answers1: i swear by the wipes. take all the makeup off your top lids,
being sure to get ALL the mascara off. then go back a second time and
just wipe all the residue from your bottom lid. <br>
you can also find eye makeup remover lotions or gels and most
drugstores, beauty supply stores, or from catalogues like avon.
answers2: If its like a quick mess up while putting on the make up
Q-tips and unscented lotion works rele good =]
answers3: I use Ponds deep cleanser makeup remover. I never really
like those makeup wipes can fine this cream at any
drugstore or Walmart.
answers4: try baby oil.
answers5: use baby oil, i swear by it. <br>
dampen your eye area with some water, then put a dab of baby oil on a
cotton ball and rub your eyes gently. it removes every little last
molecule of makeup, literally. <br>
an an added bonus, it keeps your eye area moisturized!
answers6: i use almay make up remover pads. if you cant get that
little bit left, just buy a make up remover liquid, [for eyes] and dap
a lil on a q tip and it should take it off if you rub it on your lash
answers7: Vaseline. It works really good. Just put some on where the
makeup is, take a piece of toilet paper, and rub the vaseline off. The
makeup should come off as well.
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