Monday, 30 September 2019

Performing arts summer camps?

answers1: I don't know what you mean by a fortune, but I went to Pali
Adventures Acting and Singing camp as a camper and loved it! Do you
have a specific state that you wanted? I went to several camps
throughout the years, but Pali was definitely the best!

Sunday, 29 September 2019

Performing Arts Administration and Higher Education Administration?

answers1: I think that your experience in higher education already
will be of great use (if you do want to want in a Performing Arts
School), and I think that a Master's degree in HEA will only help you!
You certainly do not need to have a specific Master's Degree in PAA in
order to get a job with a PAS. Since you enjoy and want to pursue
education; stick with that. You really can't go wrong! <br>
Best of luck!

Saturday, 28 September 2019

whats a list of all performing arts high schools in nyc?

answers1: There's also Frank Sinatra School of the Performing Arts.
answers2: i live in nyc and i want to apply to performing art high
schools too so look at talent unlimited (its really good) professional
performing arts school and wadleigh secondary school for the
performing and visual arts. <br>
you have to audition for all of them
answers3: <a href="http://news.search.yahoo.com/search/news?p=performing+arts+high+schools+in+New+York+City+list&ei=UTF-8"class=Clr-b>http://news.search.yahoo.com/search/news...</a>

Friday, 27 September 2019

I Need To Find a Performing Arts High School? Please Help!?

answers1: Not every school system HAS a performing arts high school. <br>
And, to attend a public school, you must live within the boundaries of
the place the school system serves. <br>
For example, I live in NYC. (I'm a teacher here and my kids attend
public school here.) The NYC school system covers all of NYC. To
attend a NYC public school, you must live IN NYC. Living nearby is not
good enough. <br>
There are several good performing arts high schools here. My daughter
attends one of the best - Laguardia High School. Kids who live in the
suburbs just outside of NYC are always asking how to apply to
Laguardia. The answer is, they can't. <br>
Just as you can't apply to a performing arts high school outside your
school system. <br>
I'm sorry.
answers2: I've heard of some in Los Angeles though you would have to
move homes to be closer distance to the school. Check them out if
you'd like. Just google them near LA and you'll find a few. :)

Thursday, 26 September 2019

If I went to a school of Performing arts ..?

answers1: I don't really understand your question. <br>
If you went to school for ballet, you'd be able to study ballet. <br>
You have to take academics to pass anything. <br>
Are you talking about a high school...?
answers2: are you talking about high school? if you go to a high
school of performing arts that offers ballet, you can study ballet
(assuming you get in). if the school doesn't offer ballet, you can't
study it. <br>
you will probably still need to learn basic academic subjects, but you
may split your day into morning is arts and afternoon academics, or
something like that. you will probably learn both. <br>
if you're talking about deciding whether or not to go to a high school
for performing arts if you aren't sure about pursuing this craft,
think about it more. consider the specific school and how much time
would be dedicated to ballet. if it's just a hobby or you just don't
want to do academic work, those aren't good reasons. if you really
love ballet, go for it.

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

What should I do my world history project on?

answers1: The Renaissance is amazing. Artists and whatnot... really cool.
answers2: I think the most interesting subject in History is the Age
of Exploration
answers3: I personally think WW2 and the holocaust is extremly interesting. <br>
There is also a lot of information and movies and books on the
holocaust, so I would find easier to do a project on it.

Monday, 23 September 2019

chat history on facebook?

answers1: facebook dose not offer a chat history ,so i am not a chat history .
answers2: Your chat history with a friend is included as part of your
ongoing conversation in Facebook Messages, along with your other
messages and texts. <br>
If you're chatting with someone, your recent conversation history is
available by scrolling up within the chat window. To clear this recent
history, click at the top right of the chat window and select Clear
answers3: its dosenot offer chat history.
answers4: The chat historic past is deleted whenever you tell it to be
deleted in facebook or once you clean your browser's cookies.
different than that, that is not deleted in any systematic way.
answers5: Facebook does not offer a chat history (unfortunately), but
there is a addon for firefox called "Facebook Chat History Manager"
that allows you to save and view your chat on facebook.
answers6: You can chat with your friend.. when you click your account
for chat then u can see it...
answers7: facebook dose not offer a chat history

Saturday, 21 September 2019

what are the basic elements of history?

answers1: Learning history is useless. Nobody has yet taken on board
the mistakes made in the past. Otherwise we wouldn't be killing
civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq, we would have learnt not to
denigrate other religions and we would have learnt that, at least in
recent times, all wars end up at a round table where people thrash out
their problems, verbally.

Friday, 20 September 2019

How accurate is genealogy on websites?

answers1: It varies. Ancestry.com has two main sections, records and
"Public Member Trees". The records are pretty accurate; 95% or better.
The PMTs are notoriously bad. <br>
Familysearch.org, the Mormons, is about the same; the records are
pretty accurate, the family trees (AF, PRF, etc) are full of errors.
I'll give you two examples of the records. Ask yourself where your
spouse's parents were born. (If you are single, your best friend,
boyfriend, girlfriend.) Now pretend you are in 1880, the census
enumerator is at the door, you are the wife, your husband is plowing
the back 40, so you take your best guess. (One of the questions on the
census, 1880 - 1930, was birthplace each person's father and mother.)
Or, ask yourself if you know your grandmothers' maiden names. <br>
Eaxmple 2, great grandma gets really friendly with the hired man in
the Winter of '85, but the child looks enough like her husband no one
suspects, and she never tells. Little Ralph goes through life thinking
her husband is his father. <br>
In both cases, the information gets written down by a clerk, then
transcribed by someone (Ancestry hires people in India, Familysearch
uses volunteers.) So, in the case of asking the wife about her
husband's parents' birthplaces, the data has come from Parents >
Husband > Wife > Enumerator > Transcriber. Each of those persons are
human and subject to error. <br>
I see bad transcriptions all the time. I saw a family named "Freeman"
transcribed in 1860 as "Fruman" because the enumerator's e's were very
skinny. Clerks don't always spell properly, either. <br>
In the second case, only a DNA test on his descendants would reveal
the truth; you might have 5 census entries, birth, marriage and death
certificates, an entry in the "Biographical and Pictoral History of
Madison County" and an obituary, and they would all be wrong about the
father. <br>
After a while you get a feel for it. It is rare to have the same birth
year on every record for a given person, for instance, but the birth
month and day are usually consistent. <br>
There are over 400,000 free web sites devoted to genealogy in English.
They are all subject to mistakes.
answers2: anything on a computer is only as good as the information
plugged into it. have heard both sides of like and dislike on most
sites. some can get pricey.
answers3: With any website, you must distinguish between their
subscriber submitted family trees and the records they have. I view
any website that only has family trees and no actual records as a
trash website. Even when you see the absolute same information on the
same people from many different subscribers that doesn't mean it is
accurate as too many people copy without verifying with actual
answers4: If they are scanned primary documents accurate, secondary
scanned document as accurate as it would be in seeing the real
document |( some of the information may not be accurate...... typed
info, transcriptions, indexes all a clue only so you can look for the
real record, family trees are "lets pretend" or " collections of
unrelated names" unless of course each person on the tree has their
own lifetime of real records attached a sources of the
information......... as the majority of websites have very few primary
scanned documents, websites are not the way to research and prove your
answers5: Waste of money

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Genealogy, find a person by home town and year of birth?

answers1: Genealogical research usually involves dead ancestors.
Finding living people is a different animal. <br>
Regarding spelling: spelling wasn't standardized until fairly recently
(in genealogical terms). Even with standardized spelling, mistakes get
made. My own credit report has 5 spelling variations where some clerk
mis-typed my given name, No genealogists is ever really sure of
spelling. They check for all possible spelling variations. <br>
Graduation and birth records are protected by privacy laws, putting
them online, especially for free, would be an Identity thief's dream
come true. <br>
To find people you need a full name. Otherwise you have no way to know
if you're looking for John Smith or Robert Smith. For genealogy, we
often start with limited or partial information. It's rather common to
find a record with mother's maiden name, for example. If you know
dad's name was Robert Smith and mom's maiden name was Jones, you can
look for marriage records for Robert Smith to a Jones to find out her
name was Martha Jones and she was born in Stark, Ohio. <br>
Some places for finding / connecting with living relatives: <br>
Facebook, Twitter, social media <br>
Google (if they own property or a business, you might find an address,
write them and old fashioned letter.) <br>
Yellow pages (paper or online) <br>
Zabasearch <br>
Local newspapers <br>
Genealogical message boards (if they are interested in genealogy maybe
they're researching the same dead ancestors as you).
answers2: genealogy..by specific definition, is the tracing of
ancestry of a person, which normally will involve deceased persons/
relatives. What you are discussing, is completely different and uses
other information sources. Despite all the current political mess,
living persons are normally given certain rights to privacy. For
example.. a birth certificate is controlled by the state and limited
to specifically authorized persons. This is to prevent id theft, among
other reasons. The same is true for school documents. <br>
Yes, there are sites for tracing living persons, which often involve
fees, since the site operators often pay a fee to the state for
release of some databases. States need money, clearly, and I am not in
favor of that being a reason for making certain records "buyable".
Reputable and ethical researchers NEVER give info about living persons
without their consent. <br>
Do I look for live persons?? of course, normally for the purpose of
sharing research with them (mainly offering them what I find..not
expecting info). Facebook is one site I do use for this..with the
concept that they have chosen to put their name online for social
reasons. <br>
Bottom line is asking yourself... what is your reason for finding
these persons? if living, they are not your ancestors (they may be
related which isn't the same thing).
answers3: Genealogy is about researching our ancestors and they are
normally dead, which often allows us to look at records or at least
indexes of records.....although many records are nor open for privacy
reasons until 70-100 years depending on the country and their
laws.......... <br>
To research your ancestry <a
You are not doing genealogy you are people searching and living
people, which is not genealogy research and has completely different
'records' many which you are not able to see as they are private to
the living person, and so protects them from people who wish to steal
their ID.......... <br>
Lookig for living people/friends/family etc you needa full name and
you will get very limited information <a

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Where do I start, for a genealogy search?

answers1: A good place to start is the Mormons' online database. It
has free searches of millions of vital records and census. <br>
<a href="http://www.familysearch.org"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.familysearch.org</a> <br>

answers2: I hate to point out that the main thing here is that there
were no required public records any where in the world until around
the time of the Civil War here in the States. England and other
countries followed suit. There were localized civil records, church
records, and family records before that time. <br>
No matter whose records, you will find errors; in fact, probably there
are almost no records at any time that are not infected with errors,
computer records now being worse. <br>
Every race, creed, color, sex, or national origin was subject to slavery. <br>
Only the nobility have a fairly good record for their family tree; and
they were subject to someone making deliberate errors to make things
look better than they were. <br>
Here is my normal list; some sites will help more than others, but
that is the case for each family: <br>
You should start by asking all your living relatives about family
history. Then, armed with that information, you can go to your public
library and check to see if it has a genealogy department. Most do
nowadays; also, don't forget to check at community colleges,
universities, etc. Our public library has both www.ancestry.com and
www.heritagequest.com free for anyone to use (no library card
required). <br>
Another place to check out is any of the Mormon's Family History
Centers. They allow people to search for their family history (and,
NO, they don't try to convert you). <br>
A third option is one of the following websites: <br>
<a href="http://www.searchforancestors.com/..."
<a href="http://www.censusrecords.net/?o_xid=2739..."
www dot usgenweb dot com/ <br>
www dot census dot gov/ <br>
<a href="http://www.rootsweb.com/"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.rootsweb.com/</a> <br>
www dot ukgenweb dot com/ <br>
www dot archives dot gov/ <br>
http://www.familysearch.org/ <br>
http://www.accessgenealogy.com/... <br>
http://www.cyndislist.com/ <br>
www dot geni dot com/ <br>
Cyndi's has the most links to genealogy websites, whether ship's
passenger lists, ancestors from Africa, ancestors from the
Philippines, where ever and whatever. <br>
Of course, you may be successful by googling: "john doe, born 1620,
plimouth, massachusetts" as an example. <br>
Good luck and have fun! <br>
Check out this article on five great free genealogy websites: <br>
www dot associatedcontent dot com/article... <br>
Then there is the DNA test; if you decide you want to REALLY know
where your ancestors came from opt for the DNA test. Besides all the
mistakes that officials commonly make, from 10% to 20% of birth
certificates list the father wrong; that is, mama was doing the
hanky-panky and someone else was the REAL father. That won't show up
on the internet or in books; it WILL show up in DNA. <br>
I used www.familytreedna.com which works with the National Geographics
Genotype Program. <br>
I myself have an ancestor who died in 1915 in Kansas City, Missouri,
but I have been unable to find out any additional information. And
there were public records at that time! So, good luck, be persistant.

answers3: Do a search on the web, everyone has a cousin that they
haven't seen in years who has done some of the research already. in a
search engine type in <br>
(your last name)+genealogy <br>
you can also try <br>
(your last name)+family <br>
Good Luck
answers4: Try Ancestry.com I have found loads from there. Good luck.
answers5: I think lawyers can do it for you though I may be wrong, or
a private investigator though I don't know if they still exist.
answers6: I highly recommend ancestry.com. It is a pay site but, well
worth the money. Start by asking any living relatives as much as you
can. They will give you answers you won't find on the internet. Even
if you don't pay for a subscription at ancestry.com, you can still use
the family tree to keep your information organized. Try going there
and start filling in what you know. You can go from there. <br>

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Where is a good site to find info on your genealogy?

answers1: So many people ask this question that we top 10 all have a
copy-and-paste answer to it. You may get 3 - 4 of them. All 10 are in
the resolved questions. There is quite a bit of overlap - for
instance, we ALL suggest the LDS site - but we each have our favorite
sites and tips. You'd learn a lot in a short amount of time if you
browsed them. That said, here's mine: <br>
There are over 400,000 free genealogy sites. I have a page that has
links to some huge ones, below, but you'll have to wade through some
advice and warnings first. <br>
If you didn't mention a country, we can't tell if you are in the USA,
UK, Canada or Australia. I'm in the USA and my links are for it. <br>
If you are in the USA, <br>
AND most of your ancestors were in the USA, <br>
AND you can get to a library or FHC with census access, <br>
AND you are white <br>
Then you can get most of your ancestors who were alive in 1850 with
100 - 300 hours of research. You can only get to 1870 if you are
black, sadly. Many young people stop reading here and pick another
hobby. <br>
No web site is going to tell you how your great grandparents decorated
the Christmas tree with ornaments cut from tin foil during the
depression, how Great Uncle Elmer wooed his wife with a banjo, or how
Uncle John paid his way through college in the 1960's by smuggling
herbs. Talk to your living relatives before it is too late. <br>
You won't find living people on genealogy sites. You'll have to get
back to people living in 1930 or so by talking to relatives, looking
up obituaries and so forth. <br>
Finally, not everything you read on the internet is true. You have to
be cautious and look at people's sources. Cross-check and verify.
So much for the warnings. Here is the main link: <br>
<a href="http://www.tedpack.org/yagenlinks.html"
It has links to <br>
Cyndi's List.com - A catalog of 250,000 sites; <br>
Family Search.org - the LDS mega-site; <br>
RootsWeb.com, plus sub-links to <br>
RootsWeb World Connect - almost 600,000,000 entries; <br>
RootsWeb Social Security Death Index; <br>
RootsWeb California Death Index, 1940 - 1997; <br>
Ancestry.com - some of their pages are free, including <br>
Ancestry.com's page on Surname meanings and origins; <br>
Ancestry.com's Query boards - 160,000 of them <br>
US Gen Web, with sites for each state and each county within each state; <br>
Superpages.com, a US phone book for looking up living relatives; <br>
Find-a-Grave.com - 35 million entries; <br>
GenForum.com - 50,000+ real genealogy query boards; <br>
My page has links, plus tips and hints on how to use the sites. Having
one real link here in the answer and a dozen links on my personal site
gets around two problems. First, Y!A limits us to 10 links in an
answer. Second, if one or more of the links are popular, I get "We're
taking a breather" when I try to post the answer. This is a bug
introduced sometime in August 2008 with the "new look". <br>
You will need the tips. Just for instance, most beginners either put
too much data into the RWWC query page, expect too much accuracy, or
mistake the Ancestry ads at the top for the query form. I used to
teach a class on Internet Genealogy at the library. I watched the
mistakes beginners made. The query forms on the sites are not really
answers2: Pre 1776 archives are fairly constrained. i assume you have
appeared at Savage the 1st Settlers of latest England, and
conventional families of Virginia? the great Migration starts is
likewise sturdy. those all have flaws and a few incorrect archives,
yet they are in a position to commonly initiate you down the final
direction. have you ever appeared interior the digital books on
relatives seek? And on Mocavo? the two are loose. in the adventure
that your ancestors have been British, FindMyPast is commonly seen the
final source for English & Irish with ScotlandsPeople ultimate for
Scots. As Maxi mentioned, each and each united states or area has
sites that are the main sensible. Ancestry has a sturdy standard
sequence yet their seek engine is so lame I hesitate to advise them.
answers3: No site will have everything, and not all records are even
online. You will use a multitude of sites to research as there are
thousands of them on the web. And you will have to do some research
the old fashioned way....digging up old records in a courthouse
answers4: http://www.myheritage.com Free to join and lots of info that
other people already put in, the site automatically finds matches once
you put in enough info.
answers5: There are many....however their on many that have wrong
information.....start with yourself ( download free family history
sheets) fill them in , do the same for your parent, grand parents and
you will see the information you need and you will be surprised at how
little you know about your own information and have to go looking for
records to prove it..........the same goes for online information, who
has transcribed it, what are their sources, it is correct information,
how do you prove it...with family history one mistake and you can end
up tracing the completely wrong family
answers6: First, start by asking all your living relatives about
family history and get any documents or pictures they are willing to
share with you for your files. You can photocopy or scan these and
return them to their owner. Your public libraries will most likely
have both Ancestry.com and Heritage Quest.com free for anyone to use
while at the library and with a library card you should be able to use
Heritage Quest at home. <br>
Another free online resource is USGenWeb at <a
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.usgenweb.org/</a> this sprawling
all-volunteer site is packed with how-to tips, queries and records for
every state and most counties within those states. Special projects
usgenweb.org/projects cover subjects such as censuses, tombstones and
family group sheets. Do not miss the easy-to-overlook search of the
entire site <a href="http://searches.rootsweb.ancestry.com/htdig/search.html/."
Then, there is Rootsweb at <a
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/</a> a
free site hosted by Ancestry.com where you can search for surnames and
leave queries on the message boards. <br>
Additionally, there is the LDS/Mormon site, which has many free online
records at http://www.familysearch.org/ . In addition to their online
records, they have the Family History Centers where you can go to get
help with research and look at microfilm and microfiche and they only
charge if they have to order something for you or you need
photocopies. Finally, if you need software to organize your genealogy
data you can download their Personal Ancestral File [PAF] free at
http://www.familysearch.org/ . <br>
Also, be sure to check each state that you need information from as
many have their own projects, for example, the state of Missouri has a
great website that has many free source documents online at
http://www.sos.mo.gov/mdh/ and South Carolina has many free wills and
other court documents at
http://www.archivesindex.sc.gov/onlinearchives/search.aspx <br>
And, do not forget to check Cyndi's List at http://www.cyndislist.com/
and ProGenealogist top 100 genealogist websites at
both of these sites have many links for both free and fee based sites
but I believe most of the fee based ones are marked with a $. <br>
I am certain I could list many more websites but this list is rather
comprehensive while being easy on the wallet, which is something
everyone can appreciate these days.

Monday, 16 September 2019

how can one find genealogy?

answers1: well you already start to search them in here......
answers2: start with genealogy.com
answers3: Many Mormon Churches have genealogy libraries and they are
open to the public. They have the most extensive files available.
answers4: the internet
answers5: Hi Prince47, <br>
Your genealogy starts with you. Then your parents, then your grand
parents, and iteratively their preceeding parents. As you go back
each generation, you will double the previous number of ancestors from
the prior generation (you have twice the number of great grandparents
as grandparents). So, you need to draw a binary tree. <br>
There are software packages to help you with that. Like Family Tree
Maker. Then you document each link from parent to child with
documentation, proof, evidence. This can be birth, death, marriage
certificates and a host of other types of documentation. Pictures are
great. DNA Evidence is great. <br>
You can go to GENEALOGY.COM, ANCESTRY.COM or any of the sites below
for additional information. AS you get going through this mass of
information, you will find that there are other people interested in
the same families as you are - if you collaborate with them, you can
fill in your family tree faster and more accurately. When I started,
I only had a few generations, those that I knew. People helped me on
various family sites on the internet. These have only gotten better
in the past 5 years. <br>
So, try a search on Yahoo for your sir name, or any other family name
(like your mothers maiden name), with the word FAMILY. You will see
genealogy sites where people post questions, answer questions, store
family trees, and will probably have some useful information for you.
Notice below there are ELLIS ISLAND links. The Later Day Saints (I am
not of their religion) keep excellent records. There are Civil war
sites, and Cindi's list is excellent list of lists. <br>
Best of luck, if you get stuck, post again.
answers6: You might try <a href="http://www.lds.org"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.lds.org</a> and follow their
Family History link... <br>
There may be another link inside that one to take you overseas to India.
answers7: Hate to burst the bubble, but finding any family history on
an Indian family is going to be VERY tough. Reddy is also an Irish
name, so everything you're going to find on genealogy.com is going to
be Irish for that name. You might try searching the last name itself
on google or ask.com, but you probably won't find much, sorry to say.
In genealogical terms, in the United States, Indian heritage is very
recent, most of the information remaining in India. And I'll tell you,
India does NOT keep very good records where population is concerned.
If they immigrated to England during its' colonial period, there may
be some record, but again, I doubt it. Whites did not consider Indians
much better than monkeys; they were despised and treated as the lowest
of the low, the outcaste of that society, regardless of their personal
family status. Records just weren't kept. You write of your childrens'
births, not your servants'. <br>
Now, I don't want to dash your hopes completely, because you might
luck out, and there might be some record. I'd look in the British
colonial period, for the names of those who served either in the Army
or in a medical position. Servants may not have been recorded, but
officers certainly were. And while there may not have been many of
them, who knows? Your ancestor might have been one. Check British
military records from the 19th century, the records from Ellis Island,
and the census soonest after your famil immigrated...wherever they are
now. <br>
Of course, this has all been assuming your family immigrated. If
you're still located in India, all records, such as they are, have
remained in India, and you're not likely to find much at all, since
most family records were oral, not written. <br>
Oh, and, by the way. For the community of European descent, surname
and last name are the same thing. We don't have a caste distinction.
If you look this up, look for the name most likely to have been used,
but only one of them at a time. Western records, especially American,
will only have one name, having put the first as a middle name, not a

Sunday, 15 September 2019

Poll: Dancing or Singing ♥?

answers1: Dancing is the shizz!!!
answers2: Dancing!
answers3: Singing FTW
answers4: Singing.
answers5: Dancing AND Singing AT THE SAME TIME! :)
answers6: I think I would rather Dance. It's more lively and fun..
answers7: Dancing...
answers8: Dance I can't sing. I'm good at dancing to beats to the
point where it looks kind a crazy. I just like feeling the music ^_^.
answers9: Dancing! :] I am a horrible Singer <br>
Answer Mine Please: <br>
<a href="http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090711100909AAie62j&r=w"class=Clr-b>http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?...</a>
answers10: Dancing <br>
answers11: Dance. I can't sing to save my life!

Do you like to dance?...?

answers1: i couldn't dance if you shot at my feet
answers2: No. I can't dance.
answers3: Yes I do
answers4: matters not whether alone or crowd,get down on it>>>>get ur
grove on>>>>>>>we need to dance to acquire a sound mind and body.
dance is the way we express ourselves when words are insufficient.
Nothing can beat cha cha to lift both one's heart-rate and spirits.
Why do we dance? Every answer will be different, and that is as it
should be. Perhaps the better question is, "Why would we not?"
answers5: I use to like to dance, but not so much anymore.
answers6: No, I don't
answers7: I've got two left feet. <br>
I can't dance.
answers8: Nah...not alone...

Saturday, 14 September 2019

Does anyone regret NOT taking dance lessons for their wedding?

answers1: tascha i'm reporting you on every question and your getting
removed......idiot......so your not getting any points. <br>
no, wasn't a ballroom dancing agenda, i was getting married.
answers2: confident, take instructions. I used to artwork at a feast
center and an excellent type of of the brides and grooms took
instructions. No, one desires to look stupid or make any blunders in
front of their visitor. Plus, the teachings will help at any wedding
ceremony or any functionality you will desire to attended. some DJ's
will coach instructions otherwise many county/city classes that don't
fee lots. reliable luck with the teachings. terrific desires.
answers3: didn't do the dance lessons. what is the purpose when you
marry a man who doesn't dance unless prodded.
answers4: I just regret my wedding...big mistake
answers5: No way. The rest of the wedding is choreographed, let your
first dance be completely you and your new spouse.

Friday, 13 September 2019

the worm and the robot dance?

answers1: they were actually invented by worms and robots
answers2: the robot dance it a poping dance where you pop and lock <br>
and the worm is a smooth dance

Thursday, 12 September 2019

Dance question for my dance lovers :)?

answers1: nicely heres the element, at the same time as i'm at a teach
i extremely dont attempt to bop. I basically bang my head a bounce
round. It a substantial kind of relaxing. yet when Im a club i'm an
extremely strong dancer. identity really be at a heavy metallic teach
answers2: to express feelings about dance :)
answers3: Dance is a very basic primitive urge. I doubt if there are
any cultures that don't dance in some form. <br>
I guess that gives it a wide audience and a lot of participants - who
therefore appreciate seeing others dance, and admire choreography,
moves, response to music, and lines and shapes. <br>
Out of that, it seems natural that it would gradually get more complex
and more demanding leading to classical dance like ballet, and the
equivalents in other cultures. (I'm thinking of Indian and Chinese
classical dance but there are probably many more countries where there
is "high art form dance" ) <br>
Dance can be very beautiful to watch - and full of meaning. For me it
is like poetry, an acute observation made with wit and elegance, a
satisfying visual experience on the page/stage, and admiration of the
skill of the writer/dancer/choreographer, and sometimes astounding
creativity, or a new insight. Ugly can be beautiful as well - if that
makes sense. <br>
Something new and fresh, something nobody else has done before in that
particular way. The best makes the hairs on your neck stand on end.
answers4: Express your feelings and emotions through rhythmic body
movements. <br>
And you can express it in soo many different forms through dance.

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

How much money does an author is estimated to make?

answers1: You don't get a salary. You get royalties, which is
basically a commission on each book sold. Unless you're a famous
person or famous author, you'll need another job to support yourself,
at least at first. <br>
See <a href="http://ezinearticles.com/?How-Author-Royalties-Are-Calculated&id=100923"
for some info.

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

MLA Paper Paper Help. Author used in paper question.?

answers1: the author's name should not be italicized when you are
citing their work. Just put their name in parenthesis and the page
number where the quote is found. make sure though that you say
beforehand which of the authors works you are quoting.

Monday, 9 September 2019

Black authors and race?

answers1: They write about racial problems because it is something
that has affected their live and they want to express it. If you don't
want to write about that it's no problem at all. Write about what you
are passionate about and have fun doing it. Don't write for others,
write for yourself.
answers2: Not weird at all and there are definitely modern, successful
black authors that don't overly focus on race in their stories. <br>
As an author, write what you love and want to write about. Anything
else is a waste of your time. And if you want to write stories that
don't care so much about race, that's what you should write and you
shouldn't worry what others think. It'll only hold you back.
answers3: You're rather assuming that, of all the authors whose race
you don't know and who don't include race in their stories, none are
black. <br>
No, it's not weird at all. At least, it's no weirder than me writing
about characters who aren't female.

Sunday, 8 September 2019

Why do authors use an autobiography?

answers1: If an author wanted to write something that is clearly and
specifically about themselves and their own lives, they would write an
autobiography. Not a first person narrative because those can be
written by the author but not necessarily about themselves. First
person narrators still have separation between the person telling the
story (author) and the person in the story (narrator). The author and
narrator are not necessarily the same person -- unless the narrator IS
the author as in an autobiography.

Saturday, 7 September 2019

know any extremely graphic erotica novels, or authors?

answers1: i cant answer this, but you answered my question about
trying to remember a book title. Well someone got it, and since you
told me if I found the name to tell you...here I am <br>
Lol, anywayz its A Girl Named Disaster by Nancy Farmer <br>
It was really good...
answers2: Alexander Pushkin -- author of the Gabriliad <br>
Alexander Trocchi <br>
Anaïs Nin -- author of Delta of Venus <br>
Anne Rice, also writing as A. N. Roquelaure <br>
Anne Tourney also published as Alaine Hood <br>
Arabella Knight -- author of Let's Play Anal Twister <br>
Aran Ashe <br>
Barry N. Malzberg--author of Screen and writer/editor for Olympia Press <br>
Catherine Robbe-Grillet, writing as Jean de Berg and Jeanne de Berg <br>
Dean Barrett, Mistress of the East <br>
D. H. Lawrence -- author of Lady Chatterley's Lover <br>
Emmanuelle Arsan -- author of the novel Emmanuelle and various other works <br>
Georges Bataille -- author of Story of the Eye <br>
Giovanni Boccaccio -- Italian author contemporary and friend of
Petrarch; wrote Decameron a collection of 100 short stories, some of
which are erotic, considered masterpieces of the genre. <br>
Günter Grass -- author of The Tin Drum and Cat and Mouse <br>
Guy Davenport <br>
Henry Miller -- author of Tropic of Cancer <br>
Ivan Barkov <br>
Sascha Illyvich Kinky Erotic Romance Author <br>
John Cleland -- author of Fanny Hill <br>
Jun'ichirō Tanizaki -- author of The Key, Naomi, and Quicksand <br>
Kathy Acker -- postmodern pornographer, author of I Dreamt I Was A
Nymphomaniac <br>
Kenzaburo Oe -- author of Seventeen, J, and A Personal Matter <br>
Laura Antoniou -- author of The Marketplace <br>
Leopold von Sacher-Masoch -- author of Venus in Furs <br>
Marilyn Jaye Lewis -- author of Neptune and Surf and Lust: Bisexual Erotica <br>
Marco Vassi -- author of "The Erotic Comedies", "Devil's Sperm Is
Cold", and "The Stoned Apocalypse" <br>
Mario Vargas Llosa -- author of The Notebooks of Don Rigoberto <br>
Mark Twain -- author of 1601 <br>
Matthew Miller -- author of Secrets and Lies and The Dark Lives of Men <br>
Maxim Jakubowski -- editor of the Mammoth Erotica series and a major
erotica writer in his own right <br>
Mitzi Szereto -- author of Getting Even: Revenge Stories; The New
Black Lace Book of Women's Sexual Fantasies among others. <br>
Nicolas Chorier – author of L'académie des dames <br>
Patrick (Pat) Califia -- author of Macho Sluts <br>
Pauline Réage -- author of Story of O <br>
Penny Birch <br>
Samuel R. Delany <br>
Susie Bright <br>
Sylvia Day <br>
Tamara Thorne -- author of the Sorority series <br>
Vladimir Nabokov -- Russian-born English-language writer, author of Lolita <br>
Wendy Swanscombe <br>
William Levy <br>
William Simpson Potter -- author of Romance of Lust <br>
Yasunari Kawabata -- author of Beauty and Sadness <br>
Yukio Mishima -- author of the homoerotic novels Forbidden Colors and
Confessions of a Mask <br>
Zane <br>
the Marquis de Sade -- author of Justine, or the Misfortunes of Virtue <br>
Caitlín R. Kiernan — author of Frog Toes and Tentacles, Tales from the
Woeful Platypus, and Sirenia Digest.

Friday, 6 September 2019

Does anyone know any Teen Books??????

answers1: Hmm... have you read...Doing It by Melvin Burgess? <br>
It is a controversial teenage novel written in the perspectives of
three male teenagers. You might like it...it is worth a shot, ey?
answers2: Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell was the best
book that I read while I was a teen, one that I'll never forget! <br>
Try it!
answers3: "The Communist Manifesto" by Karl Marx <br>
What's a "teen book" anyways? I read Marx as a teen, so it must be a
teen book, right?
answers4: Deadline by Chris Crutcher <br>
The Sledding Hill by Chris Crutcher <br>
Whale Talk by Chris Crutcher <br>
Stotan by by Chris Crutcher <br>
Chinese Handcuffs by Chris Crutcher <br>
The Crazy Horse Electric Game by Chris Crutcher <br>
Running Loose by Chris Crutcher <br>
Ironman by Chris Crutcher <br>
Saving Fat for Sarah Byrnes by Chris Crutcher <br>
Athletic Shorts (book of short stories) by Chris Crutcher <br>
Th1rteen R3asons Why by Jay Asher <br>
Skate by Michael Harmon <br>
King Dork by Frank Portman <br>
Maxium Ride series by James Patterson *When the Wind Blows and
Lakehouse same concept but not same story* <br>
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card (4 book series but the last 3 don't
really follow Ender's story so I was a little disappointed but they're
still good books) <br>
Ender's Shadow by Orson Scott Card (4 book companion series, all four
books follow Bean's story, and really good books) <br>
Catalyst by Laurie Haulse Anderson <br>
Speak by Laurie Haulse Anderson <br>
These are all books that I've read and really enjoyed. They're good
books for either gender but they're also something that males can
really get into. Most of them fall in the "realistic fiction" genre
but there a couple that would fall in the sci-fi/fanasty genre. Those
books are pretty action packed which is why I listed them. Chris
Crutcher's books pretty much all involve some type of sporting events
but the characters are also very real. They books also deal with real
issues that teens deal with which is why they get banned so often.
Hope the list will at least give you a few options to look into. <br>

answers5: -Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz (the first book in the
Alex Rider series) is a great Adventure spy book with a teenage spy
who has to go into dangerous missions around the world and figure out
what's going on. Blurb on the back of the book: <br>
They told him his uncle died in an accident. He wasn't wearing his
seatbelt, they said. But when fourteen-year-old Alex finds his uncle's
windshield riddled with bullet holes, he knows it was no accident.
What he doesn't know yet is that his uncle was killed while on a
top-secret mission. But he is about to, and once he does, there is no
turning back. Finding himself in the middle of terrorists, Alex must
outsmart the people who want him dead. The government has given him
the technology, but only he can provide the courage. Should he fail,
every child in England will be murdered in cold blood. <br>
The first in the Alex Rider series by British writer Anthony Horowitz,
Stormbreaker will have pulses racing from start to finish. <br>
-'Tomorrow when the war began' by John Marsden which is about a group
of teenagers who go camping for a while in the holidays, and when they
return home, they find their whole town captured and that they are at
war. All telephone lines have been cut and there is no way out of the
town without facing thousands of guards. They are the town's only hope
to freedom. It's really moving to see what they have to go through
(people die, become injured and captured, and they still have to keep
fighting!) Blurb on back of the book: <br>
Ellie and her friends leave home one quiet morning, wave goodbye to
their parents and head up to the hills to camp out for a while; seven
teenagers filling in time during the school holidays. <br>
The world is about to change forever. Their lives will never be the
same again. <br>
Would you fight? Would you give up everything? Would you sacrafice
even life itself? <br>
Tomorrow when the war began asks the biggest questions you will ever
have to answer. <br>
-Chasing Vermeer by Blue Balliett. Blurb on the back of the book: On a
warm October night in Chicago, three deliveries were made in the same
neighbourhood. A plump tangereen moon had just risen over Lake
Michigan. The doorbell had been rung at each place, and an envelope
propped outside...The same letter went out to all three: <br>
Dear Friend, <br>
I would like your help in identifying a crime that is now centuries
old. This crime has wronged one of the world's greatest painters. As
those in positions of authority are not brave enough to correct this
error, I have taken it upon myself to reveal the truth. I have chosen
you because of your discriminating eye, your intelligence, and your
ability to think outside of convention...Although you may never meet,
the three of you will work together in ways none of us can predict. If
you show this to the authorities, you will most certainly be placing
your life in danger... <br>
The letter was not signed, and it had no return address. <br>
Anyway, those are some of my favourite books. I hope I helped! <br>
(also, I'm not sure if you'll like this- It varies with different
people, but I would highly recommend Twilight by Stephenie Meyer.
Here's the blurb so you can see what it's about (also note: It's one
of the top 20 books in the bookstores at the moment and one of the top
50 books in 'books you can't put down' list): <br>
About three things I was absolutely positive. <br>
First, Edward was a vampire. <br>
Second, there was a part of him - and I didn't know how dominant that
part might be - that thirsted for my blood. <br>
And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him. <br>
When Isabella Swan moves to the gloomy town of Forks, and meets the
mysterious, alluring Edward Cullen, her life takes a thrilling and
terrifying turn. With his porcelain skin, golden eyes, mesmerizing
voice, and supernatural gifts, Edward is both irresistible and
impenetrable. Up until now, he has managed to keep his true identity
hidden, but Bella is determined to uncover his dark secret. <br>
What Bella doesn't realize is that the closer she gets to him, the
more she is putting herself and those around her at risk. And it might
be too late to turn back... <br>
Deeply seductive, and irresistibly compelling, the book 'Twilight' is
an extraordinary love story that will stay with you long after you
have turned the final page.)
answers6: Try either Hybrids by David thorpe or the artemis fowl
series they are pretty good books :D
answers7: Cirque Du Freak and <br>
M.T Andersen books

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Are all the books on the book depository brand new?

answers1: Yes the Book Depository only sell new books even though
they're owned by Amazon and Amazon sell used books.
answers2: Yep! I've bought several books from The Book Depository, and
they've all arrived brand-new! <br>
If you're ordering multiple books though, they might arrive
separately, so don't panic if this happens to you. It happened to me,
and at first I thought I was missing books from my order. They just
arrived a couple of days later. <br>
I've never had any problems with The Book Depository! :)

Wednesday, 4 September 2019


Pinterest, Inc. [NYSE: PINS] shares fell -1.18% or -0.41 points from their previous closing price of $34.42. The stock reached $34.01 during the last trading session. Over the last 5 trading days of the week, the PINS share price rose for 2 out of 5 days, increasing by +0.59% over the last 7 days.

PINS had two major price moves with the last trading session as the price rose to a high of $34.67 and reached $33.72 at one point. The most recent high is set lower than the 52-week high of $34.67. The most recent high is the $34.67 high. The 52-week high is currently at $36.83 from the current stock price, marking a rally from the recent low of $23.05. The 52-week high is now at $36.83 from the current stock price.

Pinterest, Inc. (NYSE:PINS): Analyst Valuation and Results of Operations
Stock traders often keep abreast of what leading stock market analysts are saying about a possible stock purchase. When it comes to Pinterest, Inc. PINS], the most recent average analyst rating available, comes from the quarter ending in December. On average, stock market experts give PINS a hold rating. The share price ranged from 23.05 to 36.83. This is compared to the last closing price of $34.42.

Wall Street analysts give their ratings on a scale of 1 to 5 and the current average for Pinterest, Inc. [PINS] sits at 2:58 a.m.. This is compared to 1 month earlier when the average rating was 2.58.

For the quarter ending March 19, Pinterest, Inc. [PINS] generated revenues of $0.2 billion. That's 0.65% more than the average estimate of $0.2 billion presented by Wall Street analysts. The three above indicators suggest that the stock as a whole has a mixed mix of positive appeal and some drawbacks, making it a somewhat risky investment that also has the potential to generate a high ROI over the long term.

Keep an eye out for the next planned quarterly results that this company is expected to publish on Do 7 November (65 days).

Fundamental analysis from Pinterest, Inc. (PINS)
Let us now turn to profitability: with a current operating margin for Pinterest, Inc. PINS] was -9.88 and its gross margin was +68.04.

The return on total capital of this company is -7.70, the return on invested capital 12.60%. The return on equity is -7.04 and the return on assets is -5.23. These figures indicate that Pinterest, Inc. is poorly managing its assets and is unlikely to be able to deliver successful short-term results to its investors.

In order to investigate the capital structure of this company, Pinterest, Inc. [PINS] has generated a total debt to total equity ratio of 17.39. Similarly, the total debt to total assets ratio is 12.69.

What about the valuation? The enterprise value to EBITDA of this company is -337.97. The enterprise value to sales for this company is now 24 August.

Shifting the focus to employee efficiency, Pinterest, Inc. PINS] earns $420,663 for each employee as part of their payroll. Also of interest are the liquidity data of this listed organization: its quick ratio is 8.20 and its current ratio is 8.20. Taking these ratios into account, this company has a healthy ratio between its short-term cash and cash equivalents and its short-term liabilities, making it a less risky investment.

Pinterest, Inc. [PINS] has 548.07 million shares outstanding, representing a total market capitalization of $18.86 billion. The share price ranged from 23.05 to 36.83. At its current price, it has fallen -7.65% from its 52-week high and 47.57% from its 52-week low.

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) of this stock is 55.87. This RSI value is good, indicating that this stock is neither overbought nor oversold.

Conclusion: Is Pinterest, Inc. [PINS] is a reliable buy?
Shares of Pinterest, Inc. PINS] provide investors with both positive and negative signals. Wall Street analysts have mixed valuations when it comes to the 12-month price outlook, and this company's financial figures show a combination of strengths and weaknesses. Based on the price performance, this investment is somewhat risky and at the same time has a reasonable potential for ROI.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

can you introduce me some good books?

answers1: Hello, Wuthering Heights, id like you to meet Aimee!
Aimee, this is Wuthering Heights...
answers2: Aimee, this is book store. Book store, this is Aimee
answers3: V.C. Andrews books. The Wagons west series by dana fuller
ross..there is like 20 something books in the series ( Only if you
like the old west) Tales of alvin maker.. by orson scott
card(SciFi/Magic) 5 books in the whole series
answers4: dictionary.com or Oxford Dictionary........You can also
learn online Eng.........
answers5: English Thesaurus <br>
Or your language- English dictionary
answers6: The Princess Bride or the Valley of the Dolls
answers7: Alice in Wonderland is always a great story. It's just a fun
little story: <a href="http://www.sabian.org/alice.htm"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.sabian.org/alice.htm</a> <br>
You can read it here : ) It's not overly simplified, not really a
little, little kid's book, I enjoy it even at my age! Also, if you
like Alice in Wonderland, it's sequel, Through the Looking Glass is at
this site too.

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

POLL: New book, or old book?

answers1: It depends on how desperate I am to read the next book in a
series. <br>
I have to wait until MAY to get the next Sookie Stackhouse book. <br>
A whole six months. I'm scunnered! <br>
Unfortunately it isn't the only book I'm waiting for. I've been
waiting three and a half years for the final book in one series and
four for another finale. Double scunnered. <br>
<a href="http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=scunnered"
answers2: Redcorn prefer new book, because when me buy a hardback, me
know me keepy it for life... However, if it's a classic, me would of
course prefer an old book... as it interesting to wonder, and dream
about how many, and who, held the book before me..... This part of
what make old books very special...
answers3: new book
answers4: Old book
answers5: I like new books by authors I'm a fan of if I've already
read all or most of their other works. I guess in general I pick new
answers6: Old book
answers7: old book, much cheaper
answers8: new... i dont mean to be like snooty but shiny books catch
my attention.... shutup i know im dense

Monday, 2 September 2019

Which English books should i read?

answers1: As many as possible. Don't limit yourself. I read four or
five books a week and have been doing so, more or less, for fifty
answers2: Are you looking for a list of books? <br>
Here's what I have enjoyed: <br>
Favorites/Other Books: <br>
Maximum Ride by James Patterson <br>
Let the Right one in <br>
Island by Gordon Korman <br>
Deadly Little Lies by Laurie Faria Stolarz <br>
Wake series by Lisa McMann <br>
Son of the Mob by Gordon Korman <br>
Double Helix by Nancy Werlin <br>
Warriors by Erin Hunter <br>
Cryptid Hunters <br>
House by Frank Peretti <br>
Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepherd <br>
Kidnapped/Abuse: <br>
Kidnapped by Gordan Korman <br>
Gemma by Meg Tilly <br>
Lolita <br>
Living Dead Girl <br>
Girl, Stolen <br>
A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard <br>
Room by Emma Donoghue <br>
Thirteen Reasons Why <br>
Suicide Notes by Michael Ford <br>
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson <br>
On the Run by Gordon Korman <br>
Shattering Glass by Gail Giles <br>
Dystopian: <br>
Bar Code Tattoo by Suzanne Weyn <br>
Book of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau <br>
Life as we Knew It <br>
Shadow Children by Margaret Haddix <br>
Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld is good <br>
Unwind by Neal Shusterman <br>
The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan <br>
Hunger Games <br>
Divergent series <br>
Dark Life by Kat Falls <br>
Witch and Wizard by James Patterson <br>
The Maze Runner <br>
The Giver <br>
Starters and Enders <br>
The Chemical Garden <br>
Classics: <br>
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee <br>
Animal Farm by George Orwell <br>
1984 by George Orwell <br>
Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls <br>
The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald <br>
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley <br>
Lord of the Flies by William Golding <br>
Gone by Micheal Grant <br>
The Supernaturalist by Eoin Coin <br>
Supernatural: <br>
The Unseen series is really good. <br>
The Devouring by Simon Holt <br>
The Darkest Powers by Kelly Armstrong <br>
The Hollow by Jessica Verday <br>
Generation Dead by Daniel Waters <br>
The Supernaturalist by Eoin Coin <br>
The Black Tattoo by Sam Enthoven <br>
Blood and Chocolate. <br>
Demonata by Darren Shan <br>
Wereling by Stephen Cole <br>
Werecat <br>
Tithe: A modern Faerie Tale by Holly Black <br>
Wings by Aprilynn Pike <br>
Need by Carrie Jones <br>
The Gatekeepers by Anthony Horowitz <br>
The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare <br>
Anita Blake series by Laurell Hamilton <br>
Morganville Vampires by Rachel Cain <br>
Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead <br>
Den of Shadows by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes <br>
Cirque du Freak by Darren Shan <br>
Peeps by Scott Westerfeld <br>
Tantalize by Cynthia Smith <br>
Nightworld series LJ SMith <br>
Thirst by Christopher Pike <br>
I Am Legend <br>
Aftertime by Sophie Littlefield <br>
Daemon Hall by Andrew Nance <br>
Crave by Melinda Metz and Lauren J. Burns <br>
Gone by Micheal Grant <br>
Witches: <br>
Sweep series by Cate Tierman <br>
Balefire series also by Cate Tierman <br>
Blue is for Nightmares by Laurie Stolarz <br>
Witch and Wizard by James Patterson <br>
Spy stories: <br>
Gallagher Girls by Ally Carter <br>
The Specialists by Shannon Greenland. <br>
Alex Rider by Anthony Horowitz <br>
Thursday Next by Jasper Fforde <br>
Aliens: <br>
Daniel X by James Patterson <br>
Mythology: <br>
Percy Jackson series by Rick Riodan <br>
Daughters of the Moon Series <br>
Sons of the Night Series by: Lynne Ewing <br>
Dark Fusion by Neal Shusterman <br>
I recommend taking a look at this amazing website: www.goodreads.com
answers3: Books & Magazines <br>
Indulge your love of reading and curl up with your favorite book! From
classic literature to the hottest popular magazines and kid's books,
SHOP•COM has what you want at prices you'll love! You're sure to find
the books you want when your favorite brands and stores are all in one
place. This is from....<a href="http://www.shop.com/op/a-dept-books."
I will suggest but books such as: The final diagnosis, fever, coma,
Atlas shrugged, the fountain head, etc/ for reading which will
definitely improve your intentions to read. <br>
dan brown <br>