want borders and the secure feeling that comes with knowing
that we are still a free and sovereign nation. And for that we are
Nazis? I thought we had the constitutional right to feel safe and
secure in our own country. You know who the Nazis are? Rich, Little
white ******* liberals.THAT"S WHO!

Monday, 14 October 2019

Do acting classes work?

answers1: Acting is a craft, like any craft, one isn't born with the
ability to do it. Imagine replacing the notion of acting in your
question with the notion of building Edwardian-style furniture. Do you
naturally know how to make ornamented furniture? Probably not. Could
you read about how do to it? To a point. But ultimately, it would be
useful for someone to give you some guidance. So, if you want to act
like you build chairs, you're all set. If you'd rather act better than
you build chairs, perhaps take some classes?
answers2: Of course, actually participating in productions will help
your career, build your resume, and exercise your skill. <br>
However, I think it's also useful to take classes. You get a chance to
really focus on and practice your craft in a pressure-free
environment. You can take risks and try things and it's okay if they
don't work. It's part of the learning experience - no one's money is
riding on you and you don't have a paying audience expecting a
polished performance. It's a chance to work on monologues and get help
on them from your teacher and peers, practice working with others and
working off of each other, learning how to analyze text, how to put a
scene together, practice movement, etc. It's a great way to discover
who you are as an actor, what your strengths and weaknesses are, and
prepare for your career. <br>
Acting classes/coaches and participating in community theatre shows
are both very useful. Do both if you can. Both are great networking
opportunities as well.
answers3: i think acting classes/coaches work best because they're
professionals that point out the flaws in your acting so you can
correct them. When you get the help from the classes/coachers you'll
become a better actor, therefore get better/more roles. If you just do
alot of shows and use the same acting techniques over and over again,
you won't become a better actor.
answers4: You'll want both your school experience and classes to learn
proper technique. Do anything you can to express your skills and use
your talent. You're off to a great start by involving yourself in
acting as well as music and dance. Have you ever been involved in
music theatre? If not that is the place for you. It incorporates all
three. I would say take the acting classes. You're going to need those
if you want to be a professional actress. You're also going to want to
get a major in college for theatre or some kind of art. It will look
good on resumes and will help to get jobs. You're more professional
that way. There are also summer intensive programs and acting camps to
further your acting ability and get you used to the stage. But, if you
find while taking the acting classes that you are finding less time
for school work, stop. You'll have great acting, but you'll need that
education. Don't overload yourself with activities. Good luck!
answers5: Acting classes are guides that teaches you the do's and
don'ts of acting. They are like books that says what is best when it
comes to acting. <br>
Pure acting come to who acts. Can they relate with the role? Are they
just PLAYING WITH it or are they serious in PORTRAYING it? <br>
Theatre shows, on the other hand, is the test and experience itself.
It shows if you really listened to your guide or if you really want
it. <br>
Theatre shows are much harder that tv because you can't made a single
mistake because it is LIVE while in tv, people can edit it or remake
again. <br>
You should find an acting class that suites you... that helps you love
acting more, that really test you. <br>
answers6: I think that if you are serious about acting, you should
take acting classes. if you want to have fun, just do community
theatre. It is better if you do a bit of community theatre as well,
if you can't get other chances to act in school...or whatever.
answers7: I found this camp - sounds really cool! <br>
The Acting Camp is a 3 day intensive/getaway exclusively designed for
young performers and their parents. Participants learn from and work
directly with top industry experts. The event then culminates with a
showcase performance before 10 top casting directors from networks
like Disney, Nick & ABC.

Sunday, 13 October 2019

How many seats are in a movie theater?

answers1: I don't know never counted seats, but I would hardly think
that there will be a lot of theaters nowadays with bigger and smaller
rooms in them.

Saturday, 12 October 2019

What makes IMAX theatres special?

answers1: It's not protected it's shown with a screen
answers2: I don't know, it's like you're inside the movie. the screen
is huge and the sound goes straight to your brains. <br>
Hope it helps! ;)
answers3: I love going to IMAX because the screen is infinitely bigger
than a regular theater screen. <br>
Also, you get clearer sound and images. <br>
In my opinion, 3D movies in IMAX look better and when movies are
filmed in IMAX it's unbelievable. <br>
You feel like you are in that world.

Friday, 11 October 2019

Theater Posters?

answers1: you cant get them for free. All movie theaters get thier
posters from moviegoods.com. And they later sell them or give them to
the movie studio for storage...
answers2: Talk to the manager of your local theater and ask when they
dispose of their movie posters. You should be able to get some after
the employees get their picks.

Thursday, 10 October 2019

Please explain the difference between community theater, regional theater, semi professional and professional?

answers1: Thats an interesting question and I hope you get some
reasonable answers
answers2: Community theatre often refers to amateur groups (groups who
don't get paid for working on a show), although sometimes it can refer
to professional theatre groups who work in the community (ie. they
work with minorities, immigrants, etc.). Usually it's the first
definition though. <br>
Regional theatre means theatre done in rural areas, ie small villages, etc. <br>
Semi professional theatre is also known as 'pro-am' (short for
professional/amateur) and is just what it sounds like: a combination
of professionals and amateurs working together. This may mean that
those who are the 'pros' get paid, whilst the amateurs don't: usually
only in the case of paying directors, hard-to-find musicians, or a big
name star. <br>
Professional theatre is just that: professional. It means all of the
actors/crew are getting paid to be in the show. There are various
definitions of what makes a person professional, though most equate it
with getting paid for their work/time.
answers3: This Site Might Help You. <br>
RE: <br>
Please explain the difference between community theater, regional
theater, semi professional and professional? <br>
I am curious as I see many of these terms used and don&#39;t
understand the difference as it pertains to musical theater or
standard theater.
answers4: For the best answers, search on this site <a
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>https://shorturl.im/avXIq</a> <br>
Well, Shakespeare said "All the world's a stage, And all the men and
women merely players," so if that is true...
answers5: Just keep in mind, these descriptions do not relate to
quality on any level. Don't be fooled by titles.
answers6: The first answer is only partially correct with some pretty
major errors. The biggest is that Regional theatre MAY be done in
rural areas, but the biggest and most respected Regional theatres in
the country are in places like Washington DC, Milwaukee, and Chicago.
Not quite rural areas. <br>
A Regional theatre is a professional theatre located outside of New
York City (not Broadway, Off-Broadway, or Off-Off-Broadway). They are
usually (but not always) members of Actors' Equity, the professional
actors' and stage managers' union. They may also be members of the
League of Resident Theatres (LORT). <br>
Professional theatre involves companies that are entirely paid.
Actors, directors, designers, and stagehands. This is a very broad
net, however, and not very telling about ANY theatre specifically.
Broadway and Off-Broadway theatre companies are professional, but so
are Regional theatres and Summer Stock companies. <br>
Community theatre productions use volunteer actors and stagehands, but
it is not unusual for a community theatre to have full-time employees
and pay directors and designers on a per show basis. The term
"community theatre" is never used to refer to professionals working
within a "community". That is usually referred to as "outreach" to
avoid such confusion. <br>
Broadway, Off-, and Off-Off-Broadway refer to specific geographical
boundaries into which NYC theatres fall. Broadway is pretty much
always For-profit, and Off- and Off-Off-Broadway are almost always
Not-for-profit. Speaking of which. . . <br>
That is the biggest general difference between American theatres.
For-profit and Not-for-profit companies. For-profits include Broadway
shows, most dinner theatres, touring productions, some opera
companies, and a select few other types of theatre (like the big
Noah's Ark show in Virginia and Vegas shows like "O"). Not-for-profit
covers virtually everyone else. Community, Regional, Off-Broadway, and
Off-Off-Broadway theatres are almost always Not-for-profit.
answers7: Regional Theater

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Rumi's poetry: What is so attractive about it?

answers1: his poetry is universal and can be applied to many spiritual
beliefs <br>
Sufism is the mystic/spiritual aspect of Islam <br>
all encompassing ... <br>
much like Buddism <br>
well worth reading into
answers2: Rumi's poetry is all devoted to his sat guru. The
attraction is the love one feels when reading it.
answers3: It's a fad. <br>
Be thankful that there are some westerners who bother to read at all.
answers4: Well, I've read Rumi and I remember liking his passion...but
that's about all I remember.
answers5: Rumi is thought provoking and spiritual. I can read the
same poem several times at different points in my life and get
something different from it depending on where I'm at emotionally
and/or intellectually. <br>
Additionally, Rumi speaks on a level that is harmonious, for instance
my fave Rumi Poem: The Elephant In The Dark. <br>
I find everyone in Rumi's poetry.

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Is there such thing as poetry readings?

answers1: yes, there are many places in every town that have them.
however, you need to look in your own area. look at coffee shops,
schools, libraries etc.
answers2: Many bigger cities have places like coffee shops and bars
that hold open mic nights for things like that, and there is always
poetry slams every once in a while. If you don't know what those are,
they are poetry reading competitions that are really really awesome to
watch. Check around your city.

Monday, 7 October 2019

What is poetry?need a modern definition.?

answers1: hard subject. check out onto bing and yahoo. just that might help!
answers2: "Poetry is what happens when nothing else can." <br>
― Charles Bukowski

What's the difference between poetry, poetry slams, and rap music?

answers1: RAP ----> Rhythm and poetry
answers2: Oncue Rapper
answers3: hard thing. search on yahoo and bing. that might help!
answers4: no, poetry has the "benefeit" of not being conducive to a
traditional "beat" and also not having an emphasis on the voice
sounding "musical". <br>
poetry also can have limited verses that would be far too short for a
song (m.ali - "my wet pet" <end>). <br>
there's no doubt that some rap music is "poetic", but there's a big
difference between commercial music and "poetry", most usually in
answers5: well i just learned about this in english and raps got to a
beat and poetry can be formal and doesn't have to rhyme but there is
also ballad poems that kinda go to a beat. <br>
i hope that helped :)
answers6: Pretty much. Aside from some newer mainstream hip-hop (in my
opinion) I think pretty much all rapping is, is a rapper talking about
his feelings but rhyming his words and making it sound cool.
answers7: tricky stuff. lookup into search engines like google. this can help!

Sunday, 6 October 2019

What is the best poetry book?

answers1: Start by listening to some poems on Youtube. Bukowski -To
the whore who took my poems & Bluebird are two of my favorites. Sylvia
Plath - Daddy is also a wonderful poem to listen to - I love her
sultry voice. There are a lot on youtube and you may start to find
what you love. I have an older book called Modern Verse - edited by
Oscar Williams. I LOVE it! It has Whitman and Yeats, Frost, Hardy,
Dylan Thomas so so many. I had no idea how much I would love Yeats and
Whitman. Whitman wrote "When I heard the learn'd Astronomer" Oh my
gosh! And Yeats, "When you are old" -- I'll tell you there isn't
enough time in the day once you find what you love, it's so so good.
answers2: problematic thing. do a search on to bing and yahoo. it can help!
answers3: Reflections In The Life Of A Poet <br>
By Don and Anne Dilley <br>
On sale at Lulu.com <br>
<a href="http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/reflections-in-the-life-of-a-poet/7565202"
answers4: Decide what sort of poetry you want to read, then go to your
public library and look and the poetry books to see what sort of
poetry the have in stock. Do not worry about who wrote the poems but
see if you are interested in their style. Take a few home of different
styles and take your time. I have found that looking for a book on How
to write poetry can be a big help in choosing what you want to read.
Do not be over over adventurous in your choice of poetry, but go for
something simple which does not have you scratching your head trying
to understand what the poet means. You can be more adventurous when
you have leaned to read different poets works.
answers5: tricky factor. look onto search engines like google. this might help!

Saturday, 5 October 2019

Is IB Philosophy an easy class?

answers1: No classes in IB are "easy" except for Maths Studies and
Spanish Ab Intio ^.~ <br>
People who take IB Philosophy generally does pretty well in it
compared to other IB subjects. IB Philosophy is very interesting. If
you like arguing ideas and debating Philosophy is for you. It's like
history except everything is revalant to today. <br>
Is this for group 3 or group 6?
answers2: You did not specify which english course at HL, Language and
Literature or only Literature? Literature has a tendency to be
critically harder than Lang and Lit at HL. heritage HL isn't very
difficult to get solid grades in and it is exciting in case you
appreciate heritage, yet get waiting to position in writing a lot of
essays. If heritage bores you, do not take it because you ought to not
do o.k.. Biology HL is a lot of memorization so make confident you're
solid at that previously you're taking it. except that, it is somewhat
relaxing rather in case you appreciate Biology and decide to study it
in college. i do not take Spanish HL yet I imagine it is as difficult
as English HL. Math study is amazingly effortless, except you're poor
at math. you haven't got a decision to take TOK, you ought to take it.
so that you ought to also take Psychology SL to have all 6 classes
required for the degree. situation from toughest to least confusing:
English HL, heritage HL, Biology HL, Psychology SL, Spanish SL,TOK,
Math study SL.

Friday, 4 October 2019

Philosophies of Confucius?

answers1: The other one is Spiritual Philosophy.
answers2: so you know social and political philosophy, what other
philosophy do you need? <br>
The moral one? <br>
well. basically you need to follow the social philosophy to be moral <br>
wife behaving like a wife <br>
king like king <br>
brother like brother <br>
husband like husband <br>
elder like an elder <br>
fill your roles and assume it, be kind to those below you and respect
those above you.

Thursday, 3 October 2019

Is Western Philosophy a Failure?

answers1: By you categorizing and somewhat pointedly criticizing
Western thought, it sounds that you already have made up your mind or
tend to prefer eastern or some other ideal for thought. You should
not consider a philosophy a failure only because you do not see its
merits. What works for one person doesn't work for all(ie.
christianity as opposed to polytheism). You can argue all day about a
philosophy, but philosophy does not exist as an absolute, it is given
credence and validity when one chooses to accept it and act upon it.
Arguing or trying to find a philosophy of absolute wholeness or
goodness is like shooting down someones opinion for liking green
instead of blue, or even worse, trying to convince them that that
because of my experience in philosophy, you should accept my thoughts
as absolute truth. There are plenty or alternate philosophies that
people have found fault with, not only in western philosophy, but
eastern, middle eastern and all forms or religious philosophies.
answers2: Well, sokrates, I think it's a bit premature to summarily <br>
conclude that Western Philosophy as a whole is "a <br>
colossal failure". This is because Philosophy, like <br>
civilization itself, is still in its infancy. Because of this, <br>
it is somewhat silly to look for perfection in Philosophy, <br>
and then to dismiss it outright because you fail to find <br>
it. In truth, a perfect philosophy may never be achieved <br>
as long as human beings themselves remain imperfect. <br>
Moreover, Sophia has yet to really stand upon Her own <br>
two feet with strength and nobility. <br>
. <br>
Consider Her brief biography as a whole: Philosophy <br>
was born into a world dominated by myths, fears, and <br>
superstitions, and yet somehow managed to invent logic <br>
and science. Soon after this, however, Sophia was made <br>
to act the role of Theology's whore; which could only <br>
have a detrimental effect upon the philosophical <br>
enterprise. For most of Her career, then, She was a <br>
slave; and yet somehow progress was still made (albeit <br>
very slowly). And then, after Descartes, She was able <br>
to regain most of Her stolen independence; and then <br>
philosophers multiplied like mushrooms after a rain- <br>
storm. <br>
. <br>
But then the academics boldly seized Philosophy, <br>
claimed Her as their own, and promptly turned Her <br>
into Science's whore. And that's where we are today! <br>
Therefore, and considering all the abuse that has been <br>
heaped upon the Fair Lady's head over the centuries, I <br>
think that Sophia has acquitted Herself very well indeed. <br>
And once She has been freed from the shackles and <br>
chains of a blind, arrogant, and narrow-minded Science, <br>
She will do remarkable things. In truth, Sophia's full <br>
potential has yet to be realized. <br>
. <br>
> [snipsome] Maybe we should analyze it as one might <br>
> study a cadaver. It is an object of interest from which <br>
> many things can be learned, maybe even some things <br>
> of benefit. <br>
. <br>
Well, sokrates, these statements tell me all I need <br>
to know. The problem is NOT within Philosophy; the <br>
problem is within *you*. Specifically with your attitude. <br>
Philosophy is NOT dead; although the scientific and <br>
analytical academics have certainly done their very best <br>
to kill Sophia by sucking any signs of life right out of <br>
Her. They kill Her slowly by centimeters and inches, and <br>
then berate Her for looking like a cadaver. And never for <br>
a moment will they take responsibility for the evil that <br>
they have committed. No indeed, they would much <br>
rather blame Her for what *they* have done to Her! ... <br>
"an object of interest", you say? "analyze it", you say? <br>
... Analyze this --> [insert extremely rude gesture here] <br>
. <br>
> But we do well to avoid treating western philosophy <br>
> as a living entity, one that can provide ethico- <br>
> metaphysical guidance or enlightenment. <br>
. <br>
Really? Why, sokrates, that's just the sort of statement <br>
I would expect to hear from a thoughtless and brutal <br>
*scientist* who would joyfully kill off the last surviving <br>
member of a unique and astonishing species just so that <br>
he could then *analyze* its internal organs in order to <br>
discover 'what makes it tick'! As for myself, I do indeed <br>
see Philosophy as "a living entity, one that can provide <br>
ethico-metaphysical guidance or enlightenment". I see <br>
Sophia as a large and flourishing garden that holds and <br>
nourishes a wide variety of flowers and plants: roses, <br>
tulips, lemons, apples, peanuts, and yes, the occasional <br>
weed or three. <br>
. <br>
And no philosopher is ever *completely* dead so long as <br>
there is at least one living human mind able to read his <br>
writings with some small measure of understanding. If <br>
human immortality exists anywhere in this sad world, it <br>
is only within the warm bosom of loving Sophia. Treat <br>
Her like the Lady She is, you arrogant baboon, and THEN <br>
you'll see that there is still some life and value in the <br>
old girl after all ... *Maybe!* ... There's an old saying in <br>
computer science that applies equally well to Philosophy: <br>
garbage in, garbage out. <br>
. <br>
P.S. "The goal of Philosophy is not to know the world, <br>
but rather to put men on the right path." -- Heraclitus
answers3: The Laws of Nature govern the planet we live on <br>
The Laws of our Sun govern the life on this planet we live on <br>
We are only a product of universal curiosity <br>
Antiquity inquired many ideas and concerns about life <br>
the 21st century has condemned any possible philosophical system, for
it brings humankind the ultimate purpose <br>
a long life span that will reach 150 years of age for those who will
afford it <br>
even lodges today have become PR clubs <br>
the system you seek for reason will not exist in the west until the
poverty reaches the middle classes and pain is felt accross nations
after the present economic system fails for them. <br>
In history all great societies died due to lake of philosophical vision <br>
philosophia = Sophi Phili
answers4: you are quoting written forms of philosophy, there are
others, the philosophy of the working class, the unwritten economic
philosophy <br>
of the west. which we all pay lip service to but deny on our tax
returns. The wests societies are based on such economic policies. <br>
if it aint broke, dont try fixing it. have you ever wondered in your
ivory tower why there are such an abundance of accountants/tax lawers.
ours is a system based on working practice, no matter what is written,
trying to find answers to a philosophy of concience will only give you
a headache, there are only questions, dont you think if plato knew the
answer he would have told us. regards LF
answers5: Eliminate the tendency to pander to Semitic Theology and the
technocratic influences of Morbis Mathematicus and the glint of light
will show!
answers6: I think Dr. Cress-Welding as already answered that question
in the "Isis Papers." Though she was specifially referring to
westeren psychology, I think what she says is true about all western
thought, in that it is a failure because it does not seek to expalin
(or sometimes even acknoledge the persistence of) the single biggest
intellectual phenomenon in the last 2000 years and that is the
developement and perpetuation of white supremacist acculturation.
answers7: Your conclusions will be challenged, I am sure, by
philosophers on this site. They are your conclusions. I have made the
same conclusion about Eastern philosophy. You complain about finding a
philosophical system that holds under analytical scrutiny, without
mentioning John Searle, our greatest analytical philosopher. What
really gives philosophy a bad name, is those relativistic, post-modern
pseudo-intellectuals from France. Foucault, Derrida, Lacan and the
like. With this incoherent drivel being still extant, how can one get
to actual philosophy? <br>
PS Of course, Searle's philosophy is not tenable as a life philosophy,
as it is analytical in nature. A life philosophy is rather personal,
to ones self, don't you think? That is why I really hate Derrida and
company. They promise a utopia that they have no idea on how to get to
and if gotten to, by their ideas, would not work anyway. I guess you
need to set your own life philosophy.

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

contributions to philosophy by the presocratics?

answers1: Presocratics Like Anaximander, Parmenides and Heraklitus
were not "philosophers" in the today's meaning of the term. Philosophy
proper began with Socrates and Plato. The presocratics were Thinkers
.i.e they were first to think Being. So in this respect they
contributed nothing to philosophy. Philosophy is metaphysics and it
doesn't ask the question of Being: 'What do we mean when we say that
something "IS"?" They were the First Beginning.
answers2: principals of "Paydeia" (The Greek Philosophy)
answers3: Before Socrates, there was cosmology (where belong Thales,
Anaximander, Zenon, etc) and anthropology that Socrates developed in
real way, but before him that started sophists like Protagoras,
Gorgias, etc.). <br>
Cosmology isn't pure philosophy, it had that name because there wasn't
any science in that time (science in modern sense), there was only
mythology and than philosophy. Those philosophers were the first ones
who asked themselves a questions about nature, sky, etc., what element
is in heart of everything, so they all have one "nickname" -
physicians. <br>
Their contribution is in starting of philosophical way of thinking,
starting "the ratio", they were the first who doubted in mythological
stories about world, earth and sky, etc... They started whole
philosophy in those ancient times (when I say this, I mean on
philosophy of western world). because THEY STARTED THINKING. <br>
After that period, comes anthropology where in center of thinking
isn't world anymore, but human, e.g. morality. Sophists started it,
than came Socrates who eclipsed them by opposing them, than after him
Plato etc. <br>
Sophists are important because they started this new era, they put man
in the center, and important because Socrates built his theory on
opposing to them. Without sophists, there wouldn't be Socrates. <br>
I hope this helps. <br>
PS I don't know did I wrote all names of philosophers correct in english.
answers4: I'm not sure about Western Philosophy, but Easter Philosophy
held a solid foundation from about a thousand B.C. until present.

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

What is Philosophy?

answers1: Loving of wisdom :)
answers2: It starts with an idea, formulated in the brain and then
someone forms the words to make an opinion out loud on what they think
should be in any situation. And it is all hypothetical until placed
into position for the majority to rule on one philosophy, after that
is formed and ruled on they make the philosophies into laws of the
land. Most times philosophy comes from common sense if it is any brain
that is well functioning. So if you want to read the worlds leading
philosopher of all time "World as Will and Representation" by Arthur
Schopenhauer. <br>
You will really get an education with that one as it is any credible
college it is required reading. <br>
Happy New Year
answers3: philosophy is a Hellenic word that comes from two words
1.philos that means friend and 2. sophy (sophia) that means wisdom.
so a philosopher is a friend of wisdom and philosophy is the love of
wisdom and it was born in ancient Greece.
answers4: Philosophy is a well coordinated and systematised attempt at
evaluating life and the universe as a whole, with reference to first
principles that underlie all things as their causes and are implicit
in all experience. It is an impartial approach to all problems and
aspects of life and existence, and its studies are not devoted merely
to the empirical world, as in the case of the physical and biological
sciences; not restricted to the provinces of faith and authority or to
the questions of the other world, as is the case with theological
disquisitions; not confined to investigation of the mind and its
behaviour, as in psychology; not given over merely to casuistry and
ethology, as in the normative science of morality and ethics; not
taken up with the consideration of civic duties and problems of
administration and constitution, as in the case of politics; not
concerned with the solution of problems and techniques of adjusting
and ordering and discovering the origin and organisation and
development of human society, like economics and sociology; but are
adapted for an exhaustive treatment of the basic presuppositions of
each and every one of these, as also of what is other than and beyond
all these, that on which all these are ultimately founded and which is
the ground of all knowledge and experience in general. Philosophy
investigates the very possibility and conditions of knowledge, its
extent, nature and value. It bases itself on facts already known and
rises above them to absolute verities, on which all phenomena depend
and by which alone they can be rationally explained. It is not
circumscribed by the limitations of the past, present and future, by
the laws of <br>
this place or that country, but refers to all times, places and
conditions. Philosophy is the most inclusive of all branches of
learning, and acts as a touchstone to all other aspects of human
answers5: the right way to live on this earth without disturbing others. <br>
Do not depend on the other person. philosophy should be benefit to
yourself and not giving troubles to others.