Tuesday, 3 September 2019

POLL: New book, or old book?

answers1: It depends on how desperate I am to read the next book in a
series. <br>
I have to wait until MAY to get the next Sookie Stackhouse book. <br>
A whole six months. I'm scunnered! <br>
Unfortunately it isn't the only book I'm waiting for. I've been
waiting three and a half years for the final book in one series and
four for another finale. Double scunnered. <br>
<a href="http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=scunnered"
answers2: Redcorn prefer new book, because when me buy a hardback, me
know me keepy it for life... However, if it's a classic, me would of
course prefer an old book... as it interesting to wonder, and dream
about how many, and who, held the book before me..... This part of
what make old books very special...
answers3: new book
answers4: Old book
answers5: I like new books by authors I'm a fan of if I've already
read all or most of their other works. I guess in general I pick new
answers6: Old book
answers7: old book, much cheaper
answers8: new... i dont mean to be like snooty but shiny books catch
my attention.... shutup i know im dense

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