answers1: nicely heres the element, at the same time as i'm at a teach
i extremely dont attempt to bop. I basically bang my head a bounce
round. It a substantial kind of relaxing. yet when Im a club i'm an
extremely strong dancer. identity really be at a heavy metallic teach
answers2: to express feelings about dance :)
answers3: Dance is a very basic primitive urge. I doubt if there are
any cultures that don't dance in some form. <br>
I guess that gives it a wide audience and a lot of participants - who
therefore appreciate seeing others dance, and admire choreography,
moves, response to music, and lines and shapes. <br>
Out of that, it seems natural that it would gradually get more complex
and more demanding leading to classical dance like ballet, and the
equivalents in other cultures. (I'm thinking of Indian and Chinese
classical dance but there are probably many more countries where there
is "high art form dance" ) <br>
Dance can be very beautiful to watch - and full of meaning. For me it
is like poetry, an acute observation made with wit and elegance, a
satisfying visual experience on the page/stage, and admiration of the
skill of the writer/dancer/choreographer, and sometimes astounding
creativity, or a new insight. Ugly can be beautiful as well - if that
makes sense. <br>
Something new and fresh, something nobody else has done before in that
particular way. The best makes the hairs on your neck stand on end.
answers4: Express your feelings and emotions through rhythmic body
movements. <br>
And you can express it in soo many different forms through dance.
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