Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Would you choose brains or beauty?

answers1: i would pick brains, cus your still beautiful in the inside.
also cus without brains, u probably wouldn't live, it wouldn't be
possible for a dead person to look good. But when your smart, u get a
good job, u can afford plastic surgery :P
answers2: This is something I could go back and forth on for an hour,
but I'm going with intelligence... <br>
...because it would likely land me in a field to provide me with the
financial capability to buy any beauty that I lacked.
answers3: Brains. Beauty fades with time and the mind, soul and heart
is the person you are forever spending time with...the brains of the
person. <br>
A person may be attractive...yet you still will be taking long drives,
spending day to day lives together,
sleeping...snuggeling...conversations in bed...it's not only their
face yet the mind who you'd be relating with. <br>
Yet...having said that...if the person is real " unpleasant " to the
eye of the beholder . . . frustrating. Given the choice...I'd still
say brains. <br>
Can the choice of precious heart be in there too? To me that's more
important than brains or beauty.
answers4: A beautiful brain;)
answers5: I would definitely pick brains, i mean, beauty does not last
forever, at least, wen you grow old and grey, you can past things
youve learned to other people. also, beauty, sometime, makes a
person's head big. sometimes, the most beautiful people get mad if
people are not paying attention to them....
answers6: Overlooking the patronizing answers regarding 'inner beauty'
- it's possible to be a genius and an utter bastard - I'd really have
a hard time choosing. I'd like to think that I'm an intelligent
person, but I know for a fact that due to my appearance, I'm
remarkably bitter. Don't get me wrong, it's all good fun to humiliate
attractive people who're less intelligent than you, but you're not
really acheiving anything great by having done so. <br>
On the other hand, if I could choose to 'hit reset' as it were, and be
physically irresistable, I do think that I'd never be bothered by my
lacking intellect. I think I'd have a much rosier disposition, and
the fact that for my entire life I'd have been coddled and loved would
make it quite easy to believe that anyone or anything that doesn't
please me is simply an abberation - a bump in the otherwise smooth and
picturesque journey that is my happily carefree and thought-free
existence. <br>
Let's just say that I'm happy the way I am, but if I could go back and
change it, I would.
answers7: Brains. Because beauty will fade away even if you don't
want it to. But brains won't unless you choose to.
answers8: Yeah, the judge Judy quote: 'Beauty fades, but dumb is forever'. <br>
But on a more serious note: Brains is beauty. Far more important than
physical beauty. <br>
Example: <br>
I've known a few plain, or somewhat physically unattractive
people who know how to present themselves in a vibrant, beautiful,
sexy way. <br>
I've yet to meet anyone without much intelligence who can
sustain an interesting conversation. <br>
answers9: NEITHER,as either may be a presumposition of something your not. <br>
For example, I don't know what his name is but there is a fellow
somewhere in the American University Scene. <br>
Who is a leading Professor in the Computer Technological Field, yet he
is Quadraplegic. <br>
On the Beauty Scene, you can have the best looking Man or Woman. Who,
on the surface are the epitomy of the Human form, but can't add up 1+1
or write a letter of more than 3 words. In other words, their Brain
has stopped everything other than breathing. <br>
Each person, must be valued on who they are, not what they are.
answers10: "Brains" is the *right* answer -- But I would choose
beauty. If you are a beautiful, people treat you kindly from the time
you are a child. It makes it easier to have a positive outlook. Then,
even once your beauty has faded, you have been treated so nicely all
your like that it must easier to have faith in mankind.

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