Sunday, 22 December 2019

Whats your personal STYLE....?

answers1: i use a gangster: big b ball jacket with massive bling n big
shoes <br>
or some: tight fit,smooth chucks n nice hair
answers2: Kind of classic, not really leaning towards any 'trend'. I
wear a lot of jeans and pop culture tees.
answers3: I define my style as very girly, with a little bit of
classic and preppy thrown in. If you know who Blair Waldorf is, that's
my style. :) I also really love vintage fashion - floral prints, full
skirts, cardigans, and especially the fifties.
answers4: Just plain sexy. I don't go by terms or trends or designers
or scenes or stereotypes. <br>
I wear and present myself in whatever way looks good even if it's
cheap or untraditional, I don't care. I'm classy so I carry myself
well no matter what.
answers5: my personal style is a mix somewhere between punk,
metalhead, hard rocker, and a little tomboyis because I only wear
jeans and almost always wear guy t-shirts.
answers6: My style is drop dead sexy caramel love combo platter. <br>
Watch me brush my pimp shoulder girlie..... <br>
(brush, brush)
answers7: Depends on my mood, but I've been listening to punk for over
15 years and my style tends to sway that way.
answers8: What ever I feel like wearing that day <br>
I have no style to define
answers9: I'm pretty preppy/classy. However, I refuse to wear anything
that's obviously a name brand. <br>
I'm thinking about going Lolita Goth though. It's a great style!
answers10: i am everything from gothic to prep to ultra chic <br>
depends on the occasion and mood
answers11: I think I have an older look for my age. <br>
Like jeans and boots, turtlenecks. <br>
But other days I am a total teenybopper. <br>
My brother calls me "scene". <br>

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